After the Trump verdict, most Republicans say they're OK with having a criminal as president | YouGov to politics – 554 points –
After the Trump verdict, most Republicans say they're OK with having a criminal as president | YouGov

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Trump can't win with only 58 percent of the Republican vote. He needs somewhere in area of at least 80 - 90 percent. I see this survey result as good news.

Polls don't mean shit. When the time comes, go out and vote!

This isn't a poll of all voters, it's a poll of Republican voters. Interpret it as you wish, but you have no evidence that it doesn't mean shit.

Evidence: it is a poll

Start ignoring all polls then don't be surprised when you fail badly.

I paid attention to the polls in 2016 and thought Trump didn't stand a chance, so I voted 3rd party like I always do. I was wrong. I no longer pay attention to polls.

I paid attention to polls, as well. They swung wildly around as the news cycle shifted between bad news for Trump and bad news for Hillary. Then, Comey's letter drops at the perfect time (deliberate or not) to bring Hillary's numbers just low enough to give Trump an edge in key states. That happened too late for any new polls to absorb the info before the election.

When was giving around 75% chance for a Hillary victory, that doesn't mean her victory was assured. It means Trump needed to flip two coins and have them both come up heads.

Polls aren't useless. They are a statistical tool. People applied them badly.

Comey's stunt was deliberate AF. And it was an unforgivable crime that likely leads to the US becoming a dictatorship. If I were in Comey's presence, I'd spit in his face for what he did.

Well good for you, but this poll isn't about the general. It is no different than opinion surveys taken every day. It has nothing to do with the electoral college.

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His message here is that Republicans can SAY whatever they want to to pollsters, and there's a movement out on Team Pepe to do just that.

"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality, judiciously, as you will, we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors, and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

Never forget that.

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Surveys are back to trump beating Biden by several points

The only people answering those sorts of polls are weirdo old people. Which heavily skews towards Crime Boss Donald

According to farmers and rural hickabillies in the countryside of red state usa, Trump has a commanding lead over Biden.

Lmao yeah man I have a weirdo old grandma in Florida and she answers every single poll she can. Bet you can’t imagine who she votes for

Oh jeez they're full on "Have you ever met a Biden voter? I've never met one." with the heavy insinuation that it's all fake.

Weird old people jave been dictating American politics for decades

Polls are also incredibly unreliable this far out in the most unpredictable election the country has seen in recent history.

And if they’re national polls, they mean nothing.

it's almost like the people funding these polls want to convince people that lots of others are voting for Trump too, so it's okay to vote for a insurrectionist, rapist, and convicted felon.

Your government doesn't think he's an insurrectionist. The department of Justice won't even bring charges of it

Half the government are scared of looking partisan and the other half are equally guilty.

Presumption of innocence isn’t a statement of fact- it is a presumption meant to inform proceedings at (and before,) trial so as to protect civil liberties; and while in that context is important, the reality that Trump and his supporters/puppet masters have incited insurrection is incontrovertible. We watched it happen live

have incited insurrection is incontrovertible.

Too bad the DOJ doesnt think so

58 percent are OK with it. 42% aren't ok with it, but it's still "Better than Biden"

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