Elon Musk sets his sights on Taylor Swift: "I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life"

Skvlp@lemm.ee to News@lemmy.world – 783 points –
Elon Musk sets his sights on Taylor Swift: "I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life"

Phony Stark needs to be called out on this. It’s creepy as hell.

😳 🤮


Threatening to impregnate a woman is not a good tactic for a man who is currently fighting a sexual harassment.

One who famously has a boyfriend at that. Imagine seeing Musk get his face beat in by a pro football player

I would, but I promised myself I masturbated enough times today.

Live your truth, friend. At least you have tomorrow's first shot locked and loaded.

At least you're not giving anyone a child from all that activity. I'm proud of you, keep at it! Together we can!.... master bate separately.

I don’t think it would come to that. Travis could give Elon a good stare and I’m sure Musky would just whimper away.

He chickened out of fighting Zuckerberg as well, who does Judo and is also a robot.

We deserved that fight. If we have to be stuck in this timeline let's at least see these "titans" fight for their beliefs!

Maybe he's offering to let her adopt one of his estranged children.

Pretty sure most of his estranged children have good mothers already though.

Sounds like Swift should file another sexual harassment suit against the creep. I would.

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. . . what the fuck

He’s a creep. He’s a weirdo.

What the hell is he doing here?

Being pathetic and misogynistic in a poor attempt at portraying himself as “alpha”.

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I'm hearing this to the tune of Bitch by Meredith Brooks.

He's a creep, he's a weirdo,
He's a child, he's a dildo,
He's a sinner, he's a taint,
He should feel ashamed.

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Just imagine the impact if she took her accounts to pixelfed / mastadon. You'd get all the fans to follow her.
Hell, she could create her own server and be immediately one of the most popular in the network.

taylor @swiftie.world? None of her fans would find it confusing to choose which server to sign up to.

I think this is less a statement on Swift fans and moreso fediverse than you realize.

I think we’re on the same page here. I was referring to the fact that a lot of people find it confusing that they have to choose instance when they create an account 😊

Yeah, I've seen quite a few users here take that to mean that people are idiots vs fediverse being hard to use.

She would have to make her own server. She would overwhelm and destroy those sites.

She would have to make her own server.

THAT. Is genius.

lemmy.swifties,io or whatever. Yes.

Bluesky is the new twitter

the new twitter is wherever the critical mass of users go. so far that is nowhere.

Twitter had something like 500 million users at its peak, and is likely still In the high 300s/low 400s.

Adding 2 million out of the projected 20 million Brazilian twitter users still isn't it. Twitter is still where the critical mass is, just maybe not for Brazil due to external factors.

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I don't visit Twitter, how do I stop hearing about every little toxic bullshit line Elon has to say?

Figure a way to make him go bankrupt. You won’t have to hear about Elon, and you can be the hero of the day. Win/win :)

If he went bankrupt, I wouldn't mind the occasional reminder of how shitty he's doing.

He speaks like this because there's no consequences. His lawyers must be pissed cause anyone with a harassment case against him can just put that tweet up to help their case lmao.

An angry Travis Kelce is a consequence he may have overlooked.

I did not think in 2024 I'd have "jock football player beats up tech nerd" and I'll be rooting for the meat head.

Well, that's creepy. Yikes.

Instead of Zuck vs Musk, maybe we ought to see Kelce vs Musk. That is offensive in so many ways.

Kill two birds with one stone and make it a tag team match, Travis and Jason against Musk and Zuck

oh, that would be something that would make me use PPV, or, at least temporarily, get a streaming service.

Sounds like a good way to get a Superbowl ring design embossed in your face.

She should've bounced right back about accepting his trans kid he seems to have distanced himself from

That would be funny, but probably just best to ignore the creep

To be fair, she probably gets weirdos with variants of "have my babies" more often than you'd think, just not usually from billionaires who own social media companies.

While I agree, how sad is it that we live in a world where this kind of trash isn't abnormal

Jesus Christ, this feels like it crossed a line even for him

Google says he has Asperger's, which would make this, eh, kinda normal.

When I was 16, I wouldn't be able to have a mutually consensual romantic conversation without saying something that cringed even myself out remembering it the next day.

im sorry for being this rude,
but Fuck of with that bullshit excuse.

I have Asbergers aswell, and have been arround a lot of other Autists.

even the heaviest cases i know would have known better than to post such vile shit.

This is not some akward mistake while attempting to flirt,
this is at best yelling vile and inappropriate shit at a complete stranger,
and at worst it could be considered a thinly veiled rape theat.

As somebody with Aspergers i feel downright insulted that you attempted to blame this on 'the sperg'.

And in addition to that,
hes not some 16 year old kid,
hes in his 50s for gods sake.

im sorry for being this rude, but Fuck of with that bullshit excuse.

No you're not, and no I won't.

I have Asbergers aswell, and have been arround a lot of other Autists.

Well, I hadn't, except for my sister, so, especially back then, I was desperately trying to have social things other have by effort.

Going into offensive in that could look similar to what Musk posted.

and at worst it could be considered a thinly veiled rape theat.

At worst. I first took it as a very awkward attempt to seem magnanimous\friendly, plus Musk's weird ideas about healthy relationships.

Anyway, can he fulfill that threat were it a threat? No? Then it'd be similar to what 4chan inhabitants write. Inappropriate is not the same as evil. Though I guess he and the Internet would both benefit from cutting ties.

As somebody with Aspergers i feel downright insulted that you attempted to blame this on ‘the sperg’.

Well, sorry, but since I wasn't aiming for you, irrelevant.

hes in his 50s for gods sake.

The say older people are more like kids, ha-ha-ha

You are way too fucking serious and judgemental.

Oh, so you're just doing a bad job at being a troll. Got it.

No need to waste your time with this one, folks, he's a lost cause.

I like wasting my time on lost causes, I think I'm not the only one.

I'm more of an elf than a troll, but there are various readings of mythology

Yeah I don't care.

You dont buy a megaphone, say some wild shit, then to blame it on your disorder.

The dude has had long enough to learn how to mask. He knows what he's saying and what it means. Don't make excuses and definitely do not try to besmirch what little positivity autistic people have these days

The dude has had long enough to learn how to mask.

Autistic people go to therapy to stop masking. Masking is wrong and bad.

Sounds like a Rape Threat to me

I'm not a fan of musk at all but it definitely doesn't sound like that at all.

He came right outside and said he would "Give her a baby", either he's adopting a kid and dropping her off there... or...

I hate to over use the word but come on, they're just so weird.

I like perverted better in this case

And not even the cool or fun perverted. I'm always hesitant to kink shame, but forcing your kink on someone else, even just conversationally, is incredibly awful.

If there's a God, we can start calling them "weird losers" in November.

If there is actually a god (of the Christian variety), then there is a very high chance that trump is the anti-christ.

Christian here. Can confirm that he checks a lot of the boxes for me. It's terrifying to me how completely the alleged Church has accepted him.

I'm an ex-christian whose read basically the entire Bible. I'm amazed how many boxes he checks but my Christian parents who support him don't agree.

It's terrifying to me how completely the alleged Church has accepted him.

FWIW, that’s one of the main checkboxes for the Antichrist. If he had no followers and got rejected, the Antichrist wouldn’t be a threat.

Is he being a weirdness shield for the GOP? Like every time we make fun of Trump or Vance he has to do something like this to distract people?

Elon "I know how to distract everyone from making fun of Donny and JD. I will say creepy things to a female. Remind all women about the creepy men in their lives."

Fucking gold star idea, Elon.

To be fair I dont think he has anyone in his life to challenge him, and if they do they get removed.

This does not deserve a headline. We need to stop paying attention to this tool.

People really need to know how creepy and unhinged he is though.

I agree, but at some point we're just feeding into the concept that any exposure is good exposure.

I wish that this guy would just disappear.

He probably had a think tank think it up to offset the great news that Swift endorsed Kamala.

So yes, I think you are totally correct. It's just media and exposure now.

No, the richest person in the world publicly threatening rape against the most famous woman at the moment for endorsing the opposite candidate from him should be a headline and should be spoken as such. A threat of rape.

Pay attention and call out. Don’t give him any support at all though.

I wouldn't fuck with Travis Kelce's girlfriend.

Screw that. I wouldn't fuck with Taylor Swift. She is "fuck you and your little people laws" rich.

Taylor already had security that would make you shit your pants. Only difference is that Travis would do it for free (and Jason would join in without needing details because he is just that kind of ride or die brother)

Okay so it's a fetish confirmed

11 kids should be enough to confirm his breeding fetish

I think he means "I will give you a child, choose any of them. I don't know where to put them any longer and they don't even seem to like me."

You know who need to be called out? The idiots who keep upvoting and sharing these useless news. Stop giving them free ads.

I'm totally okay with people pointing out the fact that the man is a creepy sexist jerk face. And I'm totally okay with people doing it a lot, because he has too much power, and you can't just pretend he doesn't exist and that his actions don't matter.

I have only two questions:

  1. Who elected Elon Musk?

  2. What can we do to make him go away?

  1. No one elected Musk.

  2. Tax the hell out of him.

Unless you have something serious on him that could actually undermine his fame all this news does is free ads and outshadow better content.

So his “biggest piece of shit” title is still going strong.

No one can take that from Trump. Elon is second in that category at most.

This guy needs more taxes to pay. He's clearly got too much time on his hands.

He probably meant he was going to give her one of the many children he already has and doesn't care about.

What a gross weirdo. Belongs in prison.

Put this in s thread showing the tweet

So I saw this first but this will be because of her endorsement announcement. No doubt this will be the top hit on Twatter if you search her name

Kind of like how here in the UK thanks to moggies stunt you can't see tht he actually lied to parliament due to a sea of results of him being memed fo lieing on the bench in parliament

Looks like it's working

Look on the bright side, if all of this is true, then hopefully a Haitian immigrant will eat Elon musk

I mean, I am sure there are plenty of white people who would. I know I am up for eating a billionaire.

We better make sure he is fully cooked through. Who knows what pathogens we can get from eating him.

Soak him in fresh water over night, then in a brine for a while, blanch, then slow cook, making sure the whole thing hits at least 160-165.

I severely wish this was onion

elon is trying to put The Onion out of business by being hilariously stupid 🤪

Look guys, imagine how stressed out you would be if you had invested so much time, pride, and mental gymnastics into a total bullshit cause. These MAGAts were unhinged to begin, and after so many embarrassing moments lately, you know they're absolutely starting to BSOD. I mean, we imagine they could just fess up and walk away from Trump, but in reality their minds would meltdown before that could happen. Stay safe everyone!

Joe Rogan is trapped in there as well. Cosplaying intellectuals and sitting in this non-stop spin will rot your brain.

Is that how he approaches women? "Ay girl you look like I could put a baby in you."

Keep talking, dumbass. Let's see how many swifties you can make turn out.

Leon Musk Space Karen is gross and he's probably upset over last night's debate tragedy.

These fucking people: "why do they call us weird"

The same fucking people:

Such a strange dude. Wow.

He is not strange. I can show you dozens just like him. Just follow me to the nearest middle-school.

Just follow me to the nearest middle-school.

...I don't think I will, no.

Strange is an understatement for a person with a history of rape to publicly threaten to rape the most famous woman at the moment.

I feel like I'm missing context. What question/ statement is he replying to where this response makes any kind of sense?

She signed her endorsement of Kamala Harris as "Childless Cat Person" in reference to JD's comments.

Ahhhh. This makes a bit more sense. Thanks!

But now I'm curious about what JD said. Argh. Pulling at this thread will end up with me joining twitter. Got to stop.

He said something to effect of ‘this country is being run by miserable childless cat ladies who want to make everyone else miserable just like them’.

JD's comment was aimed at Harris for not having children, and he called her just that.

Which was extra dumb because she has 2 kids.

Except you see she didn't give birth to them so she's not a mother

I shit you not, I've seen moms in mom groups making arguments like that about C-Sections, so it's not much of a leap to expect Republicans to make similarly disgusting statements

I could park entire aircraft carriers in the cavities inside whatever is supposed to be that weird fucker’s brain.

The fuck does that even mean?

That he’s sexually harassing her and probably referencing cruel lies about refugees in a small city in Ohio

It is not about high time to get Ellen Musk behind bars and give all their belongings to the poor ?

What is the goal here?

Encourage his rapey fan base to see rape as a tool of putting women in their place.

Probably trying to shift the conversation topic from 'she endorsed harris' by giving fresh new gossip for people to give to each other. Old gossip just isn't kosher.

The sad part is, for much of the audience it will work.

How is this okay with anyone? Why aren't people around him (employees, etc) not swarming him and basically hanging him out to dry?

I have practically zero useful social media influence, nobody would ever see it, but somehow if I posted something like this somehow I feel like I'd get a ton of attention AND be cancelled and or arrested.

Cause he's a billionaire. He's surrounded my yesmen sycophants who want access to his money

Stop being anti-fanboys and just ignore these two billionaires talking to eachother. He craves the attention and you just give it to him. Why?

Swift didnt say shit to him. He's just trying to ride her coattails by being a creepy fuck.

I'd love nothing more than for these two people to be irrelevant, but unfortunately I live in a world where their money causes them to have large amounts of influence.

Why is everyone replying as if Musk said this to a teenager? Swift is in her 30s.

EDIT: Now people are replying saying it was a threat of rape. That is a reach. You guys are delusional.

because it's crass and gross no matter the age. she's also in a relationship, so it's just rude and weird.

Because his unsolicited overtly sexual advances are extremely disturbing to any person who values their bodily autonomy. It literally sounds like he's going to kidnap her and put her in a rape dungeon.

Oh cool guys. You heard it here first. It's only bad to threaten to rape teenagers. Adults? Threaten rape all you want!

A 53 year old drug addict doing rapey threats on social media towards a young girl who's in a relationship?

Totally not super gross, right?

There is a context to what was said that is not fairly put in the title of the article, but this is still fucking creepy, misogynistic, ultimately unacceptable behavior.

There is a context to what was said that is not fairly put in the title of the article...

What's the context? The only context I know is she endorsed Kamala and signed her name as Childless Cat Lady. Musk didn't like that and said this line. Did I miss anything?

If not (and even if I did), as a male talking to a female, saying you're going to "give you a child" pretty much only means "I'm going to impregnate you."

Pretty much, unless he was planning to donate one of his existing illegitimate children to her.

"Hey, I've got a bunch extra of these and nobody's answered my sale ad on X, you should take one"

Pretty much, unless he was planning to donate one of his existing illegitimate children to her.

I imagine that would be hard as many of them either actively loathe Elon or he's totally forgotten about them.

Yes, that exactly. The way she signed the endorsement and its relation to the Republican candidate. Still, the things he said are very disturbing and menacing, coming from the richest person in the world.

So there's no meaningful missing context. With or without the context, it is widely understood to mean "I'll impregnate you." I don't see how that "missing context" makes the headline "unfair," as you put it.

I find the title unnecessarily "clickbaity", and this is what I think is unfair for readers and for the very same news reported.

EDIT: For example, I would prefer that instead of including "Elon Musk sets his sights on Taylor Swift", they would have put something like "after Taylor endorsed Harris as a Childless Cat Owner".

Clickbaity, sure. But this is one of the justifiable clickbaity times. They said the meat of the article, while clickbait, that was the essence of the problem. "I'll give you a child." That's the issue. It doesn't really matter if he's randomly setting his sights on her, or if she said she was childless. That part does not matter. They could've left everything out but the quote. The part that does matter, is he said he'll give her a child without being asked.

You agree it's a terrible thing for him to say. Is it less terrible for him to say it because she signed as childless? No? Then context does not matter. Yes, it's less terrible because she said it? Well, then there's the hiccup as we disagree on that part and we'll disagree on the context, too.

Not for me. I think it has to do with the type of journalism I am accustomed to read, maybe. Then there is the issue of the website where this comes from, I don't know who they aim to as their readers. It's possible that it is focused on reporting about famous people or "stars" as they call them, and in this case, it's totally fine. I appreciate your point of view, though.

Oh, and yes, I agree the guy said horrible things to Swift. That's not a discussion for me. Where those words came from is important for me to know, and that bit of information would have been appreciated.

This is not news, who gives a shit?

It's good to document weird and creepy behaviour.
If things like this don't make the news cycle, they essentially go un-called-out. Which might make it seem like normal or acceptable behaviour.

Weird behaviour doesn't live up to scrutiny

Yes. He’s abusing his position to harass women. It has to be called out, documented and shown to be problematic behaviour.

Let the other losers on Twitter call it out if they want their cringy drama-fest.

This is not news. Making a random weird comment that is obviously in jest (and is very, VERY obviously not a REAL threat to do anything, as anyone with two brain cells to rub together can figure out) is absolutely NOT worthy of "the news cycle".

Only people who truly have no life have the desire to spend any time giving a shit about this. This is barely worthy of an eye roll.

One of the richest men in the world publicly threatening to rape one of the biggest music stars in the world sounds kind of like news to me.

publicly threatening to rape



He's doing so without doing so.

He knows what he's saying, and most people know what he's saying, but he's not "legally" saying it.

It's the equivalent of adding "...in Minecraft" to his threat, except it's legally stronger given the context.

Yup. Public threat of rape. You see, sex is how babies are made. Elon said he will give Taylor Swift a baby, which means have sex with her. It's pretty obvious that swift would not like to be impregnated by elon musk. When an adult doesn't consent to a sexual act, it's called rape. To tell someone who does not want to fuck you that you "will" give them a baby is a threat of rape. Do you have anymore questions marks?

Reasons people may give a shit:

  • The US government is shoveling huge amounts of money towards an individual that dismisses and devalues half of the world's population with an active sexual harassment suit against him.

  • Consumers might want to know if they are supporting if they are supporting a mysogynist by using his privately owned social media service or buying energy products / vehicles from a company he heads up as CEO.

  • Trump has announced an intention to have this man lead a new "Government Efficiency Commission" and this behavior reflects both on Trump for the sort of people he elevates into positions of power and reflects on Musk as a potential public servant.

He's also the owner of the company which builds and operates the only current domestic launch vehicle certified to carry humans to the space station.

The only other certified launch vehicle in the world is built and operated by Roscosmos - owned and operated by a dictator who's currently trying to annex another nation in the first war in Europe in decades

I feel like a lot of areas of public discussion were more-dignified before the social media era.

Every major event just winds up with noise from Twitter drama getting attached to it.

People always had shitty views, they just didn’t have a megaphone