What was the strangest take you've seen/heard someone say?

VoidCrow@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 43 points –

When I was in high school, I heard someone say "I don't know why poverty exists when we can just 3d print money". What the 3d has to do with this, I do not know

I've seen so many dog shit/brain dead takes on Reddit about various topics that I don't think I can even remember any of them specifically.

So instead, I'm choosing this take on climate change by Ben Shapiro.

It doesn't matter what side of this argument you fall on. Who is buying a house in an area that is slowly being flooded?

Did you honestly not understand what he means?

I don't think anyone understands what he means, least of all himself.

Also he needs to Google "straw man".

How is that meme not a straw man?

Because his explanation is bullocks. The whole argument is.

What exactly is bullocks about it?

The sea level doesn't just rise one day. It's a slow process that'll happen over decades. Many of the people living in those houses now probably want to sell in the near future while they still can. They might not get back what they paid but in 5 years you're not going to get even that so better cut your losses. At some point the coastline gets so close that those houses will just be abandoned, demolished and people will have moved further inland.

It’s focused on some ideal coastline that fits the argument well.

In reality you will see storms that set underwater whole metropoles repeatedly, think like New Orleans a few years back, but on a yearly base.

And when it comes to the really big metropoles in Asia, they don’t have much options to properly relocate millions of people at ones.

The likes of Shapiro won’t welcome them in the USA, even if they promise to stay in the rural centers.

I'm having some trouble understanding what exactly is the confusion here. If the sea level rises it's not like people will just keep living underwater. They have to move somewhere else. Entire cities and towns has to be relocated elsewhere. Besides building massive sea walls there's just no other option. This in no way implies it's not going to absolutely suck for the people living there. Ofcourse it does.

What exactly is it that Ben is wrong about here? This is really confusing to me

He’s pretending that this will just go smoothly with the help of the free market.

Are we watching the same video? At what point is he implying that?

His trope and that of the people he finances is climate change denial and libertarianism. It doesn’t need to be in that video, but that’s the context he philosophizes in.

I haven't heard him ever denying climate change. At best he has just been questioning its severity of it. Even in this talk in question he says: "I'm not saying that it's not happening. It may be happening. I'm happy to say that it may be happening. I may even be happy to say that it's probably happening"

For example one that's baffled me was someone saying they don't believe in bad smells ??

How did they explain them?

I don't remember it well other than it was on a tumblr blog and as they were answering an anonymous ask they just casually mentioned that with no explanation

My only ideas are either they're filthy rich, have no sense of smell, or somehow think "bad" implies morality so they don't believe smells can be evil which like ?? No ones claiming otherwise lmao

Huh? What’s baffling there? Do you believe in bad smells?

According to my rural-raised coworker, that submersible implosion was apparently a conspiracy.

According to him, The people aboard the sub came up with a plan to escape their debt. There was nobody aboard the submarine, and it was designed to implode as a permanent diversion.

This seems to be the least crazy of all the ones here so far. Plausible but very improbable.

Why force your child to come with you?

I do think that if you’re going to fake a death this is just about the best way to do it, though.

Maybe the just disappear like in witness protection and this dude didn't want to leave his son alone? It's too far fetched though. Given all the questionable things Oceangate did, independent verification of the implosion sound waves and finding the actual debris, it is extremely improbable it was staged.

This is relevant to Issue 1 being voted on in Ohio. The issue will change voting on ammendments to go from a simple majority to 60% along with other stuff that's bad.

People have signs in their yard that say "Vote Yes...Protect the 2nd Ammendment". This state vote issue has nothing to do with the 2nd Ammendment and its the weirdest take to me right now.

Seems like such a bland issue to have a sign for, even an accurate one.

Here's a strange one I don't necessarily disagree with (but I'm not sure I agree either:)

"Jazz is an American form of classical music"

According to someone that was in a music history textbook (don't remember the country but it was in Europe.)

In my circles I'm the one with the strage takes. For example I don't believe in free will. I believe we're probably living in a simulation and if we ever create AGI it's most likely going to end us. Also we're probably the only intelligent life in the universe.

we're probably the only intelligent life in the universe.

Fairly boring simulation then isn't it?

Why so? There's more interesting stuff to explore on earth alone that you couldn't experience it all even in several lifetimes.

I see no reason to expect that who ever created the simulation would add in aliens and disco ball planets just for the fun of it

Someone I used to work with went through a period where they were overworked and stressed out, but at the same time having some really bad thoughts about free will being an illusion. The theory was something like this:

Everything since the big bang is governed by physics, and Earth and all life on Earth is the result of particles coming together and interacting in interesting ways over billions of years. If this is true, everything we do is a foregone conclusion, and you could simulate and predict anything if you had a computer able to simulate the universe.

It sounds kind of plausible to be honest, but there is just no point in entertaining it. If we don't have free will, we'll never know for sure and cannot change it. If it feels like we have free will does it matter? Anyway, my colleague quit a short while later and went on to do other things and seemed much happier, so I guess it was just a weird period in his life.

That's basically my argument aswell. This however doesn't imply fatalism. It's not like you can just sit around and see what happens. Or you can but nothing happens except you'll just get bored and then the desire to do something else appears. Then you get up and go do that all the while thinking you made that choice.

I just chose to downvote your comment /s

Lack of free will doesn't mean choices aren't real. Just that what ever you choose is the only thing you could have chosen. You could not have done otherwise.

That doesnt make sense 😂

If you're standing in line at the grocery store looking at the chocolate bars next to the register you can either grab one or not. These are your choices. If you just ate a huge pizza before you probably don't feel like eating chocolate too but if you're hungry you can't resist it. In both cases you're making a choice but in both cases the choice is influenced by outside factors that you did not choose.

What does it mean when you say that you could have done otherwise? If you're super hungry and can't resist buying the chocolate bar then that's the only thing you could have done. If you go back in time to the same situation and nothing else changes then you're still hungry as fuck and are going to grab the chocolate bar. Something in your circumstances has to change in order for you to act differently but it's still outside force affecting your behaviour.

The problem there is that if you want to compute the behaviour of say 2 electrons, you need a huge computer with avagadro number of particles. Now imagine the number of particles you need to simulate the numbers of particles in the universe we observe. That number is mind bogglingly big. If we had the that much stuff lying around, it would interact with things and we could observe the consequences of these interactions.

As an accountant, I was like “what does Adjusted Gross Income have to do with anything?”

I’m somewhat agnostic if we’re living in an simulation. It seems slightly more likely than any religion, but I have no evidence to support it. 🤷

I don’t think AI will kill us all. All it has to do is kill one person before we turn it off or legislate it’s limitations (like Asimov’s 3 Laws). I think it’s more likely to save us like develop technologies to combat climate change or create medicines.

Torn on the concept of free will.

All it has to do is kill one person before we turn it off or legislate it’s limitations

I think that the idea of being able to turn it off is a bit naive. Intelligence is a spectrum and I don't think humans are anywhere near the far end of it. We severely underestimate how smart a true super intelligence would be. It's a bit like you hearing your kids plotting a plan to steal the cookie jar thinking they're going to outsmart you except that compared to an artificial super intelligence an adult is just slightly more intelligent than a child. We'd basically be like ants to it.

Even if it's no more intelligent than us it'll still be much faster. Communicating with humans would be like watching a tree grow. Imagine you having thousands of years time to consider your answer to any question presented to you.

The free will one and the fear of an AI uprising is understandable, even if I disagree myself, but the other two... What makes you believe that in the entire universe, we're the only planet that managed intelligent life? And the simulation thing is just crazy.

We may not be the only intelligent life in the entire universe but the only ones in our corner of it and that's why there is no signs of alien civilizations anywhere to be seen. I've also heard people much smarter than me give mathematical explanations as to why the evolution of intelligent life is way more unpropable than most people think.

Why I believe in simulation theory is just statistics; eventually we will develop technology that is able to run such simulations and we're going to create thousands of them. From that point on when new consciouss being is born it's unlikely it appears in our world instead of the thousands of simulations we're running. I just think this applies to us aswell. For us to be living in the base reality we'd either have to be extremely lucky or be the first ones to create such simulations.

In my eyes, if it's extremely unlikely that we're real, it's even more unlikely that another species is not only real, but has significantly better technological advancements than us as well. It's just the same problem with extra steps. But the thing about the simulation thing, is that it's completely unfalsifiable and has no impact on our reality even if it's true. So there isn't really any need to consider it outside of a philosophical conversation.

Yeah I agree. Simulation or not - I wouldn't expect anything to be different. Life is just as precious even if this is not the base reality because for us it effectively is.

Have you ever heard of the Dark Forest theory?

Sure, as well as dozen other suggested explanations for the fermi's paradox. This just happens to be the one I'd place my bets on.

The one I saw a couple of posts above this one about The Lord of the Rings...

I am the one with strangest takes and I didn't had competition so far.

Please, give us your worst example

I believe that people who dont leave their house(or stay generally indoor) lives longer and with less unhappy things like losing hairs, because they avoid the sun radiation. This is one of my, dosnt matter if false or true.

I don’t go out much and my hairline is receding, so your mileage may vary on this one

What do you do? Stay inside as much as possible?

Stalin was right wing. It came from someone I thought knew about communism, and the soviets, but I guess not.