Zoom/discord/twitch self hosted options

zerodawn@leaf.dance to Selfhosted@lemmy.world – 45 points –

I'd like to host a game night for friends and family where we play games like jackbox. I'd like to self host the service and give anyone a url and possibly a user name/password combination to access it. I'd like audio and video support as well as the ability to screen share and have a text chat option. I know there are a couple of services that do some of these things but does anyone know of an option that part offers all of this?


I think Jisti does all of those things. Essentially a self hostable zoom. Audio, video, screensharing and text chats.

Does anyone know anything about owncast?

It's self-hosted Twitch. A very pleasant platform, tbh

owncast is more of a "stream one thing to multiple viewers" kind of thing, as opposed to Jitsi which is more for meetings.

I've used owncast to host a couple of conferences, set it up on Linode with their single click install thing, I think. We had a jitsi call for the round table and one of the participants had OBS streamings its jitsi window to owncast. For individual presentations, we used https://vdo.ninja/ to get the presenters screen/camera/microphone onto OBS, where it was muxed and streamed to owncast.

It sounds like jitsi may be the answer for me but this will be my backup plan

It might sound crazy, but nextcloud actually can do all of that. It's pretty easy to activate if you already have a nextcloud instance. Just enable nextcloud talk app on your nextcloud instance, and maybe add a stun/turn server to make it works through double nat.


After the stability issues I’ve heard. I wouldn’t even consider nextcloud for my family at this point.

What kind of stability issue? I've been running mine for 3 years and hasn't seen any yet.

Multiple threads people have mentioned random crashing, DB issues and nonsense/useless log outputs that don’t help find a cause and just require you to restore from backup.

No way I’d consider it for business use.

Strange, probably due to some installed apps/plugins. I don't install too many apps/plugins on my instance and it's still rock solid to this day. Just like wordpress, most of the security and performance complains are usually due to 3rd party plugins/apps.

Possibly. What i was hearing seemed more like some weird DB/code gremlin thing. But I dunno. Literally never run it.

Also i think the deployment type was invovled. Maybe it was a docker specific thing??

It may be from it being ran on SQL Light. You can and should setup with a dedicated SQL server instead. From my experience it’s quite snappy as long as the docker container is ran off of SSDs.

I found this the other day: https://revolt.chat/

I have yet to deploy it but from what I've seen it's a discord alternative

+1 as a discord replacement though, if op wants all in one then jitsi sounds like the way to go, but if they're looking for a drop in discord replacement revolt has been making progress

Revolt is a matrix-compliant client and server combo. It's easier to deploy than synapse+element but obviously you miss out on some fringe features. There's also the issue that a lot of the hard parts of setting up a matrix server are due to the video part.

Since OP wants video chat and screen share first and foremost, and since revolt and matrix both use jitsi for this, OP can use straight up jitsi and set up matrix/revolt later.

Revolt doesn't federate with anything

Not only do they not federate, they also seem to suggest they are not making the self hosting option as easy as it could be because they would prefer one instance that everyone connects with.

It seems pretty solid otherwise, and the self hosted option can work if you are willing to spar with it, but that position makes it super easy for one organization to buy or somehow influence all the primary devs and turn the project closed in no time at all.

I've always had this bad feeling from revolt that further reinforces that feeling

Big Blue Button

Last time I searched for selhosted online meeting, I found that.