Biden supporters mostly back him in 2024 election because they oppose Trump, poll finds to – 662 points –
Biden supporters mostly back him in 2024 election because they oppose Trump, poll finds

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same reason people blindly follow Trump

four years we still have low wages and higher costs, women lost rights held for over half a century, police are still running amuck, environmental concerns abound, genocide, antiimmigration policies

and Trump's resume does not look any better

and the same people will scream and pitch a fit if anyone suggest a third party because it means a vote for that other guy

football politics

If you think these two candidates are the same, you haven't put literally any effort into paying attention at all, get out of here with your enlightened centrist bullshit.

Yeah, Biden is mediocre at best, and you're usually right about the Dem vs GOP race... but this isn't that, anymore. MAGA is a different beast.

Blue MAGA at its finest.

"Ya, Biden got us into a genocide, BuT tRuMp WoUlD bE sO mUcH wOrSe!!@@!@"

"Ya, Biden was the one who dropped 35 billion dollars for the militarization of police, BuT tRuMp WoUlD bE sO mUcH wOrSe!!@@!@"

"Ya, Biden was the one who silenced and admonished peaceful protesters while commanding order, BuT tRuMp WoUlD bE sO mUcH wOrSe!!@@!@"

The current conversation is "Trump would be so much worse", but its like all of you forgot that he is going for a second term, and in his first term, while he was bad, he was not as bad as Biden. And you have no idea how much it fucking destroys me to say that about the leader of the party I used to so vehemently supported. But its just the case. All the bad things Trump did, Biden has continued, and Biden has come out with a host of things that are MUCH worse than anything that Trump ever did.

We must reject the 2 party system.

First of, you should address the false equivalency here.

“Ya, but don’t ask me who could win against Trump if not Biden, bEcAuSe aLL i kNoW iS biDeN bAd!!@@!@“

“Ya, you can keep telling me how trump will be worse, and prove it, but aLL i kNoW iS bIDeN bad!@!@@!!”

Ya, I couldn’t have even pointed to Palestine on a map a year ago, bUt aLL’s i kNoW iS, BiDeN BAAAAAD!!@!!@“

You honestly think Trump wasn’t as bad as Biden? Really? I think we can all see why you’re here now.

You honestly think Trump wasn’t as bad as Biden? Really?

It's very hard to understand America from St. Petersburg.

I’m confused with the comparison… No one is talking about St. Petersburg here.

The implication is that the person you replied to is an actor paid for by Russia, trying to destabilize the country.

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in his first term, while he was bad, he was not as bad as Biden

If you ignore the 4 years of constant chaos, mismanaged pandemic that ended up killing millions of Americans, damage done to our reputation on the world stage, the record setting amount of graft, and ten thousand other things... This is absolute lunacy.

and in his first term, while he was bad, he was not as bad as Biden.

Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump was 1,000,000x worse than Biden. Nice try Ivan.

I know health care is expensive, but you should get your head checked

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If you're not voting for one of the big two in most cases you might as well save yourself the bother and stay home. Not saying it's right, it shouldn't be that way but the US voting system is extremely flawed so you need to make a frustrating decision. That's just the shitty reality of it from what I can tell from the outside at least.

Nah. Trump is dangerous. You skip this vote, you might never vote again

I probably didn't word that very well, I agree everyone should absolutely vote.

This is such BS. Trump is a piece of shit but there's no way he can just declare himself a dictator and remove our right to vote. Remember "the president doesn't really have that much power" or at least that's what I hear anytime Biden gets criticized for doing so little to help the lower and middle class in this country. Voting for Biden isn't going to make the GOP go away or rethink their strategies. We'll continue our downward slide regardless of which one of these old windbags gets elected.

Remember 1/6? Just give them a second go, they already tried to subvert democracy, they’ve already damaged many of our institutions by more than they’ve been able to recover in the last 4, building is more fruitful than destruction, but it takes longer and is harder. Give these fucks 4 more years and they’ll get it right, handmaids tale here we go

Yes, I remember it along with every other American alive. There is zero chance they'll allow that to be repeated again just like a 9/11 will never happen again because people no longer think a hijacking means being flown to some other country for ransom.

Our institutions are being damaged by the leadership from both these parties. I'm so sick of hearing excuses for why things can't improve meanwhile Republicans seem to face little opposition in passing their shitty agenda while also not holding a majority.

The zero chance is only if you don’t give that power back. The judiciary is already captured for at least another decade. If they get the executive and legislature back, and 4 more years, the zero chance is gone. You need to stop being cute, there will be consequences

Right the issue isn't voting for another person, the issue is that in first past the post voting, voting for a third party is essentially not voting. So you can protest vote because you dislike the main person your party puts forward, but if you think the other parties candidate is worse you are doing yourself a disservice voting third party. It's not the people it is the system.

It makes perfect sense why we only have two parties while many countries in Europe have lots of parties. It’s not magic and it’s not because our parties are just so good at stopping third parties.

The reason we are like this is because our voting system punishes similar candidates who run against each other. This results in parties that are more like coalitions, each made up of various factions that would be separate parties in a better system, who run a primary to pick one candidate to send forth, so that they don’t cannibalize each other in the general election.

The bad part is that even the primaries generally have the same flawed first-past-the-post voting scheme, so similar candidates often have to strategically drop out or not run at all.

This voting system desperately needs to be fixed. But you can’t fix it by simply acting like we just have to decide to have more parties, nor can you fix it by voting third party and screwing over one of the parties. I think this idea of voting third party in this election is appealing to some because it makes you feel like you’re doing something to fix it. You’re not.

In my view the best hope of fixing this is pushing for election reform locally and winning over communities to the idea. There are some parts of the country with better voting systems in place. We should build on that.

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