Kamala Harris picks Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate

medgremlin@midwest.social to News@lemmy.world – 466 points –
Kamala Harris picks Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate

Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris has picked Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate, wagering that a former red-district congressman with a progressive streak can help her win over working-class voters in battleground states needed to beat Donald Trump in November.

“The entire country is about to see why their friends from Minnesota can’t stop bragging about Governor Walz,” Minnesota DFL Party Chair Ken Martin said in a statement. “By picking a servant leader born and raised in a small town who has dedicated his career to protecting freedoms and lifting up working families, Vice President Harris has chosen the perfect foil for [Trump running mate] JD Vance and his politics of resentment.”


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Me reading this list: "Maybe I should move to Minnesota..."

Minnesota has long been one of the best places in America to live. And the crazy part is they're a fly over state. They're who Nebraska could be if they stopped blaming costal States for everything and started implementing good policy. Minnesota is proof that the culture war is a big fat fucking distraction and that common sense governance can, in fact, work

It honestly is all true except for the one crucial flaw: 🥶❄️🧊

On the contrary, that's why it's a great state; the cold builds so much character!

It'll put hair on anyone's chest!

Truly, keeps the wimps out.

Admittedly I'm am one such person, I can't tolerate the cold. Would rather be hot and sweaty

Oh, I hear ya, but I bet you'd be surprised by what you could endure on a long enough timeline (and a thicc enough jacket). Humans are surprisingly resilient when there's enough time to adapt.

Summer's my favorite season by a mile. Even Fall is hard to enjoy cause the drops in temp feel terrible at first. 65° positively brisk. But every year, across the state, Spring will start thawing and soon as we above freezing dudes bust out the shorts & tee's (usually one or other, ie: hood & shorts, jeans & tees). 50° suddenly picnic weather.

But also shhh... we kind of a sleeper state. Don't blow up my brunch joint 😂

Yeah I'm sure I'd adjust but I also know ilmy other half is pretty firmly against moving out of our area. I personally would prefer to be in Portland. (Call it what you like, I love being there. It's the vibe that suits me best). That all being said, I might swing a vacation and see your state during some nice weather.

The three seasons are Snow, Mud and Bugs, right?

There's 2 seasons. Snow and Construction

And they are not mutually exclusive.

I always naively believe I'll be able to use roads as intended once the ice and snow melt, but somehow my commute gets longer during warm seasons. Thanks construction!

As a 3x resident of Minnesota (moved for schooling with family 2 different times then moved back both times) You can always add more blankets or clothing to stay warm you can only take so many clothes off when it gets too hot. It’s a pretty great state.

Global warming will “help”. Even where I live we’ve seen a marked decline in snowfall and higher average winter temps. Just consider that even though it’s relatively colder, consider you’re not baking elsewhere.

Don't worry climate change will fix that eventually for ya! /s But lets hope Harris has a strong climate policy.

We've stopped blaming everyone else for our problems and now just insist things would be better if we got rid of the handful of Democrats from Omaha.

So all of the smart kids flee the state. Nebraska is fucked.

It's pretty fuckin great. There's a reason Minnesota ranks among the nordic countries in best places to live.

I've kinda wanted to for a while. Seems like a genuinely good place to live, plus it doesn't get as hot (yet) as other states. I burn easy and bitch about temperatures above 70f.

Well you may be disapointed. MN is landlocked so our temps are erratic. In summer it is regularly in the uper 80s to 90s with hatefully high humidity. We can also get like 60 degree temp swings over the course of a day in the spring and fall.

Pretty used to that already (Ohio). Currently sitting at 90f 50% humidity (and rising). Is the cold season longer at least? I get like, a month each of spring and fall, and 2-4 months of mild winter. The rest is summer (I think it was 80+ in late October last year??)

Nope that sounds about the same. We barely even got a winter these past couple years.

Indiana here, and your weather woes are the same as mine. The one difference being our weather here is Bipolar AF. Right now it's sunny and thunderstorming at the same time, but still 90°F. Will probably drop into the 50's overnight.

Sure but then you'd have to live in Minnesota. Have you seen Fargo? No thank you.

Fargo is actually in North Dakota. There are places in northern Minnesota that feel similar, but generally MN is significantly more forested and temperate than the biting cold and drifting snow on the plains of ND.

Temporate? You may be the first to describe Minnesota as temporate.

Well, it literally is from the definition of the word... And also, if you'd ever been to North Dakota in the winter, you might even prefer words like "balmy".

Where I live is basically the polar opposite climate wise and I dream of moving to somewhere frozen over half the year.

The polar opposite of Minnesota is Antarctica.

Better move quick. Our winters are getting shorter startlingly quickly. We've been lucky to even get snow by christmas these past couple years.

Do it, it's fun! I moved here from Florida. Great decision.

(And in February you can message me and say "Move to Minnesota you said. It'll be fun you said!")