monster rule to – 310 points –

Me, an old person: “Why don’t they just drink black coffee instead?”

Because it makes my pee taste funny

*spits out coffee i mean pee

Me, a young person: "both coffee and energy drinks are expensive. I'll keep drinking tap water when I'm thirsty."

Me, an Eldrich abomimation of unthinkable age:
Y̴̖̏'̷͔̂ ̶̬͐Y̷͆ͅ'̴̙̈́ ̶͚͐a̸̛̹h̶̢̎ ̷̟̀ǎ̷̳h̴̺̉ ̴̨̀n̸̖̚ǎ̴͈f̷̼̌l̵̿͜ ̷̯͒Y̴̬͝'̷̥̐ ̵͈̅ê̷̖p̵̨̾h̷͎́a̵̘͠i̴͓͛a̶͕͋h̷̨͛ ̸̇͜Ÿ̷̠'̷͈̃ ̶̖̈e̷̳̊p̴̹͐h̸̠̅a̸̳̚ị̶̃n̸̹͋ȧ̸̞f̸͉̄ĺ̷̗ ̸̻̅Y̷͚͒'̸̪͆ ̴̬̄a̶͚͆h̸̨͑ ̷̣̄p̴̟̃h̸͖̾'̵͓̑ņ̷̄g̴̺̏ĺ̵͔u̴͔̅ï̶͕ ̸̮͗ă̷̠h̵̦̓ ̴̓͜Y̶͍̓'̷̨̾ ̶͇̈p̴̪̈́ḩ̴̎'̸̼̇n̴͍̾g̷͍͋l̶͓̏ṳ̴̄í̴͕ ̴̠͝a̶̤̓h̴̤̒ ̸̤́e̴͚̊r̴̠̃ę̷͗y̸̥͠

We were all thinking it, but it takes an eldritch abomination to say it out loud

Because black coffee tastes even worse than Monster does. (And has a lot less caffeine.)

Maybe as you get older, you crave bitter things. That and the fear of the diabeetus monster. Artificial sweeteners can also cause health issues. That said, a quality blonde roast coffee can be pretty nice and not too strong.

Bitter foods are an acquired taste. Sweet foods are not. I remember reading somewhere that sweet foods become less attractive once you've grown up, but nothing about bitter foods becoming more attractive.

I always thought that people acquire a taste for coffee for the same reason they acquire a taste for beer: repeated exposure. Coffee is the cheapest caffeinated drink (at least in the US), and beer is the cheapest alcoholic drink. Both taste like ass the first time you drink them, but you put up with the taste because you want to get wired or drunk. After repeated exposure, some people grow to like the taste.

I like coffees flavor (not necessarily the bitter part, but it doesn't bother me much). It's not really from repeated exposure: caffeine doesn't quite work right for me, and coffee gives me anxiety and stomach issues, wo I don't drink it often but do like the flavor. Beer is somewhat opposite: I have drank a lot of alcohol(cutting back much more nowadays) but I still find most beer not tasty... though there was this one coffee beer that was really good.

My goto is actually unsweetenee Soju, with lime added. It has a very mild flavor and the lime takes away the alcohol aftertaste.

I used to like sweet stuff but I've always drank green tea unsweetened, and for the most part unless it's honey I don't like sweeteners in tea. Coffee can go both ways, especially for caramel, and hot chocolate is sweet of course, though I haven't had any for at least a year.

Once I gave up soda other things naturally started tasting too sweet for me, and I gave up soda in general 15-20 years ago. I drink it on occasion, but it always leaves a gross sticky syrupy feeling in mouth and throat.

At least where I live energy drinks are cheaper than coffee (unless you are drinking shitty instant coffee) plus while I do like how coffee tastes like it is a lot less appealing than then sweet tropical fruit flavored energy drinks

I might be a girl then cuz I never leave things half done

Same! It's either less than 10% or over 90% for me.

Please don't tell me you're one of the people who drinks almost all of it but then goes -OK I'm done, try not to look at that very obvious amount of drink I still have in my glass-

That's what my bro does and it's real bad for cleaning the dishes...

I was more talking about other things like projects or stories I write. I try finish my drinks.

Am I too old to get this joke? I do have a Guru from time to time but I guess it's not enough.

There's a stereotype that trans femmes drinking monster energy drinks

After first seeing the term trans femme, I was very sad trans homme wasn't in use.

Yeah, it's trans masc instead, but it did give us the very fun trans masc trans mask.

I think masc would go with fem, not femme. It probably started that way and evolved from misinterpretation of verbal to written word