Joan Jett Rule to – 1102 points –

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Who ever thought punk was not progressive? At minimum it was blatantly anti-authoritarian and counter to the conservative culture in Thatcher's UK and Reagan's US. Why would anyone be shocked to find out that it was also pro-choice, feminist, and anti-discriminatory?

Because the Nazi skinheads did a great job of co-opting the punk title for most people who weren't actually interested in punk. The news media were very complicit in pushing that specific image to undermine the punk movement to the general public.

That's new to me. Where I live, punks and skinheads are natural enemies

Like skinheads and goths, or skinheads and greasers, or skinheads and other skinheads

Labor skinheads and neonazi skinheads.

I was so sad when I discovered the Hammerskins were a thing (a White Power band inspired by Pink Floyd's Waiting For The Worms, but without the irony, with a corresponding militant movement). The Hammerskins took their logo:

From the Hammers banner from the movie version of Pink Floyd's The Wall

Which means when I reference the Hammers in parody of white power movements, I risk being associated with an actual white power movement.

If they had balls, they'd call themselves The Worms.

That's true everywhere. The issue isn't what they are, the issue is how they were deliberately misrepresented. A whole lot of films and shows made it a point to conflate punks with white supremacists.

I wanted to say that that's what they are seen here in Germany. I have never heard of these films and the idea is new to me. Btw: the original skinheads were left working class so maybe history repeats itself here.

Normies can't tell the difference.

(Can you really blame them when it's down to things like what color their shoelaces are?)

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The Nazi skinheads co-opted skinhead. After the Geraldo Rivera episode everyone I knew let their hair grow out because they didn't want to be associated with that shit. Before that there were only a few isolated scenes where you'd see Nazi skinheads. Cutting off your hair was popular in the hardcore punk scenes because it was contrary to the long feathered hair popular in the 70's and 80's plus it was a lot easier than trying to get a Mohawk to stand up straight. That took a whole can of hairspray and we were all broke.

Because the Nazi skinheads did a great job of co-opting the punk title

Nah. They tried REAL hard to infiltrate and take over, but real punks always managed to repel them.

for most people who weren't actually interested in punk

And/or were just old fogies.

The news media were very complicit in pushing that specific image to undermine the punk movement to the general public.

Corporate news and undermining left wing people by conflating them with far right hate clubs. Name a more iconic duo.

Just to be clear, here, I'm not suggesting that the neo Nazis actually did take over, only that that image was the wider public perception.

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Some people just like the music and are either bad at media analysis or don't care enough to look into to further than the surface level.

Like Paul Ryan loving Rage Against The Machine.

Because the right have been carefully spending decades rewriting history and dumbfucks keep falling for it. Punk, doctor who and ratm were never conservative but pundits will tell you at great length how shocked and appalled they are when these things keep being left af

Cause the majority of people on this planet are idiots?

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