Vinyl records outsell CDs for the second year running to – 692 points –
Vinyl records outsell CDs for the second year running

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CDs are just digital files plus waste. Vinyl is a musical ritual.

vinyl is cool, but cd is the digital recording, mastered in a known manner, to a high degree. It's the most consistent form of product you will get from music. Plus it's a physically collectable thing. And it's cheap.

I'm not made of money over here.

If you're going for quality, you'd just buy the flac file though

If you're going for quality, you'd just buy the flac file though

Audio CDs are also lossless, often cheaper than buying the FLAC files, and can be extracted to FLAC files. Only reason to buy FLAC is if you want the convenience of not buying a physical product and the quality of said physical product.

Maybe I should have written a longer comment to elaborate on what I meant. What I meant to say is that if your primary concern is sound quality rather than the experience physical media gives you, I would assume a flac file would be a more popular option due to its convenience.

CDs often ship WAV audio to my knowledge. Doesnt really make sense to encode anything down anyway. Unless you're shipping a box set in a CD maybe? Even then 320kb MP3 is basically imperceptible to even the most astute listeners.

I didn't mean to imply CD stores sounds files of worse quality, only that if you aren't after the experience vinyl provides, digital files is a more convenient form of media.

i mean yeah. But if you're buying an album already. CDs are really easy to find used for like 10 bucks or so. You can buy them new for only a few bucks more than the digital price. It's a great option if you want something physical.

You can still rip CDs straight to wav and dump em to a media player in like 12 minutes though. It's basically free.

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Vinyls break easily and sound kinda meh, even with decent equipment. CDs have fairly good quality and are easy to store and handle. Honestly I get why people like vinyl, big discs are fun and tinkering with analog stuff is its own hobby, but when it comes to collecting I prefer CDs.

I like old vinyl because these are my grandparents' and parents' records which I have heard myself a few times in my childhood.

I don't get recording digital data, then writing it to an analog medium which is then sold 15 times more expensive than it historically was.

No one can take the music on your CD's from you. I bought loads if sings and albums from Google Music and they are all gone now

This is a reason to avoid DRM, not digital files in general.

(My condolences for being bitten, though.)

Google Music had DRM free downloads, so the DRM wasn’t the problem - it was that they didn’t download them before Google Music was shuttered.

I'm glad I saved my CDs, as I was able to rerip them to FLAC and undo the mistake my juvenile self made of ripping to WMA. I still keep the CDs to play in my car from time to time

CDs are digital files plus ownership.

Once you download a music file, nobody is taking it away from you.

And CDs can have DRM just like any other digital media.

No, a CD that carries the actual CD logo cannot have DRM. It is true that the music industry has often pushed 'enhanced' formats that look like CDs that do; SACD, for example.

Ownership is different to possession, and I want to actually own my music, not just possess the files.

No, a CD that carries the actual CD logo cannot have DRM.

Is this true? If so, I'm guessing it's purely due to limitations in the hardware, rather than lack of will? I can't imagine CDs coming out these days and not having some sort of DRM.

Nintendo was able to figure it out with GameCube games...

You can definitely put DRM-protected content onto the physical CD media - that is exactly what SACD is. But then it isn't an audio CD, even if it will play on a regular CD player. Search for "nonstandard or corrupted" on the Wikipedia page .

It's my understanding that only conforming CDs can carry the CD logo. It's usually on the case, not the disc itself, and it isn't always there, particularly when the case isn't a jewel case. All the same, I think that most things that look like CDs are conformant.

Yeah, but I imagine that CD logo is a "stamp of quality" of sorts that tells you that the disc inside fits an agreed upon, unified set of standards. And one of those standards is "no DRM."

Point was, if that standard was created or updated today, there's no shot that they wouldn't require DRM.

Maybe I'm wrong though and that's not at all what the CD logo means.

That's true, but they did already try it and it didn't catch on. There's a section about it on the Wikipedia page ("Copy protection").

That section also mentions that Philips stated that these discs couldn't have the CD logo on them. Since Philips was behind SACD, together with Sony, you'd think they wouldn't have imposed that restriction on themselves if they had the choice.

I know GameCube discs had a sort of copy protection built in (don't remember exactly how it worked, but it was pretty creative if I recall). I don't think they had the CD logo on them though.

I download my MP3 and FLAC files and then I own them and play them on any device I want.

There certainly are some services where you can legally download MP3 and FLAC files. Bandcamp, for example. If you download your music like that then, yes, you do own it.

But I'm not aware of anywhere you can get music from the major music labels nowadays (Amazon used to sell MP3s and so did Google Play Music, but neither does any more). If you do, I'd love to know.

On the other hand, you can still - although it's getting harder - buy CDs for major label artists and then you own the music (that copy of it).

True, CDs are the most reliable way to get the digital file.

7digital is a site where I've bought major label music and get the files. If it's not on bandcamp it's often on 7digital. They don't have everything though.

Thanks for the tip - they do seem to have a lot. I had assumed that the labels had made it unprofitable for that type of service to exist. I guess maybe it's simply that there is more money to be made from streaming.

Amazon does still sell digital music files, you just need to find the "digital music" section in Movies, Music and Games if that link doesn't work for you.

But you're right about google music, it got turned into youtube music and I'm pretty sure it doesn't allow purchasing and downloads. I'd imagine apple also still lets you buy music, but I've never actually used them before and don't plan to start now.

While I agree with you, I still want to be able to buy CDs.

I do miss caring about my CD collection. I still have them but I have nothing to play them on.

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