Today in "Things that exist instead of a new Castlevania game"

The Picard to – 511 points –

Castlevania: Circle of the Front Burner

Castlevania: Simon's Lunch

Castlevania: Dawn of Supper

If your food isn't cooked on the Symphony of the Night stove then I don't want it

Burnt? No, dinner has just gone through a DARK METAMORPHOSIS

You new castlevania game was Bloodstained:Ritual of the Night, and it's amazing!

Unless you got tricked into getting the terrible switch version. Utter crap, I definitely regret backing the game. They had the gall to tell us the game would work on Wii U and Vita back then. In the end it was almost unplayable on the Switch.

I got a PC version long after that (only because it was cheap), and yeah, that one is good.

yea, I did the same thing. Switch version is garbage. PC version is fantastic, and it runs great on the steam deck.

I still haven't beat that one, but I own 2 copies somehow. I really liked their 8bit one that they made a stretch goal for the Kickstarter.

yea, I love the hidden 8 bit levels and getting the pixelated items and such.

Wife saying we need a new range.

My eyes light up as I tell her - for her money is no object, I will get her the bestest one ever!!

It was not by my hand that I am once again baking cake. I was brought here by my wife, who wished to make her dessert.

This edit is so bad lol

How do you know?

Just look at the front, really badly cut image and the perspective is all wrong, besides I’ve already seen the original

Ahhh alucard, still cooking with gas I see? I'll not ask you to switch to an electric stove, but I demand you stop baking at once!

It's all fun and games until you get to the Inverted Range

What would you rather have though

If I have to pick, this range and a copy of dracula X and SOTN rather than a probable disappointment from present day Konami

What's the point of putting a design on the sides that no one will see once the stove is installed?