Israel Launches Massive Attack on Lebanon, Heightening Fears of All-Out War to World – 158 points –
Israel Launches Massive Attack on Lebanon, Heightening Fears of All-Out War | Common Dreams

A natural progression historically. If war ever ends for Israel netanyahu and a lot of his regime will face massive consequences. As is the fascist playbook, the state must now constantly be at war

Without the country facing massive consequences nothing will change.

Netanyahu is but one person in a line of hate, his mentors were as fucked up and his protégés today will be.

Israelis elected him multiple times over decades. The problems are deep seated into the fabric of the nation.

Sounds like an amazing reason to cut off all aid and support if it just let's them continue or start wars

No guys they're like, a SUPER important partner in the middle East. They're just defending themselves bro. That Palestinian kid was going to become Hamas one day. Yeah but dude it's the only democracy in the middle east! We have to support them, right?! Maybe they do some war crimes, but you have to think about how many war crimes we're preventing in the process. Just one more assassination bro I swear this will be the last one.... btw, got any money? I know I said I wouldn't ask but there's this hospital right...Hamas all over it. Hizbollahs too. They dress like doctors but that's just how they trick you

Hezbollah is a terrorist group, not an innocent child.

Could you please make an effort to discuss articles that are being linked to?

Did you know that Nelson Mandela was a terrorist? Seriously. He was a terrorist leader. He co-founded uMkhonto weSizwe. A anti-apartheid terrorist organization.

And the IRA. Terrorists that lived their car bombs.

The US military has explicitly used terrorist tactics in war.

As for Hezbollah... They were founded when Israel invaded Lebanon to act as a resistance force. Since Israel still holds Lebanese territory Hezbollah still has a reason to exist.

It also doesn't help that the IDF has been launching air strikes and assassinations in neighboring countries since the 50s...

Which really makes the IDF the true terrorist organization here.

It is funny because the first official terrorism in Palestine was by the Zionist militant group. The UK called them terrorists because they bomb a hotel where the UK officials staying at. It is clear they are gaslighting people. There attempts are not working because media can no longer control the narrative.

There were actually several zionist military groups. The Irgun, the Haganah, and the worst of the bunch, the Lehi.

And they did more than bomb a single hotel. They were a bunch of evil assholes who massacred villages, which is what started the first Arab-Israeli war.

The Lehi hated the British so much that they repeatedly tried to join the Nazis in WW2. The death camps were common knowledge among Jews who escaped Germany, and yet, the leaders of Lehi still wanted to join Hitler in fighting the British. They also really liked the Nazi writings about wiping out "inferior races" but decided that since they were "god's chosen" they swap the races around a bit and put Arabs at the bottom.

And in 1980, the surviving members all got medals issued to them by the IDF for their role in helping to found Israel. Issued by the surviving (second) leader, who was the Israeli Prime Minister at the time, and was Netanyahu's political mentor.

No duuuude you don't understand, they're totally evil! We need - NEED - to be able to assassinate people on foreign soil and commit a genocide with no consequences bro. If they fight back that's just proof of how terroristy they are. Come on bro we have to secure peace and protect democracy bro, just a few more bombs bro we swear

Israel once again escalating because Joe Biden continues to arm them.

How else will the US’s security agencies get the latest, greatest software to spy on their citizens?!

What are you talking about. They make all kinds of it themselves…also the 5 eyes help

Israel is the world leader in developing spy software and exploiting OSes. They developed a ZERO click iOS exploit.

Israel once again escalating

Oops, did I wander into the "let's pretend Hezbollah doesn't exist" thread? My bad.

Holy strawman, batman. How about you go look up what "escalate" means?

How would you define the difference between escalation and retaliation?

Planning to fire hundreds of rockets over the border?

Israelclaims that was Hezbollah's plan.

A claim used to launch a massive military strike on a neighboring county.

I'd call that an unprovoked act of war.

Israel calls it a normal day. Because they pull this shit all the time.

There's a reason Israel has no allies in the region.

Here's Nasrallah bragging about his great and super secret plan to fire 340 missiles into Israel :

“The plan was to launch 300 Katyusha rockets and disperse them across various sites. This number was deemed sufficient to overwhelm the Iron Dome and its interceptor missiles for several minutes, allowing the drones to proceed,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, adding: “No resistance platforms were hit before the operation began. The resistance successfully launched 340 missiles, and all drone sites deployed their drones despite the raids. Remarkably, no site was damaged, either before or after the operation.”

“‘Israel’ falsely claimed to have destroyed our strategic missiles, despite knowing that we have not used them yet and may do so in the future,” the secretary general said, further stating that Hezbollah’s fighters had already evacuated all the valleys containing precision and ballistic missiles, so what the enemy bombed today were empty valleys. “The drone sites were not hit, and the missile launch pads fired their missiles without being damaged in the pre-raids,” he indicated.

They're pissed they didn't get a reaction from their last round of being cunts.

If I'm connecting the dots correctly, Hezbollah was preparing to strike Israel on behalf of Iran, all in retaliation for the assassination of a Hamas leader on Iranian soil...

I cannot imagine this will end well or Iran will just let it go.

The missile attack from Iran back in April de-escalated though. Not saying that will happen again this time, but it's definitely imaginable Iran actually will let it go.

Especially considering the last missile attack proved to be ineffective. Missiles aren't free, it takes time and money to make more. Once those missiles are fired they don't have more for a while to fire back if and when Israel retaliates.

The last time Israel hit a field near to a strategic Iranian missile site as retaliation. So they "missed" and both sides de-escalated. It's widely assumed that Israel didn't actually miss, the missile hit exactly where intended as a warning. While Iranian missiles weren't able to significantly penetrate Israeli missile defenses, Israel's missiles can penetrate Iranian defenses even in areas of strategic importance. Next missile attack from Iran will result in that nuclear research site (and possibly other sites of strategic value) likely being destroyed.

So there will be a significant cost for Iran to fire missiles at Israel. They still might do it, hoping whatever improvements they may have made to their air defenses will work this time around. But it's a big gamble for Iran to directly fire missiles at Israel again rather than have their Hezbollah proxies do it.

So further activity will likely come from Hezbollah, but it's a similar situation for them as Iran. Missiles fired and shot down by Israeli air defenses is a net loss to them. Having the threat of being able to fire a lot of missiles goes away once those missiles are fired.

Have to wait and see how this plays out.

Hazbolaah has attack multiple places as part of their first phase in response of the killing of one of their leaders earlier today/yesterday. Israel didn't comment about that attack. The news going around is that Israel frame this as a preemptive strike but it is actually not.

"[...] Israel frame this as a preemptive strike but it is actually not."

I'm not that familiar with what exactly is happening. Will you please cite a reputable source that can confirm what you're claiming?

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) characterized the wave of airstrikes as an effort to preemptively "remove the threat" posed by a purportedly imminent Hezbollah attack

You gotta love how they're trying to spin this. Hezbollah has proudly declared that this 'purportedly' imminent attack was indeed very real, very planned and very carried out some hours later

endangering tens of thousands of civilians and heightening the chances of an all-out regional war.

Those 'tens of thousands civilians' have already evacuated months ago and the only casualties were three (3) fighters from Hezbollah and some associated group. Source : Hezbollah themselves

I wonder how people can keep reading this kind of propaganda and not worry why it doesn't correlate with what international observers and even Hezbollah themselves are saying

Yeah, this is bad. I guess Hezbollah doesn't think much of the negotiations in Cairo. Dammit.

Just ignoring the part where Isreal is escalating war with all their neighbors, and also ignoring the negotiations

The primary cause of this conflict is Israel but we continue to blame every other nation for reacting to Israel's genocidal hostility.

Do you think Hezbollah staging a massive rocket attack is a de-escalation?

The one done after being attacked again by Israeli forces?

You're almost there

Israel attacked but it's everyone else's fault it happened?

You don't think checks notes setting up a few hundred missiles to be simultaneously fired over the border might have anything to do with Israel trying to bomb those sites?

Also might have missed the part about Hezbollah starting this shit exchange back and forth in October

Ah I forgot, Isreal is always the victim of their aggressive actions to everyone in the region. Totally never ever the one who starts anything.

Well if you're suggesting it was Israel that restarted this border conflict with Hezbollah, I'd say you should be able to share some sources?

Founded in 1982 during Lebanon’s civil war, Hezbollah’s initial objective was ending Israel’s occupation of southern Lebanon.

Again Israel fucking with everyone else.

Stop fucking trying to play them off as the poor victim as they've always been the aggressive force in the area.

Go somewhere else with your shitty hasbara attempts

Are you saying Israel recently escalated the conflict by using a time machine to go back to 1982 to attack the PLO?

Neither does Israel.

Hezbollah stated they were holding off on their retaliatory strike re: dead leader until they saw the outcome of the Gaza talks.

Israel hasn't ceased genociding either.

So you’re blaming Hezbollah for the current situation? You do know Israel has been refusing to ceasefire since the beginning of people demanding it, they also refuse to stop murdering innocent Palestinian civilians.

They (Israel) refuse to stop the genocide on Palestinians, they refuse two-state solution.

We could even go on about the entire situation from 1948-2024 and then let’s talk about “who does not think much about negotiations”.

Is it bad? Yes, indeed it is. It has been bad for a very long time.