Read the indictment: NYC Mayor Eric Adams charged with bribery, fraud, foreign donations to – 171 points –

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is facing federal charges of bribery, fraud and soliciting a political contribution from a foreign national, according to an indictment that was unsealed on Thursday — a historic circumstance that comes after a months-long investigation. 

Early Thursday, federal agents descended upon the mayor’s official residence, Gracie Mansion, member station Gothamistreported, citing law enforcement.

After the indictment was unsealed, Adams maintained his innocence, saying at an outdoor news conference that his legal team would "peruse the entire document."


Things you won't hear from Democrats:

This is a conspiracy!

The FBI is being political!

The evidence was AI generated!

But what about... (insert Republican bribes)?

This was a perfect and legal arrangement.

Everybody does it this way.

He should have executive immunity.

It can't be true, because he's too rich to bribe.

I don't care, he's good for the economy/going to deport illegals/someone I'd drink a beer with/going to protect gun owners and bigots.

Things you will hear from Democrats:

He's guilty? Put him in jail.

What you'll hear from Republicans:

See! Democrats are the corrupt ones!

Any corrupt Democrat deserves to be judged, it just sucks to give the right more ammunition lol

Things you will hear from Democrats:

He’s guilty? Put him in jail.

I think you have a typo there. That question mark is supposed to be an exclamation point.

I don't know that he's guilty. I would guess he is, but I wouldn't deny him a fair trial. If he's guilty, send him to prison.

Sadly that's more of an American thing. Guilty until proven innocent is only given to those the public likes. In the court of public opinion you're guilty until proven innocent and a fair trial is only afforded to the likeable

This guy is such a moron. NYC deserves better.

See that, Republicans? We don't circle the wagons when a politician in "our party" (not really my party) does something fucked up and/or illegal.

Imagine that. Actually wanting to hold your politicians accountable for their actions. Even the ones you voted for.

When I have one front page that contains both one current New York City mayor being charged with bribery, fraud, and foreign donations and a previous New York City mayor being disbarred for the false Trump election-fraud process, I do have to say that maybe New York City needs to work on selecting itself a cleaner group of leaders.

Just heard some pundits talking about Andrew Cuomo getting ready to swoop in and run if Adams resigns. They’re gonna elect Andrew fucking Cuomo next, probably.

Or it points to our lack of choice since these two private parties both directly and indirectly choose who we're allowed to vote for.

The NYC mayoral primary election was very competitive with ranked choice voting. Adams barely won.

Who would've thought the guy who gave us a tour of "his" apartment, he'd clearly never been to before, has a history of fraud?

The Feds have a history of not indicting until they're sure they have enough evidence to win. Either it took them a lot of searching or they found so much they had trouble getting it all in.

Peruse? What are they, hobbits sleepily reading by the fireplace?

Yeah, you'd think a criminal indictment against him would warrant a bit more than a casual perusal by his legal team.