Elon Musk sets his sights on Taylor Swift: "I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life"

Skvlp@lemm.ee to News@lemmy.world – 783 points –
Elon Musk sets his sights on Taylor Swift: "I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life"

Phony Stark needs to be called out on this. It’s creepy as hell.

😳 🤮


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Threatening to impregnate a woman is not a good tactic for a man who is currently fighting a sexual harassment.

One who famously has a boyfriend at that. Imagine seeing Musk get his face beat in by a pro football player

I would, but I promised myself I masturbated enough times today.

Live your truth, friend. At least you have tomorrow's first shot locked and loaded.

At least you're not giving anyone a child from all that activity. I'm proud of you, keep at it! Together we can!.... master bate separately.

I don’t think it would come to that. Travis could give Elon a good stare and I’m sure Musky would just whimper away.

He chickened out of fighting Zuckerberg as well, who does Judo and is also a robot.

We deserved that fight. If we have to be stuck in this timeline let's at least see these "titans" fight for their beliefs!

Maybe he's offering to let her adopt one of his estranged children.

Pretty sure most of his estranged children have good mothers already though.

Sounds like Swift should file another sexual harassment suit against the creep. I would.

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