MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement to politics – 1074 points –
MAGA Is Straight Up Losing It After Taylor Swift’s Harris Endorsement

F you, Taylor Swift!” shouted Megyn Kelly, “and f all of the people who want to see these children have body parts chopped off.”

For those not fluent in Republican crazy-speak, Kelly’s meltdown was triggered by Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris the night before, barely one hour after Trump all but face-planted on the debate stage. Kelly was especially triggered by Swift highlighting her appreciation for vice presidential nominee Tim Walz’s support of LGBTQ+ rights.

Other right-wing commentators, like Ben Shapiro, took another approach: making fun of Swifties. “Note: if you vote for a particular candidate because your favorite singer is doing so, please don’t vote. You are too stupid to vote,” wrote Shapiro on X. Meanwhile, Elon Musk, the richest man on the planet, threatened to impregnate her.


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“F you, Taylor Swift!” shouted Megyn Kelly, “and f all of the people who want to see these children have body parts chopped off.”


The current Republican platform is largely based on stupid easily disproven lies. I'm convinced our fall to fascism is caused by stupidity as much as it is hatred.

"Doctors are cutting little boys dicks off because they like the color pink!"

"They're performing abortions after birth!"

"Haitians are eating all the cats and dogs!"

"They're putting litter boxes in the school bathrooms!"

There's really only two kinds of Republican: The evil ones who spread these lies intentionally, and the stupid ones who believe this dumb shit.

Hatred is stupidity. Always has been.

Hatred is also taught.

Its sad that kids are in MAGA as well due to this.

Never underestimate how much destruction stupid people with power can cause.

This is why evil rarely succeeds in the long-term: when you have that many self-absorbed fucks attempt to work together, it rarely yields anything useful.

yeah, but it takes a fraction of the time to destroy than to build. They don't need long-term, they can wreak havoc in one term

The current Republican platform is largely based on stupid easily disproven lies.

It's worth mentioning that this strategy is straight out of the trolling playbook. The overall idea is to get everyone to waste their time arguing nonsense, making it impossible to discuss anything of merit. While the following article applies to internet forums, it's not hard to see how any social media, TV, or radio, can spill over into our day-to-day discourse and have the same effect:

In this case, the topic at hand meets multiple criteria for deliberate trolling. IMO, there's little room for doubt that we're being led by the nose and baited to waste valuable pre-election time:

  • Digression - Luring others into off-topic discussions by spamming, partaking in cascades or introducing tangential topics (e.g., as in [16]).
  • (Hypo)criticism - Excessive criticism of others, e.g. on their punctuation while possibly committing the same errors oneself.
  • Antipathy - Creation of a sensitive or antagonistic context through purposeful provocation, in order to manipulate others to produce emotional responses.
  • Endangering - Giving out poor advice under an innocent guise, and others are compelled to respond in order to protect others.
  • Shocking - Posting about taboos or sensitive subjects, such as religion, death or human rights.
  • Aggression - Deliberate and open aggressing of others into retaliating (e.g., by name-calling or foul language).

I would love to see more of the Democrats platform displayed, argued, justified and rationalized, but there's literally no reason to talk about any of that when the other side has less discussion than a headless chicken.

I hope the right can someday see how bad they are for policy in general.

The litter box thing annoys me so much. Like, do you have any idea how quickly that shit would fucking go viral if it were true? Like, every damn kid would post about it online. It's so fucking stupid!

do you have any idea how quickly that shit would fucking go viral if it were true

But it was true! Just not in the way that was claimed: They had these litterboxes in case they had to barricade in the classroom for extended periods of time due to a school-shooter that the police didn’t bother to stop quickly…

So yes, it really is a fucked up story, just in a very different way from what republicans claimed.

Nonense! There's a third kind who is both stupid and evil. They may even be the majority.

Megyn? How is that supposed to be pronounced?

Actually, this name traces all the way back to the first cavewoman gynecologist. At the time, they named themselves based on their professions. Megyn is short for "me gynecologist".

Remember when NBC hired Kelly in 2017, she gave Putin a platform to spread his propaganda, she got demoted, and then eventually fired for racism? Who could have guessed that she was just another maga conspiracy nut?

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