Tommy Tuberville Tries to Argue Putin Has No Interest in Ukraine to politics – 189 points –
Tommy Tuberville Tries to Argue Putin Has No Interest in Ukraine

He really is one of the dumbest

never mistake evil for stupid

Right after he was elected, tuberville named the 3 branches of goverment as the the House, the Senate and the Executive.

One of the most powerful people in our goverment cant name the 3 basic branches of it, and Alabama will 100% re-elect this clown until he is dead.

Evil and stupid are kissing cousins.

In Alabama, they’re also married.

I want to download this out of sheer rage, obviously not at you.(I didn't though)

He's gotta be the dumbest Senator ever, even dumber than the guy who brought a snowball to the Senate to prove that climate change was a hoax, or the other Senator who said the Internet was a series of tubes.

It was a House guy who thought Guam could flip over, right? Because that one is up there.

Is he going to claim next that billionaires don't want any more money because they have enough money already?

He's going to claim that billionaires are far-left woke radicals depriving the good people of Alabama of free market capitalism.

So when Putin’s forces randomly attack Ukraine, does he say, “Oops! Shit. Didn’t mean to do that. Fuck! My bad, guys!” every fucking time?

“Can I get some help, guys? I can’t figure out why I keep ordering attacks on Ukraine by complete random fucking chance! Any ideas?”

Its funny, because Tucker Carlson did that interview with Putin a few months back. And Putin was absolutely excruciating in his "Here's all the reasons why we had a geopolitical interest in taking eastern Ukraine". Even for the FOX News heads this wasn't a fucking secret.

Tuberville won't even swallow the Russian state media line. He's going full-on denialist. In another few years, I wonder if he'll even acknowledge the war happened.

They meant to invade Belarus. Hey, it’s really hard to read maps when the vodka’s all you got going for you.

This is why you don’t elect morons because they play football

Apparently Putin is not invading Ukraine because Tommy hasn’t seen coverage of the war on Fox or OAN in many months.

No flaws in that logic at all.

I wonder if he enjoys having Putin's hand so far up his ass. Sock puppets say whatever you want them to, but do they enjoy it?

At least we know he has no issues with his prostate

They could have stopped that headline at "Tommy Tubervile Tries to Argue".

Yes, I meant to spell his name that way.


C'mon folks, you're slipping; that was an easy one

“Of course not! That’s all russias land to being with, they’re just taking it back” — asshole