Kevin Bacon Dons Elaborate Disguise To Experience Life As Non-Famous Person, Concludes “This Sucks”

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Kevin Bacon Dons Elaborate Disguise To Experience Life As Non-Famous Person, Concludes “This Sucks”

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When he tested the look at outdoor Los Angeles shopping mall The Grove, “Nobody recognized me,” Bacon said. But the tide evidently soon turned. “People were kind of pushing past me, not being nice. Nobody said, ‘I love you.’ I had to wait in line to, I don’t know, buy a f***ing coffee or whatever. I was like, This sucks. I want to go back to being famous.”

Lmao this has to be a joke. Is this really what life is like for these people? No one said "I love you" to a stranger at the mall? He had to wait in lines? Maybe the most eye-opening thing about this is that Kevin seemed to expect to be treated more or less the same way he is as a celebrity, just without the selfies, which says to me that he thought everyone gets treated the same way famous people do. Sometimes it's interesting to get a reminder of how out of touch these people really are.

It's super obviously a joke, probably with a large dose of mareting stunt.

Just curious, how’s it obvious? We supposed to Google his movie release schedule…? Text him to see what’s going on…?

What’s obvious to you because you have nothing better to read than media news all day is actually not obvious to 99.99% of other people.

Who would have fucking thought…………

Did you somehow forget how seriously out of touch all the celebrities were during covid? Because going off of previous precedence… yeah they are seriously out of touch and this is exactly how a lot would be expected to act…

So… how’s is it obvious…? Lmfao.

The quoted statements from Kevin Bacon are obviously sarcastic… or do you not understand sarcasm…? Maybe if… he used more ellipses…?

Did you somehow forget how seriously out of touch all the celebrities were during covid? Because going off of previous precedence…

Is it sarcastic? Or is he just being out of touch like 99% of other celebrities… its obviously that, how’s it obviously sarcasm…?

Yes it’s sarcastic, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me bro. I don’t even really understand why this was recycled at the beginning of the Vanity Fair interview, which the OP didn’t link straight to for some unknown reason, because it’s from an interview he did on a talk show back in TWENTY FUCKING SEVENTEEN.

I found that after not even 15 seconds on google. Like I typed in “Kevin Bacon disguise interview”, did two top to bottom screen swipes, and saw the YouTube thumbnail. You have no excuse for acting this indignant about shit when information is as easy to look up as it is in 2024.

Also bro quoting yourself comes across as a tad unhinged.

I shouldn’t have to do research if something is obvious……..

During covid, they were out of touch so obviously it can’t be anything else. If you research that, you would find evidence of this as well.

Neither is obvious to someone with knowledge of either, but celebrities were forcing it down everyone’s throats during covid. So hard to plead ignorance here…

And yeah, I quoted an obviously missed paragraph by a person who responded to me. I should have done it here again for you, since you apparently missed it again as well. Not going to address it… or what…?

If you research that, you would find evidence of this as well.

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it's obvious because it's ridiculous and humorous. not because of his schedule.

Do you think a mega star like him could just go back to be a nobody after all this time? You are delusional. This might be a joke, but that doesn't mean it's not true. Imagine for the past 30 years of your life wherever you go, people give you gifts, agree with everything you say, ara always super nice to you. Every woman you ever met was weirdly immediately in love with you, you don't even know the value of money anymore since you filthy rich and or never have to buy stuff.

These fuckers couldn't be not famous for a week.

You could also read the article the headline is referencing. No need to Google anything.

Where can I find that information in the linked article? It mentions nothing of Bacons future plans or why he did the stunt.

If you want to try to claim someone didn’t read an article, atleast make sure the information wasn’t from another first or something dude……

Very first paragraph for starters.

In an interview with Vanity Fair, the Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F actor...

Second paragraph:

Bacon, who is also currently starring in Ti West’s horror pic MaXXXine...

A short read further:

“I honestly feel very grateful for where I happen to be. That I can have two totally different movies coming out within a couple of days of each other, and completely different roles.

Come on, man. Are you intentionally being ridiculous?

Very first paragraph for starters.

Old movies….

Second paragraph

This was supposed to obvious about upcoming stuff, what’s relevant about current projects….?

A short read further:

Th is paragraph more reads past tense, how does this say he has new movies coming out without prior knowledge…?

I read the article, clearly you didn’t and are conflating articles or are bringing prior knowledge it and making connections.

Its okay to be wrong….

Beverly Hill Cop: Axel F is a brand new movie and is a sequel to previous BHC movies.

That being said, I agree with you. Nothing about this article indicates that he was being humorous. If this were a video interview, there would be context. So if he was being a goof with a print interviewer, then that interviewer should have described him as such:

"He wasn't a fan of ordinary life. 'No one told me they loved me and I had to wait in line for sucked!', he quipped tongue-in-cheek about the experience."

Something like that. Not indicating the attempt at humor just makes him sound like an asshole.

Plus, articles like this get run by a star's publicist before they are printed. I am surprised Kevin Bacon's PR person didn't pick up on this.

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At least he was curious enough to step out of his bubble for a day and find out what it’s like. That’s better than the rest of them.

I didn't read that as "he didn't realize those things" but as "he didn't think he'd care as much as he did". Like, it's easy to say "I could go without X" but actually doing it is different. That's a universally true experience that seems more likely than "Kevin Bacon thought average people get to skip lines and have strangers say I love you"

It must be, if he doesn’t do it for others normally, or didn’t do it for others while he was disguised, the hell was he expecting?

Think about it in context of giving an interview. It's him giving an example of things that happen to him normally, not him having an expectation as a normy. It probably just made him realize how fortunate he is.

it's amazing what constant praise and unlimited favors will do to your brain.

Oh... I once also tested a normcore look at The Grove!
Also, no one paid any attention to me.

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