This is Fine Rule to – 160 points –

I'm constantly surprised at the general public's ignorance of the conditions of farming and simultaneous confidence that vegans are extremist loons.

Do you want transmissible spongiform encephalopathies? Because that's how you get transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.

sounds like there's good profit to be made before we get to that point

Does no one remember Mad Cow disease? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

I am constantly amazed at how little people remember of even very recent history

Bush banned testing for mad cow disease in the US because he didn't want the panic. The American public was widely gaslit about it. You're the person that didn't take the crazy pills

Pigs will eat anything, including each other and humans, if given the chance. Still shouldn’t be helping them in this endeavour

The title of this article is actually underselling it. They specifically give them disease-infected piglets and their feces

Employees can be seen removing the intestines of dead, disease-infected piglets and mixing them with piglet feces in a blender — a mixture to be fed to the adult breeding pigs — causing one worker to gag.

The practice, called “feedback,” is common in the pork business (or “controlled oral exposure” in industry jargon). The slurry of pig poop and parts is often fed to new female breeding pigs

Farmers specifically have to be careful when sows give birth because they will sometimes just eat the piglets. But yeah, let's make this about people forcing pigs to eat other pigs lmao

Stuff like that usually is worsened by captivity, but the title of this article is actually underselling it. They specifically give them disease-infected piglets and their feces

Employees can be seen removing the intestines of dead, disease-infected piglets and mixing them with piglet feces in a blender — a mixture to be fed to the adult breeding pigs — causing one worker to gag.

The practice, called “feedback,” is common in the pork business (or “controlled oral exposure” in industry jargon). The slurry of pig poop and parts is often fed to new female breeding pigs

So this is what they mean by "natural"...

Not natural at all,bit as with most things you can vote with your dollar and find humane farms and buy their products

Either thw big box stores will change or tgw meat industry will change. Awareness is the first step. Action is the next step

I see, this time I'll go to a "humane" mass murder shack, instead of my usual mass murder factory for my food.

Either thw big box stores will change or tgw meat industry will change.

Neither will change as long as capitalism is in place, they have no reason to.

You can read the article here

Do so at your own risk

I had to stop about halfway through...

This is why I shop local farms, I can't stand the evil in the meat industry and I know I'm not strong enough to become vegan so it's the next best thing

You're strong enough, dude. It's not as hard as people make it out to be. Just do some research and give it a go.

Rainbow Plant Life is an amazing channel for vegan recipes. Give her a watch or two - won't regret it. :)

We need the chickens from squidbillies with like 16 wings that secrete ranch.