Steve Bannon says 'Maga army' ready, as he reports to prison to politics – 235 points –
Steve Bannon says 'Maga army' ready, as he reports to prison

Persecution complex, much?

  • "MAGA army"
  • Info Wars
  • Bannon's War Room
  • (Probably more, but I'm not diving down that rabbit hole)

This fuggin' guy is more delusional than Trump. He's like cosplaying some sort of military figure, but is too much of a pussy to own up to the shit he's done. He's just saying it out loud now because he truly believes when he gets out of jail, he'll be in a position where he cannot be touched. That will not be the case lol.

And I think the thing he doesn't understand is that, if he ever actually achieves his goal of implementing a fascist totalitarian state, guys like him are the first to get liquidated by the regime. He thinks he's going to be a duke or something, but he'll be tossed aside like trash.

Yeah, totalitarian states aren't really fun for anybody in the end. It just devolves into a paranoid scheme and murder web for survival.

It just devolves into a paranoid scheme and murder web for survival.

This sums up a lot of the Rome docuseries episodes I've seen.

So much this. I'm sure he thinks he is some kind of student of history and playing nine dimensional chess, but this is the basic stuff - people like him almost always end up against the wall, killed by people much like him.

You do realize he'll get a presidential pardon the minute Trump is reelected don't you?

Now here's a series of words I never thought I'd be typing/reading:

This alcoholic, model-for-non-self care, amoral, greedy, lying, cheating, sack of shit gives other alcoholic, model-for-non-self care, amoral, greedy, lying, cheating, sacks of shit a bad name.

And he co-exists in the world of trump, boebert, mcconnell and jones.

Forgot this: a list of what to pack for prison! Feel free to add...

  • Vitamin D
  • Tylenol (preferrably tamperd with)
  • A razor
  • Lorazapam (for the DT's)
  • Comfy slippers
  • Chaps

They are ready to serve (time)

Not if Trump wins in the fall. He’ll pardon the “patriots” when he takes office. That way they’ll be back with friends in 2029.

Random thought, if Trump gets in again and I were a doctor I'd be terrified to treat him during his presidency. The guy's old and unhealthy enough that he could drop at any moment and in such a scenario the chances of his doctors crucified by his followers as deep state assasins seems scarily high.

He is going to pardon himself for his private actions under some bullshit that he the fascist nazi president is a separate person than he the private sector garbage piece of shit human. Mark my words.

Of course he is. The only limit on presidential pardons are for successful impeachment or treason.

Judging by the number of people who showed up at the Stormy Daniels trial the army is pretty understrength.

I won’t say they are not dangerous but I think there’s like a couple thousand of them that are actually ready to go to war at this stage, which if it doesn’t grow, is nowhere near enough

There are certainly more than that ready to go to war. But they're also smart enough not to out themselves for some petty stuff like this or the Trump trial. They'll stay hidden until the time is right to try something serious. Don't underestimate how many right-wing Americans are out there ready for violence.

1 more...
1 more...

If they are an 'army' then when. This comes to a head around the election, I sincerely hope that every last one of them is shot dead. Fascist pigs deserve nothing less.

The scooter cavalry is not to be fucked with, just wait until their batteries are charged back up and they're finished at the dialysis center, you'll be sorry, just you wait 🤣

I'd like to see some journalist pretending that they don't understand and ask something like: "excuse me, why do you keep talking about armies of maggots"?

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Bannon has claimed that conversations he had with the president that day should be protected under executive privilege.But last week the Supreme Court ruled he could not delay his sentence until after the appeal was heard, and now Bannon will have to face his four-month sentence.“I've served my country now for the last 10 or so years focusing on this,” he said in an interview, referring to politics and the Make America Great Again (Maga) movement.

Bannon’s actual “war room” is in the basement of an elegant Capitol Hill town house, just a stone’s throw from the US Supreme Court.Every surface is piled high with hardback books on politics, finance and conspiracy theories.

Stacked on the mantlepiece, among assorted religious iconography, is a printed quote that Bannon - who sees himself as a shepherd of the Maga populist agenda - coined: “There are NO conspiracies but there are NO coincidences.”The huge handbook of "Project 2025" is positioned in a place of pride in the room.

The 900-page tome put together by the Heritage Foundation - a conservative think tank - contains detailed plans for how a second Trump administration will transform the American government and the power of the executive branch.We were surrounded by the lights, cameras and microphones that Bannon uses to broadcast for four hours every weekday when he told me he and his show have played a major part in empowering and mobilising thousands of Trump-supporting activists, who he called “street fighters”.Though he will not be able to lead them from prison, he said that this “Maga army” that “can’t and won’t stop until final victory” will easily continue on its mission.After all, he said, the populist Maga movement is greater than him - and even Donald Trump.

These supporters - including poll watchers and lawyers - would challenge ballots they don’t believe should be awarded to Joe Biden, he said.Mr Teitelbaum, however, doubted that Bannon's own audience was "organised enough to be deployable in the way he describes".

He said he was sure that on “day one” Trump would seal the border to “stop the invasion”, and then start the “mass deportation of 10 to 15 million illegal alien invaders”.The former president would turn to the economy after that, he said, and retain the tax cuts from his first term that have largely benefited wealthy individuals and corporations.

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