ABC Slams Trump’s Latest Conspiracy Theory About Debate Loss

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 157 points –
ABC Slams Trump’s Latest Conspiracy Theory About Debate Loss

Trump told Fox & Friends that he felt Harris was “awfully familiar” with the questions as he debated her.

It’s called preparation you bellend.

I'm sure the staffers multiple times have shown trump the list of questions from ABC during their "policy" meetings

Let me guess, it went something like "The corrupt and lying ABC guys made a question, and Kamabla knew the answer! That's not how it's done, that’s not how Trump does it, everybody says so! I just say whatever comes into my beautiful mind, the best mind, people tell me with tears in their eyes, even famous asylum seeker Hannibal Lector!"

Anyone running for President should be able to rationally predict which questions they'll be asked in a debate.

  1. Inflation.
  2. The economy.
  3. Israel/Gaza.
  4. Russia/Ukraine.
  5. Abortion/Roe.
  6. Jobs.
  7. Energy.
  8. Education/Student Loans.
  9. Court reform.
  10. Climate Change.
  11. Crime.
  12. Immigration.

And they should be prepped and ready to discuss any and all of those topics.

The last time a candidate got an out of pocket question was when Clinton got the "Boxers or Briefs?" question.

Anyone running for President should be able to rationally predict which questions they'll be asked in a debate. answer any of these questions

What a sore loser. It was such a huge loss that, rather than trying to force a debate to happen on Fox, he's just going to give up and stop debating all together. He's such a joke.

Let's say he's right... let's say "the fix was in" and let's say the hosts were out to get him.

No one made him talk about eating pets. No one made him talk about Harris giving illegal immigrants gender reassignment surgery in prison. No one made him say that Harris needs to sign a bill right now that congress didn't have to pass. No one made him say Biden doesn't know whether or not he's alive. Etc.

He lost the debate because he ranted and raved like a complete nutball.

Oh damn!

They slammed it?? Fuuuuuuck. 🤯

Do we have a community/magazine for instances of slamming yet?

Please let me know so I can block it. God I hate the way that word is used in headlines. Save "slam" for when you need to tell the doctor why your hand is a bloody pulp shaped like the latch of a car door.

Headline from 2032: "ABC hawk tuahs trumps latest conspiracy about debate loss"

Bold of you to think he will be around in 2032

Sad that we have already had to endure him for a longer period of time than separates us now from 2032

I wouldn't mind trump gumming up the GOP the next 8 years, as long as he loses with greater margins each election.

Realistically this is his last chance his core voters are aging out.

I thought it was Fox that hawk tuahs Trump's rants

Trump needs to be taken out behind the woodshed every day until the election.

That seems excessive to keep taking a corpse behind the woodshed and shooting it again every day. Once should be enough.

LOL. It's like any tertiary level test. You don't know the questions but you do know the content. Learn the content and tailor it to the questions.