Biden calls his decision to step aside from 2024 race a matter of defending democracy to politics – 549 points –
Biden calls his decision to step aside from 2024 race a matter of defending democracy | CNN Politics

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At first, I was pissed that he didn't bow out two months ago.

Now I have nothing but respect for the man. He realized when to step aside and let his partner take the reign, and did so with effective enough timing to throw a massive wrench into the republicans' plans.

If Kamala wins, history will see him as the kind elder statesman who knew when to step aside for the good of the country.

John Adams is the first American president to make unpopular decision and did not let ego rule him, despite losing him the election. Americans were baying for blood to go to war against the French in 1799 but Adams refused, knowing that America will lose if he declared war. It cost him his re-election, but he did the right thing.

Edit: wrong year

John Adams is the first American president to make unpopular decision

Nobody tell this guy about the Whiskey Rebellion.

Couldn't agree more and his words on the matter were really touching.

I just hope the party as a whole can keep this up. I have never felt like the party cared more about being in touch with the people than it does now.

I do agree, but also in 4-8 years I’d like an actual competitive primary. Like the kind Obama won

If Trump wins, history will remember Biden as "the antichrist, bringer of despair, slow witted grim reaper, sad."*

*This antiwoke curriculum is approved by the council of Gilead.

Biden got forced out by his donors and other Democrats (establishment ones surprisingly). He would have kept running if he could.

honest question, are you guys making any headway outside of hexbear and lemmygrad? i mean i'm sure everyone loves you in your safe space, but you have to know your "vote josevlad marxtalin 2024!!!" stance is pretty laughable out in the world

You can't .ml Biden committing Genocide away no matter how hard you try.

So, serious question: Do you only step up to defend other countries, or are the people in the U.S., where I assume you live, also on the agenda for the evening? Cause yeah, Genocide is pretty shit. Evil even.

What about the black communities?


Native American?




And the larger issue of fucking fascism that leads to precisely what you're so stuck yelling about blindly?

Here's what I think: Most of you are parrots. Actual sentient wagons transformed into people. Many of you don't have many details, you kneejerk on issues that cannot be approached from any other angle than "Yeah, of course I agree" and challenge everyone who doesn't immediately bow with "YOU SUPPORT GENOCIDE?!" as if you're the seagulls from Finding Nemo. Now maybe I'm wrong. Maybe YOU stand more often. If so, why stand with the crowd who will move on when the next big thing happens?

Never, EVER, remove support for the greater good when the greater evil guarantees more suffering. Otherwise all you're doing is becoming a part of the problem.

You can look at their history and see that since October they've basically commented or posted about anything else. It's several times a day they are canvassing for "Palestine" ie. Trump.

Of course i do. Which is why I will never support someone complicit in Genocide. Unlike the people enabling Fascism.

Your track record seems to have zero criticism of Republicans, when we know Trump would be far worse in supporting Israeli warcrimes. Just this once, can you come out and say that Trump would actually be worse for the one topic you ever seem to discuss?

Your track record seems to be making shit up and hoping nobody will ever fact check it.

Your track record seems to be personal attacks whenever someone asks you to provide substantial proof that can be fact checked and cross-referenced. You'll submit articles that agree specifically with your take and call anyone who challenges it with information liars or claim they don't know what they're talking about. You don't challenge people with logic, you challenge them with emotion, and chances are you're angry because it feels as if everyone else is wrong and no one listens.

Man, that must be stressful.

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I want you to think loooong and hard about what you just said. Really consider it.

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Very stoic in your support for Genocide I see. So cool and manly.

calling me pro-genocide doesn't make it so. no matter how hard you try.

So you don't support Joe Biden who is complicit in Genocide?

lol biden's not running dude. but yes, i was going to vote for him.

and no, you're not going to get me to concede that i "support genocide." ever. we CAN condemn some of an individual's actions while still voting for them, because that's the best (if not ONLY) path to progress

are you this exhausting in real life? does it actually get you anywhere? because it's not working here.

Genocide is where people with morals draw a red line but i guess Bidens 'red lines' match his voters.

LOL dude in 20+ comments of you saying gEnOcIdEJOe!!!!!! UrAgEnoCiDeR!!!! you haven't offered a name of a single candidate whom everyone should be supporting instead OR suggested a single course of action that everyone should be taking to make progress on the problem

i'm honestly glad you haven't been deleted for trolling, because this has been hilarious. tell your comrades you've completed your mission. no one in here is voting for joe


20+ comments of people openly supporting Genocide

nope lol maybe you'll be right the next 50 times you say it LOL

Ah so you retract all your statements about Biden and replace them with warnings about Trump being far worse?

Because unless you do these two things, your supposed support for Palestine rings fully hollow.

Thanks person consistently defending israel around Lemmy. You sure care about Palestinians.

Being dishonest is kind of your thing. That and obsessively smearing unrelated people for crimes they did not commit.

Projection is an art.

Right, yeah I have EVER defended Israel. Not just one time, but many times.

Oh wait, I never have, not once, and never would have a single shred of fucking motivation to ever do that. But sure, you're absolutely not lying.

So given that you're lying about that, why would anyone trust a single fucking thing you ever say?

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Hmm but Extra Militant Joffrey can lay the actions of Israel all at the feet of the POTUS as though he were directly responsible, even though a second grader would easily understand that makes no sense.

Stop pretending that decades of financial support are new. They aren't. We all know that, and your canvassing just makes you look like a liar.

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So what? At the end of the day he did what people wanted, it just took a demonstration of how badly we wanted it.

Why respect a Genocidal maniac for stepping down only when forced to do so?

Just be happy he's not running anymore nobody's buying these fairy tales about how great he is.

If Biden is a “genocidal maniac”, what do you label actual “genocidal maniacs”

Are you denying Biden is complicit in Genocide?

Are you denying that you have zero geopolitical experience whatsoever? Because unless you do, you have no fucking clue what Biden's options even are, being that you're a one note armchair political scientist without the ability to even acknowledge the most basic of realities surrounding the situation.

You obsessively post about this issue several times every day to the point that it would be weird even if you yourself were both a Palestinian and also have hard evidence that Biden himself pulled the trigger every single time someone died.

Your obsession here is beyond strange, and it makes it impossible for anyone observing to think something weird isn't going on with you

It's so fascinating that you simultaneously think that people can't possibly know anything about politics if they don't have geopolitical experience, and yet you can be absolutely certain that there is no way biden could be guilty of killing Palestinians unless he is personally executing them. Your self contradictions are so blatant, but you seem to still be completely blind to them. When you grow up, you will look back on this version of yourself as so childish.

Yeah it's super hard logic but bare with me. We have supported Israel since its inception. As outsiders, we don't really understand the impact of pulling funding. There you have it, you have no fucking clue. I know, that was really challenging to understand. But you can do it, provided you stop working for Vladimir for a moment.

you can be absolutely certain that there is no way biden could be guilty of killing Palestinians unless he is personally executing them

Yeah given that we have no evidence to suggest that he personally did anything, and we also know that Israel has already been receiving funding since always, I have no reason to be sure of fuck-all that you would suggest. In fact you've given piles of reasons to discard your every single word.

So are you changing your story from biden is innocent to biden may be innocent or may be guilty, and you have no way of knowing?

In the same way that the head of secret service just got fired for the assassination attempt, the person in charge of the country is responsible when millions of tax dollars go to fund an ongoing genocide. That's just how it works. The leader is responsible for what the group does. Especially when the leader is crucial in directing funds.

I'm changing jackshit, scumbag who literally last night claimed that trump bombed zero people until it was proven that was a lie and then denied they ever said that. Leave this platform. Pro-Trump russian trolls are not welcome here.

I fixed my own slight mistake. It is absolutely true that Trump played almost no part in any wars, he definetly did not facilitate a genocide. The fact that you are clinging to this is very telling. You are acting like someone who punched someone in the face is as bad as a serial killer. There actually are arguments that you could have, but you don't even know what they are. All you know is you are supposed to dislike trump, you haven't the slightest idea why, and you have the fact that you are supposed to like the guy who won't stop genociding. You are confused and angry. It's a bit sad.

Yes it is VERY TELLING that I care that you lied. You are simply too stupid to continue to talk to

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Why respect a Genocidal maniac for stepping down only when forced to do so?

Because the alternative is they don't step down.

Except no, that's not the alternative. The party gets to choose the candidate. Biden tried to stay and they told him to get out the easy or the hard way.

You must have forgotten Biden not holding a primary.

What's "the hard way"?

They openly ditch him during the convention.

Donors already pulled out. Establishment called for him to step down voluntarily. if he doesn't listen he doesn't magically get to stay.

You don't know the (binding!) DNC rules? He had the delegates committed to him and couldn't have been forced out. And he didn't want to quit. It was a pressure campaign to make him look out of control, and he's always been better at negotiating behind closed doors than he is at PR so he couldn't fight back effectively. Pretty much a chicken race to see who backs down first.

From the timing of everything going on I suspect that with the combination of the media campaign, backstabbing in the party, him being sick x2 and tired, and finally a Republican convention and VP pick being newsworthily weird (and probably also with some commitments from others to back Kamala if he stepped down) I bet he thought there wouldn't be any better opportunity to do it.

(I was expecting the switch to end in chaos, somehow for once DNC managed to do something coordinated, DESPITE many donors also wanting to ditch Kamala)

I certainly hope Kamala will be harsher against Netanyahu and back the ICC rulings

If you think Biden could've been forced out if he wasn't willing to step down then you don't know anything about politics.

I bet you were one of those people demanding the sergeant at arms arrest people who ignored subpoenas during Trump's first impeachment.

Do you understand how the president is picked? They need delegates to run.

Do you know how Democrat canidates are picked? Biden already had enough pledged delegates to win the nomination.

Not holding a primary before the Democratic National Conventionis one way to try to coup it, but they could still just put in someone else in.

They did hold a primary. You might have not liked how they ran it. I had my own issues with it as well, but they did and once those votes are in the pledged delegates have to honor the winner from it, which Biden was. Tell me how they could have just taken it away from him without him stepping down again?

Biden pretended he was going to be a 1 term president but now tried to hijack it for a dual term.

Biden could give an official order to have anyone speaking out against him shot. Doesn't mean he will. But he can. Same goes for the voting honor system. We're just expecting nobody to break the unwritten rules. but unwritten rules that will get broken when needed.

Like how the white house will straight up lie about a Genocide being committed in order to violate Leahy law.

Biden pretended he was going to be a 1 term president but now tried to hijack it for a dual term.

Do you have a source for this? I seem to recall that was one article citing an off the record source within the Biden campaign, not an official statement from Biden.

Should be easy for you to find Biden himself saying this, as you're so well informed and definitely not a ball sniffer with west wing delusions

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