My current television setup [OC] to – 198 points –

The VCR isn't flashing 12:00 am? What sort of witchcraft is this?

They have mastered the forgotten art of programming the VCR

Ye, and the Lord sayeth "Thou shalt leave the television on channel three, my child. Only then may the VCR fulfil its devine destiny". And so it was. Amen.

I'm too tired and thought that sign said "Life is Rob Lowe"

Where's your sega megadrive?

God I love that someone actually called by its real name on line for once.

What’s the story with the TV/VCR and a external independent VCR?

For recording VHS/copying, or at least 25 years ago it was.

The 1980s called and they.... are very impressed by your rig.