Trump Abruptly Cancels Another Mainstream TV Interview to politics – 371 points –

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I'm a lifelong fan of political dramas. I watched the BBC version of House of Cards and adored The Manchurian Candidate.

There's stuff going on in this election that makes everything I ever read seem placid and tame.

Republicans would vote for the corpse of Trump before even considering not making a terrible decision. I cannot believe that this election is this close. It’s mind boggling that the outcome is currently a toss up between Nazi spray tan confused grandpa and middle road politician.

The point isn't to get Trump into the Whitehouse; it's to get Vance into the whitehouse.

Trump will legitimately kick the bucket within the next four years, guaranteed. And Vance will be the one to take his place. Vance will be the one who is suddenly an "incumbant" backed by the heritage foundation who is actually reasonably well spoken, able to debate, far smarter than Trump, and younger.

Vance wasn't "chosen" by Trump, he came as a part of the deal with the Heritage Foundation to get him elected.

My hope is that after Herr Trump finally croaks there will be a power vacuum in the party. Sure if he's elected and it happens in office there will be an effort to consolidate around Vance, but you know some looked over pissant is waiting in the wings to try to take the reins. If he's not elected it will likely be much more tumultuous. Here's hoping.

Trump is a figurehead and mouth piece only, it's clear the backing and power behind him is pushing him, not the other way around. If Trump is dead or unelectable then they will sub in someone else. Trump's "saving grace" is that he was good at speaking in a relatable but obfuscating way which worked to foment the masses against imagined grievances, but that's not a trait unique to him. He is unfortunately replaceable with not much loss in momentum.

Trump is definitely not a "figurehead only". He is a tiger that what's left of the Republican establishment has by the tail. They did not want him to win the primary again, they all hate him, and are just trying to get whatever judicial appointments and erosion of regulations they can out of him. Anyone who thinks Trump is a puppet is absolutely blind to American politics. He is an absolute wildcard that everyone is trying to react to, a whirlwind that folks hope they can push in the direction they want to destroy the things they want, but they are equally aware they can fall out of grace and be fired in two weeks like everyone in his last administration.

Trump will legitimately kick the bucket within the next four years, guaranteed.

Putin is furiously trying to figure out how to put polonium into a Big Mac

This is nonsense. Putin and Trump are allies.

Not if getting him out of the way means a less idiotic henchman.

Trump supports Putin because he's idiotic. A less stupid and chaotic leader would be able to tell the difference between someone who gives them a compliment and someone who is a friend to the USA.

If he died tomorrow Republicans would be Black-Friday-75%-off-smart-tvs trampling each other to be the one to skin him and wear him so they could continue the coup.

There is no middle road politician running. Harris by all accounts is firmly right wing.

Bruh I know the Overton window in the US is megafucked but she's literally one of our most liberal politicians by voting record, she is not "firmly right wing" by any reasonable standard

She's in favor of a fascist border policy against asylum seekers, a firm supporter of the fascist Zionist entity known as Israel, and wants to appoint members of the fascist party to her cabinet if she wins. She's been endorsed by architects of the Iraq war and the US torture program.

California's top cop is right-wing.

Don't mistake me for a Kamala Harris apologist- she is absolutely a huge centrist in her presidential campaign. I am tired of this false equivalency with the total fascist ilk she's running against. It's not useful and it's dishonest.

She is not a centrist, Bill Clinton was a centrist. With what she's proposing, her actions, and the endorsements she's fought for, she's on par with Trump. She may not say the quiet parts out loud like trump, but her actions speak louder than the words she's not saying.

Fascist collaborators are not centrists.

I hate to be pedantic but that's almost exactly the definition of a centrist, someone who collaborates with both sides (even if one of those sides is fascist, genocidal, racist, etc.). And again, I don't disagree, it's a bad thing to be for exactly that reason. But it's also a different thing than being explicitly a right wing authoritarian fascist like Trump is.

A centrist collaborates with the right and left (mostly the right), but fascists are to the right of the right. They're far right, which is a distinct grouping from ordinary right-wing ideology. Fascist collaboration requires becoming right-wing, just to meet them halfway.

She's been endorsed by architects of the Iraq war and the US torture program.

Because your daddy is worse in their eyes.

If you find yourself agreeing with Dick Cheney on politics you might want to rethink your positions.

He doesn't like Trump because he's a destabilizing element. He agitates the masses against him and does stupid shit for no reason that makes allies and adversarie alike stop trusting the US. He's bad for business.

Harris will be good for the empire. That's it.

If Dick Cheney told you he thought wearing a seatbelt was a good idea, you'd argue against him because clearly an idea is bad if a bad person has it.

Evaluate an argument on its merits, regardless of who endorses it.

While true, that commenter is a very well known bad actor and provocateur. I recommend against engaging.

Obviously he's not, like, a chaos demon. He presumably eats human food and all that.

But he's a monster and should be in prison, not giving endorsements. This is like being endorsed by Anders Brevik or some shit.

She should have rejected the endorsement. Instead she's embracing him. It's disgusting.

This is really weird. You're happy for Trump to be elected because Cheney is so bad?!?

What if you find yourself agreeing with Repubs that you should vote for third parties over a Dem? Or is that different because saying so doesn't support the pro-MAGA campaigning you are here for?

Republicans clearly prefer that people not vote at all, which is why they have put so much effort and money into disenfranchisement.

No, let's focus on the question, thanks. They want left-leaning people who are voting to do exactly what you plan to do. Does that mean you should rethink your positions? I mean, obviously not, you're a MAGA campaigner. But in the context of your cosplay?

Somehow MAGA is worse than even Dick Cheney at this point and you are choosing to align with MAGA against the Dems. Meanwhile red-faced and screeching that Harris is accepting support from a former VP who has sway with people who might actually vote.

Okay, so, Republicans don't just want people to vote third party. They're very openly anti-libertarian and are kicking them off ballots, for example.

Their primary goal is to stop people from voting entirely, which is why the bulk of their money and legislative effort have gone into into disenfranchisement. Anyone choosing to sit this election out is definitely helping Republicans. And I am voting.

As for third parties, they only and specifically promote the Greens. Why them? It's because Greens are an unserious protest vote and Republicans are fine with that.

That's not me agreeing with you. Greens specifically are unserious because they're just another liberal party, they have no revolutionary agenda or plan to build real political power. They're just activism for the sake of activism. They show up every couple years and disappear between elections. Pure virtue signaling.

I'm voting PSL. You won't see Republicans promoting them. Greens are harmless. Socialism scares them.

We need to build a workers' party to fight the bipartisan dictatorship of capital. Build the workers' party, build class consciousness, militarize the unions, agitate the masses, become ungovernable, arm the working class, movement building. That's how we beat fascism. You won't beat fascism by voting for fascist collaborators like Harris

Their new slogan has that prominently on display, Country Over Party


If by right wing you mean not strictly anti-capitalist, sure, at the end of the day shes not going to ovsrthrow capitalism. Still the policies and protections she wants to enact is the furthest left we've gone in multiple lifetimes. The last time we've had any kind of policy proposal like hers was likely FDR.

FDR proposals, which directly came from a socialist, actually helped the working class. Our wages suck, our labor conditions sucks, our future prospects sucks, and we keep getting told everything is fine. She and democrats are not progressive in action, only in lip service.

Do those accounts include the one where she just called for legalizing pot?

Or is that a Right position in your mind?

You mean like Biden did 4 years ago? That's a carrot to lead you to the ballot that they have no intention of implementing

I'd rather have Harris calling for pot to be legal and lying then have Trump saying he'll be a dictator and telling the truth.

She's distracting with stuff like pot so we don't focus on weapons being provided by her and Biden that are burning people alive.

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If you wrote this election into a political drama ten years ago, it'd get rejected as not believable.

True story I have told so many times....

Right after the 2016 election the NY Times assembled a panel of all the creators of the top TV political dramas. House of Cards, West Wing, Scandal, Veep...

Every creator said the same thing. If they'd had a character say that they "liked soldiers who didn't get captured" the networks and advertisers would have demanded that character be shown as hated by all Americans and voted out by the next episode.

Meanwhile you have MAGooswho also fly the black POW/MIA flag next to their Trump flag

Have you read Neal Stephenson's novel, Interface?

lol! Yes, yes I have.

I'll see and raise you. "The Porkchoppers" and "The Fools In Town Are On Our Side," both by Ross Thomas.

Thomas was a Washington reporter turned crime novelist. The first book is about a Union election and the second is about an attempt to clean up a small Southern city by making the corruption so bad that even the pimps will vote for reform.

::: spoiler Yeah but not until he pushes Maggie Haberman in front of a subway. That will be the turning point for me. :::

It’s more ‘I, Claudius’ in my view

Really good breakdown of how the show used camera movement to tell the story.

Didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I did.

Let me know what you think, okay?

FPTP-voting was created by wealthy romans to benefit wealthy romans, that anyone uses this system today is just bonkers to me and probably why this comparison of yours is not so far removed at all.

Haven't seen any shoes coming off yet, there's still time though.

That reference eludes me. If it's from HOC, forgive me; haven't watched either version in a while.

I think it's referring to the internet joke. In gifs of crashes/falls/other assorted bodily injury, if the person's shoes fly off, then they probably died. If not, probably alive.

Hillary Clinton being picked up and thrown in a car by one of her bodyguards when she seemed a little faint. Much of the internet concurred "The shoe come off - she dead."

Indeed. Hilary did eleven hours of grilling over Benghazi and never broke a sweat.

Donnie gets the vapors having to debate Harris.

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