Imagine thinking this is acceptable on public transportation.

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Mildly – 246 points –

When I see things like that I kind of assume there’s some addiction or mental health issues going on. It’s not typical behaviour for someone who’s well-socialized and obviously difficult to be around but I’d suspect that persons got much deeper issues and public shaming isn’t helping them.

Trust me, there are people in this world who care for noone but themselves. I think you've just been lucky enough to avoid meeting one of these people.

I think they just don't give any fucks

Sociopathy or narcissism are mental health issues.

It's usually just lack of basic education. Many people in my neighbourhood would totally do that, and I dont think they all have mental health issues.

I was more saying that "not giving a fuck" could be a mental health issue and that the two aren't mutually exclusive.

She's just leaving a nice cheesy snack for the next passenger, kind and thoughtful.

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And it's definitely not okay to take a picture of this complete stranger and upload it to the internet. She might have some mental health issues or something. I know that it's probably not the person who uploaded this who took the picture, but still.

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The people at ! need to advocate for these people to be banned before advocating for banning cars.

I actually don't mind banning cars, I just can't deal with being locked inside the same vehicle as a psychopath/sociopath.

I agree. I'm not going to advocate for public transportation if I take the risk of running into a weirdo like this, or even worse.

At least in my car, I'm guaranteed to not run into weirdos or gross conditions caused by ill adjusted members of society.

At least in my car, I'm guaranteed to not run into weirdos or gross conditions caused by ill adjusted members of society.

Unfortunately, we are completely surrounded by gross conditions caused by ill adjusted members of society. Those individuals just happen to be in the government.

You will still meet invalid beggars, burglars and dirty windshield washers when driving.

By invalid, I do not mean real invalid people but those who fake it with for example apparent urine bag and the like.

Keyword in their vehicle.

Yes, I'm quite used to the "crazies" outside of my own vehicle and home. Personally, I enjoy the privacy and independence a vehicle allows.

Unfortunately that falls under a different category. Fuck cars is about advocating for good public transportation and making cities easy to enjoy without a car. You're asking for better mental health care and services for the homeless. There are very few people that would actively do this type of thing if they had any other well lit up space they could do it.

Don't forget public transport robbers!

3rd world country person checking in, I feel safer on my car, especially when it is late at night.

That's an opinion you can have if you want to I guess.

You have set an unreasonable high threshold for when it's acceptable to want to change the situation.

If these people were driving, they'd be irresponsible and selfish in their cars too. Right now she's just gross. In a car, she's a dangerous weapon.

If you are so scared of other people to the point that you refuse to use public transport then you are just paranoid. Crazy pictures and videos taken on public transport are just extreme examples, not the general everyday experience of using public transport.

How about advocating for better access to mental healthcare instead? Banning people who shouldn't be driving cars from public transit is just going to make it harder for them to get around without actually solving any problems.

How about advocating for better access to mental healthcare instead?

We had Obamacare (Affordable Care Act), then the fucking fascists partially dismantled it. Obamacare barely passed the filibuster, I doubt anything like that could ever pass again in this political climate. And even Obamacare didn't solve everything, it's not Universal Healthcare / Medicare for All. Until healthcare issues are fixed, "ban cars" is not a policy I'd support.

We not only have a climate threat, we also have a fascist threat. We can't fix climate without getting rid of the support for fascism.

Yeah when I say fix healthcare I mean universal healthcare. ACA was a bunch of half-assed bullshit.

I wouldn't say that fixing healthcare is a prerequisite for fixing transportation. Shitty people on transit aren't as big of an issue as people on reddit (and now lemmy I guess) make it out to be, and frankly I'd prefer those people were on buses or trains instead of behind the wheel of a two ton death machine. Besides, there are plenty of shitty drivers who aren't mentally unwell, so it's not as though solving healthcare is going to do much to fix the issues with transit.

But yeah I agree, dismantling capitalism and the fascists supporting it is necessary to fix either problem. The oil industry is one of the biggest contributors to climate change, anyway, so there's no reason why we shouldn't be getting rid of them.

ACA was a bunch of half-assed bullshit.

Tell me you weren't paying attention to US politics in 2008-2010 (which were the two fucking years of nonstop backbreaking fucking effort it got the ACA to be passed) without telling me you weren't paying attention.

Still not single-payer, still a half-assed solution. The rest of the world figured out healthcare ages ago, long before ACA was written up. There's no excuse for this insurance industry enabling nonsense.

This is what I used to see on the way to work, on a good day. Fuck you San Francisco!!!!

Imagine complaining about getting a free view of some grippers.

This is because of capitalism and fast pace of life. Some use transportation time to do a lot of things they can't do otherwise like sleeping, cutting nails or applying make up. Some also to work or study.

Edit: she is cutting her nails isn't she?

Yeah, assuming her feet don't smell I'd have no issue with her cutting her nails on the train-- if she was catching them with a plastic tray, baggie or even a napkin so they don't fall on the seat someone else is about to sit down on. But she's not doing that, which is gross and disrespectful to your fellow passengers, IMO.

This is no different than shaving my body hair on the train. I’m forced to leave my trimmings on the train too because my boss wants me in the office 8:00 on the dot!