Judge Dumbfounded When Man with Suspended License Attends Court [on zoom] While Driving

jeffw@lemmy.world to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 375 points –
Judge Dumbfounded When Man with Suspended License Attends Court While Driving

The public defender was on her game. She immediately asked for an adjournment, hoping the judge wouldn’t catch on.

The judge definitely caught on.


Judge Cedric Simpson is one of the sharpest judges who regularly appear on Youtube. He doesn't appreciate being taken for a ride.

And the first rule of court is “don’t piss off the judge.”

This is why.

It’s a “never do this again, or ever”. Been in front of judges and always warned my patients/clients to be highly respectful. They hold your little bits in their hands.

Still, give that woman a raise. Except for one tiny slip, she pokerfaced perfectly.

Compare that to the DA's bench, where the one in the middle had to fight the urge to laugh at the absurdity for a fair bit.

The way she says "That is correct your honor" the second time while trying not to laugh is like the perfect encapsulation of what being public defender is like. Most people would not believe the sheer amount of stupidity witnessed by PDs, and sometimes you just gotta laugh. Still, they show up and go to bat for you, even if you're doing the thing they're defending you against at the time.

Lol, I just mentioned this in another thread.

Like, I know missing court is bad, and he was probably on his way there when he gave up to call in...

But man, you're trying to get out of jail for driving without a license. Driving to court is bad enough, don't facetime the judge while driving.

He says in the video he was just parking at the doctor's office. 🤣

I like to think he tried to come up for a reason for missing court, and went with "doctor" instinctively, forgetting he was on a video call and not sick, and likely wouldn't have scheduled a doctors appointment for the exact same time he had court to try and postpone jail by a month.

But I dunno

This dude might have double booked.

Part of me wants to give the driver the benefit of the doubt... he looked more stunned than the judge. Idk how the process normally works - never had my license suspended - but I'm wondering if the cop that pulled him over initially told him to Zoom for his "traffic citation" or something and the dude legit had no idea his license was suspended?

I mean, he could just be stupid, but either way it doesn't actually look like he meant to break the rules during that call.

I think he knew his license was suspended. Lots of people drive with no license for years and never wear a seatbelt…it boggles my mind but they just act like occasionally getting a ticket for it is part of life.

You don’t have to be sick to need a doctor. He might been getting an ass cancer screening

I had never been in court, but would assume that when you are called to appear into court, you are not given zoom link just in case. Right?

Everything has changed since the pandemic. Some courts still allow remote appearances from my understanding

Yes, but this is agreed in advance, not “I am late, let me call”

Minor offenses can be quicker doing it this way. I wonder if it has an affect on the case result though?

The look on his face was just golden. You can tell the exact moment he realized what he had just done.

I feel like this isn’t the “oh shit im an idiot” face so much as the face of a person finding out they’re not as entitled as they think they are.

People who think they’re entitled are super annoying to deal with. I feel bad for pda. (And would absolutely love to listen to that phone call)

Edit: I looked it up. It was probably a misdemeanor the first time. (93 days in jail and/or $500 fine,)

So it was entirely possible that the dude could have gotten off with a fine or maybe probation. But nope. He stacked another and is going to jail.

It's usually less that that too. Typically if you show you have got your license within the time of getting the ticket they let you go. If he just showed up and said he has an appointment or was going to make one, the judge would've made another date so that he could prove he got his license. Then no fine or jail.

Happened to me. I was pulled over without a license. Immediately went and got my license. They made a date but the mailing address they sent to I wasn't there. Being dumb I thought meant it was handled.

Lo and behold like 10 years later, when I'm getting hired for my current job they say I have a bench warrant. I went down to the courthouse the next day, the judge gave me a real weird look since it's been like 10 years, and said " do you have your license " I showed it to him, and then let me go.

1 more...

Well I might be stupid, but at least I'm not this stupid.

Are we talking the judge here? Thinking a suspended license is going to stop them?

?? I feel like you're jumping a handful of steps to reach that conclusion. This has nothing to do with whether the judge thinks it will stop him from committing a crime.

It's pretty simple, don't commit an obvious crime, especially in front of law enforcement.

Where does the judge say that? He orders him to report to jail, though, which might.

As someone who frequently explains to people why their driving privileges have been suspended, even though they have never had a license, this video really tickled me. The dumbness knows no bounds.