Republican congressman wants to limit IVF access to married heterosexual veterans only to politics – 362 points –
Republican congressman wants to limit IVF access to married heterosexual veterans only

That's a pretty narrow slice. Did he see Starship Troopers and think the line about serving to be able to have babies was a good idea? You were supposed to be paying attention to the boobs in the shower scene not the politics you twat.

I think you misread the (admittedly awful) title. Congress has a lot of control over veteran health benefits... this shitheel wants to prevent same-sex veteran couples from having access to IVF while retaining access to hetero veteran couples.

The bill in question wouldn't restrict anyone getting insurance without going through Tricare and the VHA/VA. Though I'm sure that's eventually this fuck's goal.

He was probably paying attention to dicks in the shower scene

there were dicks in the shower scene?

It was a mixed gender shower.

They may have been artfully concealed, but yes. Everyone there was neked.

Not that there’s anything wrong with checking out the dicks. There might be something wrong with being a raging homophobe, though, and still checking out said dicks. It that sounds like a personal problem

You were supposed to be paying attention to the boobs in the shower scene not the politics you twat.

You were actually supposed to pay attention to the politics too.

Whether you consider them dystopian or aspirational depends on whether you agree with Paul Verhoeven who directed the movie or Robert Heinlein who wrote the book, though 🤷

Heinlein wasn't spousing fascism. He explored many sorts of governments, social systems and morals. Think Stranger in a Strange Land makes him a hippy?

My understanding of Starship Troopers: The Movie is you're supposed to be paying attention to the politics and chuckling "What a bunch of complete dumb fucks" to yourself. Not so much the book it's based on though.

I remember a few years ago my Dad finally watched Starship Troopers and he said "Why do they use bullets? wouldn't lasers be better? they have those why are they using bullets?" and also "why are the starships so close to each other if they know the bugs can hit them out of orbit?"

that's the point of the movie Dad. they're a bunch of damn idiots fighting bugs. you think a bug could pinpoint shoot an asteroid all the way to Argentina?

either it’s murder or it isn’t, can’t have it both ways, republicans.

Of course they can. If they get power, they'll define anything to be whatever they want, consistency be damned. Anything that hurts their favorite punching bags will be fair game even if it makes no sense at all. Let's not give them that power, if we can help it.

Isn't he from Montana that has either already banned IVF or will ban it soon as more severe abortion laws get passed?

Anti abortion laws have the side effect of banning IVF. Because IVF requires aborting non viable fetuses or every IVF patient would be an Octomom and the chance of all fetuses and the mom dying greatly increases.

The press needs to call out the anti abortionists for what they really are doing. They are using the government to sterilize married heterosexual Christian women.

You can do ivf without that. It would just be very costly, very time consuming, and very frustrating. You just make one embryo at a time. Implant it without testing its viability. If it doesn't take, do it again. One at a time. It's an absolutely idiotic way to do it. But it is possible.

Well, same sex couples, and by extension their children, are more likely to get harassed by bigoted fucks like Rep Rosendale so I guess there's a sliver of truth in there.