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all managers are bastards

I'm a floor manager at a bar... what'd I do?

You need to move to Australia to be promoted to ceiling manager

I'm a manager, why am I a bastard?

I think our stance was clear

Clearly it wasn't. The original post showed one manager being an asshole. OPs follow-up is that all managers are assholes. The leap and logic there is a relatively stupid way to view the world. It's the same logic that says my sister is bad at driving, therefore all women are bad at driving. If you or the op want to have an immature view of the world, that's your prerogative, but I'm interested in understanding at least the first level argument to be made for why all managers are bad.

I love my manager, she's awesome

My last manager was great. Never told me how to do anything and basically kept me insulated from the higher-ups so I could get shit done. His only negative was that as a former dentist he kept telling me I should floss more.

Imo, it can be generalized that most people in power are asshats because the only people that want to wield power do so for all the wrong reasons

When I was in the Marines I was a manager of sorts. Was in charge of 12 guys, direct report for three teams of four guys apiece. I made demands of them, but when our goals were met I let them use their time as they wanted. I got down into the shit with them, I taught them, I made them teach each other. Overall, we all performed well. I liked being in charge because I felt I could help make them better, and I think I did. I am certainly not the only person to have been that way.

I think your generalization is overly broad, and it just reeks of nobody should have to do anything. There needs to be some structure to things, we've had hierarchies going back a bajillion years, they exist in the animal world, it just makes sense. To claim that all managers just want to put their thumbs on people sounds ignorant.

I eventually got out, and it was basically because I knew that I was no longer going to be able to lead the same, my priorities in life had changed, and it was time to step aside. Again, I'm confident I'm not alone, and I say that becaue I've had very good leaders. To your point, though, I have had some absolute shitheads who were my bosses, managers, leaders, but far from all of them. But they do exist.

My manager recently denied some of my PTO requests, so whatever you just said (I didn't read it) doesn't count and all managers are bastards. QED.

Because they ask obvious questions to make people feel stupid.

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