"Alarm bells about Obergefell": Sotomayor pens blistering dissent on SCOTUS marriage attack

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 152 points –

The 6-3 ruling penned by Trump appointee Amy Coney Barrett in Department of State v. Muñoz held that a citizen has no “fundamental liberty interest in her noncitizen spouse being admitted to the country,” denying a couple’s plea after a U.S. citizen’s husband was denied a visa.

Hold the fuck up, I thought visas were basically guaranteed to those married to US citizens. This seems like a pretty big deal, so why haven't I heard more about it?

You haven't heard more about it because it was released just a few hours ago. They saved this one for Friday evening.

The Republicans are also quite keen to end birthright citizenship, ie, if you are born on US territory, you are a citizen.

I guess they'll be attempting to make it so you have to born on the territory to ... probably two, not one, existing citizens.

Party of 'family values' ensuring families are torn apart! True patriots.

But wouldn't that include almost everyone but native people?

Current archaeology has identified not one but two previous periods where humans lived in present-day America before the current 'first' nations. The last group, immediately before the current one, died suddenly and with tool marks showing on the long bones.

Okey fellow human, where did you crawl out of your mothers vagina?

Unfortunately this also allows for wealthy people to participate in “birth tourism”. So many wealthy couples from China come to the US when pregnant just to have a child born in the states. I’m sure this is prevalent from many other countries as well, but I’ve seen first hand these couples from China.

No other country allows for such an easy path to citizenship.

So if those kids move back to China after getting US birth certificates and social security numbers, do they then pay US income taxes for the rest of their lives?

Are there any hard numbers on this practice?

I'd assume they'd be required to pay taxes once they're old enough to, but I'd be willing to bet that most of them don't unless they plan to ever actually move to the US.

I wonder how often the IRS actually goes after American citizens who don't live in the US, especially ones that haven't traveled to the US in more than 5+ years.

Edit: they might also be completely unaware that they need to pay taxes. If I'm not mistaken, the US is literally the only country in the world that requires you to pay taxes when living abroad. Logically speaking, it makes sense that you wouldn't have to pay taxes to a country you don't live in.

I’m sure this is precedent from many other countries

A section of a hospital in Canada was declared British soil (again) so that when a princess was born she was in England.

So we've had the reverse.

Yeah this doesn't actually happen and no you haven't fucking seen it first hand.

As someone who emigrated to marry an American - this judgement is in line with my experience. The process was long, difficult, often in jeopardy (I almost couldn't get on the plane because in the week before I left for the US they were quibbling whether my use of antidepressants for a year which ended 6 years prior counted as disqualification criteria on public health grounds).

Then, the visa is strictly, only to fly to the US and get married, it doesn't cover staying in the US or working in the US, those are separate processes.

I emigrated in my early 30s as a white, professional male born and raised in England.

That's fucking dumb. How long ago was that? The antidepressants thing is particularly upsetting. We shouldn't be turning people away if they've ever been on antidepressants (or are currently on antidepressants); I mean, it's not like we get free government healthcare or anything. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. That sucks.

Started immigration paperwork in nov 2016, final move date April 2018, got green card Dec 2018.

It is dumb, but also I see that the line of doctors, lawyers, officials, bureaucrats all have a job to do and so are probably just trying to do something, in a job that likely has a lot of pressure to find reasons to turn down applications - both from internal factors and societal.

Jesus would NEVER want a White person and a MINORITY living together! Thank you for standing up for JESUS Amy Coney Barrett!

And when SCOTUS strikes down Obergefell and/or Loving we can see how bad Biden and Co fucked us with the Respect For Marriage Act.

Yes, let’s see how bad they screwed us with… codifying gay marriage into our laws??

By making it a states rights issue where individual states can refuse to issue licenses if the clerk doesn't want to

What are you talking about?


... signed into law by President Joe Biden. It repeals the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), requires the U.S. federal government and all U.S. states and territories (though not tribes) to recognize the validity of same-sex and interracial civil marriages in the United States...

It stopped short of requiring any and all states to perform same-sex marriage but it was a definite improvement over existing law. As always I'm sure they held back on a full guarantee of a right to marriage because a handful of "moderate" Democrats refused to support it otherwise. I hope history records Manchin and Sinema as doing measurable harm to our country.

This law had enough Republicans supporting it to bypass anything the rotating villains did. Democrats inserted poison pills in it to get republican support in order to get a good headline.

Such as?

Allowing states to deny issuing a license if they didnt want to

You’re claiming it granted them a right they already had, and were already exercising? I don’t think that’s how that works.

In the states that tried to in the beginning stopped shortly afterwards. This law enables them to deny marriages.

If they stopped on their own accord, why would they start again because a new law was passed which didn’t restrict them any more than they were previously?

Right now they are required to follow federal law, RFMA would no longer require them to issue licenses if they choose not to. For personal or religious reasons. We will resign back to being second class citizens

Are you implying there is a Republican representative who would vote to codify gay marriage?

The house had them and so did the Senate. But I suppose if you took 2 minutes to look it up you would know this

Brave of you to defend the "right" to discriminate against people for their sex/gender.

I'm not defending anyone, I'm calling out the bullshit law that's in place. It's the law itself that will allow discrimination when SCOTUS strikes down Obergefell. Fucking Democrats did that to us.

This is 100% not true, and people have already shown you sources proving it yesterday. I know you hate losing a reason to hate liberals, but you're just gonna have to accept that you were wrong about this one, kiddo. Either grow up, or leave this to the adults.

Im not losing to reason, Im battling cult of personality bias.

Has there ever been a single person that democrats disagree with they didnt try to infantilize, or is the narcissism too deep?