Veggietales Facts to Lemmy – 355 points –

That's just a fact. The whole US political system should be scrapped and re-developed to make it a democracy.

You can fix the american democracy by upgrading it ranked choice voting, abolishing the electoral college, ending citizens united, giving all prisoners the right to vote, reforming the supreme court, make Washington DC and Puerto Rico states.

Eliminating the senate, massively increasing the size of the house, making registration automatic, executing anyone caught disenfranchising voters, etc

Eliminating the Senate might seem like a good way to reduce the outsized influence that voters in smaller states wield, but the Senate helps keep those states in the union.

Also, the death penalty should be eliminated, not expanded.

We obviously need to address the fact that our government doesn't represent the country, but drastically increasing the ability of larger states to ride roughshod over the interests of smaller states is not a recipe for stability.

Death penalty only for white collar crime?

Don’t kill. Killing is wrong. No, seriously, it is so so bad. Don’t even think about it, because if you kill, we will kill you right back buster!

The absolutists are wild... Some people absolutely deserve to never have influence over someone else ever again. There are only so many ways to actually accomplish that...

The death penalty thing was said tongue in cheek. And we already settled the whole can you leave the union thing a little while back.

... Introducing proportional representation and majority elected president, enfranchising all people, ending politically appointed judiciary, making intentional lies with the intention to mislead the public a criminal offence...

Nah, don't tie provable intent to it. Just knowingly lie should be enough. If it's not under national secrets or some other thing, lying SHOULD be illegal out of representatives. Always.

They can always say, "no comment" if they feel the urge to lie.

Eliminating the Senate is not a good idea. Maybe just fix it by populating it in proportion to the states citizens?

And do yourself a favor and finally abolish the death penalty. It does not become to a civilized country.

you can't fix the foundation of blood and suffering that the house was built on top of

Show me one government not built on a pile of bodies

It would be so cool to be a part of a true democracy.

Remember that you enter a revolution with the culture you've got, not the culture you want. Think on that very carefully before you roll those dice.

depends on perspective. if you're a billionaire, it's right on track.

That's what the French and Russian aristocrat's thought right before the French and Russian revolutions.

The United States is a cruel mockery of a developed nation especially when looking at the Mississippi

What's up with Mississippi?

it's full of shit.

Stretches of the Mississippi River within the park corridor exceed water quality standards for mercury, bacteria, sediment, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl), and nutrients. Unfortunately, these "impairments" can make the water unsuitable for fishing, swimming, and drinking. Mar 6, 2023

The state has the highest obesity rate, is the least developed state, the life expectancy is at age 74.4, has the lowest high school graduation rate, one of the lowest tax rates in the country, one of the lowest unionization rates, the state government has been under republican trifectas since 2012.

might be right, might be wrong, but I'll be fucked if I take my news from a bunch of christofascist vegetables.


They don't have arms so they can't self-pleasure (it is a "sin")

Are we using christofascist as a way to call Christianity fascist now, or did I miss some fascist messaging in VeggieTales?

It was fun while it lasted, but it's time for the crown to bring the colonies back to order.

Yeah right, I'll only believe this it it comes from the Globgomgabgalab. He is the yeast of thoughts and minds.

You helped veggietales. You tripe rotted the brains of many young Americans.