Iran warns that Hezbollah will likely hit non-military targets in Israeli territory in response to Israel's strike on Beirut to World – 120 points –
Iran warns that Hezbollah will likely hit non-military targets in Israeli territory in response to Israel's strike on Beirut
  • Iran has warned that Hezbollah may hit "broader and deeper targets" in Israeli territory.
  • Iran's Permanent Mission to the UN said Hezbollah may not "restrict itself solely to military targets."
  • It comes in response to an Israeli strike on Beirut on Tuesday that killed a senior Hezbollah officer.

Maybe Israel should stop fucking blowing up neighborhoods in Beirut then.

Ah yes, the two wrongs make a right gambit.

The second wrong woulfn't happen without the first. Stop the root of the problem or else the problem will become a bigger problem and everybody loses

well I didn't genocide you FIRST, so my genocide is morally acceptable

GTFO with that bullshit. Killing civilians is bad and making excuses is how you sidestep your humanity.

I'm not making any excuse, i want the violence to end on both sife. The only way for this to happen is to stop the colonization

'Stop it' with a genocide. And that somehow is morally defensible for you.

Two wrongs somehow make a right when you say so 🤷

I'm glad you were able to so easily shrug off your ethics which totally existed.

I never said we should kick all israelis from israel? Israel. They just need to stop the west bank colonization and gaza blockade

Every comment of yours.... Is loaded with so much anger. Why?

Look at this guy's comment history, the past 24 hours have been nothing but "u mad?" comments. Literally everything else is low-effort trolling.

We got us a teenage edgelord folks. Somebody get grass for this kid to touch, stat!

I just want to understand where all this vitriol is coming from. I don't see it on other platforms but here it's very prevalent. Like, why?

Given the root of the problem is “religion” this may not be as simple as we want it to be.

It's israel colonization of palestine, golan height and shabaa farms

Which is based on . . .

Herzl never described zionism as a religious mouvement, he desctibed it as a political mouvemenr

A political movement based on . . .

You'll never get an honest answer.

These fine folks can justify a fucking genocide.

10 more...

All targets are military targets according to the IDF. Schools, hospitals, civilian airports.

They probably have ten strategists around a table trying to figure out what this statement means. "What the heck is a non-military target?"

Well, they are targets for the military.


And these are the same people who expect us to believe that hezbollah bombed the druze in the Golan Heights. All 'proof' they gave me were IDF sockpuppet accounts that weren't even talking about that bombing.

The IDF has had a long history of not giving a damn and being the most murderous regime since the Nazis, and they somehow expect us to believe that hezbollah would antagonize people for no fucking reason.

I saw the IDF puppet accounts turn, almost on a dime and in unison, from cheering on death and destruction in Gaza to feigning concern and horror over Arab civilian deaths. Hilarious stuff.

Now would be a good time to remind Israel that they need to handle the wars they start. Our protection agreements do not cover conflicts they absolutely insisted upon starting. They've worked tirelessly to start shit with every neighbor in the region. They should clean up their own mess without us.

It's honestly my belief that Israel is doing half this shit to inflame the situation in an attempt to force the US into the conflict, because they know that only with America's military help will they be able to achieve their end goals

I agree 100%. It's important that we don't play into their deadly, manipulative bullshit.

Wait, isn't that a genocide?

Aren't we against genocides guys?

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