YouTube recomending shorts above videos to premium to Mildly – 202 points –

(it's a family subscription, not my decision)


In addition those short are infuriating to watch, because YouTube takes off most of the video controls. You cant turn on or of closed captions, you can't jump back or forwards, or even fullscreen the video. Unless you embed it somehwere else. Proving that it's a deliberate design choise from youtube to gimp the controls. And then people publish tutorials as shorts.

Protip for when you do need to reference a short like that: just replace /shorts/ in the url with /v/ and it'll be a standard youtube video, just in a vertical format.

The weird thing is, there are some shorts you can skip around the video, which means its coded in, they just refuse to put it in.

I configured uBlock Origin to block shorts so I don't accidentally watch that garbage. I consider it psychological self-defense.

Same. I do not need this media Format on YT.

For anybody wanting to block it via uBlock, here is the code from a previous comment: path[d^="M10 14.65v-5.3L15 12l-5 2.65zm7.77-4.33"]:upward(ytd-guide-entry-renderer) path[d^="M10 14.65v-5.3L15 12l-5 2.65zm7.77-4.33"]:upward(ytd-mini-guide-entry-renderer) #dismissible ytd-rich-grid-slim-media[is-short]:upward(ytd-rich-section-renderer)[page-subtype="home"] .ytd-thumbnail[href^="/shorts/"]:upward(ytd-rich-item-renderer)[page-subtype="subscriptions"] .ytd-thumbnail[href^="/shorts/"]:upward(ytd-grid-video-renderer,ytd-rich-item-renderer) .ytd-thumbnail[href^="/shorts/"]:upward(ytd-video-renderer) .ytd-thumbnail[href^="/shorts/"]:upward(ytd-compact-video-renderer,ytd-shelf-renderer) ytd-reel-shelf-renderer[page-subtype="subscriptions"] ytd-video-renderer .ytd-thumbnail[href^="/shorts/"]:upward(ytd-item-section-renderer)[page-subtype="channels"] #contents.ytd-reel-shelf-renderer:upward(ytd-item-section-renderer)[page-subtype="trending"] .ytd-thumbnail[href^="/shorts/"]:upward(ytd-video-renderer) #contents ytd-reel-shelf-renderer div.pivot-shorts:upward(ytm-pivot-bar-item-renderer) ytm-item-section-renderer ytm-thumbnail-overlay-time-status-renderer[data-style="SHORTS"]:upward(ytm-video-with-context-renderer) ytm-item-section-renderer ytm-thumbnail-overlay-time-status-renderer[data-style="SHORTS"]:upward(ytm-compact-video-renderer) ytm-thumbnail-overlay-time-status-renderer[data-style="SHORTS"]:upward(ytm-compact-video-renderer) ytm-thumbnail-overlay-time-status-renderer span:has-text(/^(0:\d\d|1:0\d)$/):upward(ytm-video-with-context-renderer)

Thank you good man!

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I feel that way about "stories". I block everyone's stories on Facebook and Instagram and I will never use Snapchat because it was made by lowlifes for lowlifes.

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It doesn't on mine....

But honestly Youtube needs to make it optional if people get shorts, it's ruined too many channels, and is just a worthless waste of bandwidth. If I wanted shitty clickbait content I'd just go to tiktok in the first place, I'm on Youtube because I'm expecting some quality.

It's one of the reasons I won't let that bullshit touch my main channel. Other Youtubers have said they have had massive growth (usually counted in "Views" which they can't understand isn't the same thing for both categories) but in general shorts have made me unsubscribe from too many channels for me to even consider it.

They just need to pull shorts out into it's own app. It's not very often that I'd want to freely mix short 30 second videos in between longer YouTube content. They're different use cases.

That's the problem with literally every company these days. They don't want to give you the choice. They know what's best for you and you're going to like what they give you, that's the motto.

This reminded me that I'm paying for Youtube Premium and yet the platform is incredibly user-hostile even to paying customers. Fuck them.

It's a thing for every streaming app. You don't get to chose what to see even if you pay.

Try to find a music streaming service that isn't shited up with podcasts and audiobooks.

User controlled streaming is not available for any price. The only way is to yohoho and plex it yourself.

Already running Plex, though to be fair - it’s not like they can escape enshittifaction either. I will probably switch over to jellyfin at some point.

Yeah I had Premium for a while but all it does is remove ads. You still get the horrendous user experience.

Why??? Use Revanced. Google doesn't need your money and they don't care about users at all, quit paying them.

What's always maddening about this is we tend to do a kind of communal thing in our household where we all connect to the smart TV and stream short little videos.

But shorts won't stream. So you'll see one, want to share it with the group, and be completely unable to do so. Why they are restricted that way I have no idea.

Because no one's started selling super tall TVs yet?


Hide for 30 days is not the option I want YouTube. I blocked them on desktop and have trained my brain to ignore them as I use the iOS app.

I don't get the hide option any more. Resistance is futile.

I’m using Yattee with piped which gives you the option of switching off shorts.. such a better user experience than the official app, plus no tracking, ads or sponsors

And judging by the recommendations you're a fan of Marvel!

Just use NewPipe, way better. No ads, no account, no restrictions. You can download videos, save playlists and even subscribe to people still. I've only had issues with slow loading with VPN enabled but it really works great. Worth a try.

I do watch comic book videos once a while but add that to the list too

Most of the longer videos are just shorts stretched out these days anyway.

Some kid found a new check box to tick as a workaround and it’s turned into a 22m video because YouTuBe fAvOuRs LonGeR vIdEoS.

Weird, mine doesn't push shorts that hard. But maybe it's because I watch some here and there?

I don´t have a problem with shorts, i can just ignore them. What i don´t like about youtube shorts is that youtube started expanding those shorts to be as a 2x2 format like seen in the picture, which takes up most of the space on my screen, unlike the original 2x1 format.

I have begun to believe that YouTube is trying its best to get me to never use it, ever again. Between the intrusive shorts, the algorithm that recommends the same exact things I've either already watched or haven't watched for the last months despite them showing up all that time, and having to pay to get rid of ads only to live through sponsored ads that seem longer and longer all the time. On my PC I just use newpipe or, but the family Roku version of YouTube I watch hardly at all now.