Yevgeny Prigozhin on passenger list of plane in fatal crash, says Russia to World – 262 points –
Yevgeny Prigozhin on passenger list of plane in fatal crash, says Russia

I have two hypothesis to what might have happened:

  1. Putin got to him, but instead of falling out of a window he fell from the sky
  2. Prigozhin stages his own death so he could escape with at least some of his money to somewhere in Africa or South America

some more ideass:

  • Prigozhin was already dead when he was put on the airplane
  • Russians procured 10 more random dead bodies to throw on the airplane
  • completely fake story, Prigozhin is detained in prison somewhere

I know you're just spitballing but putin wouldn't go through that much effort. I think he'd much rather just kill him for real. Prigozhin filmed the Africa video earlier, then returned to Russia for some reason, and released the video claiming to be in Africa as misdirection. Putin got some good intel on Prigozhin's plane and took the opportunity to shoot it down and stop the next rebellion before it starts

putin got him, 100%. both wagner and ru mod have reported that priggo is dead, and you don't just randomly fire a SAM at a civilian jet

look at what happened to any other nationalist critic of kremlin: tatarsky is dead, girkin is in prison, surovikin is under "house arrest", now prigozhin and utkin are also dead, and some others, like rybar, were told to toe the line or else and they complied

you don't just randomly fire a SAM at a civilian jet

Unless you're Russia

this one was 100% intentional. these two other were also intentional, just misguided, it takes several steps to fire a SAM, it does not happen through an accident (bar missile defence, but there are few civilian planes with size of missile, travelling at the speed of missile)

Source for it being a SAM?

early claim by wagner telegram channel, and also what makes the most sense since entire wing was blown off

could be something else, but options are limited

If it's #2, I wonder if he'll still be watching over his back for ice picks for the rest of his life.

If it's #2 he's absolutely going nowhere near a window on the fifth floor of any building.

I’m in the option 2 camp. While it is entirely possible that he really did die I’m skeptical and think this is some sort of plan of his. I don’t mean to sound conspiratorial but it’s so hard to believe anything reported by Russia

they already found his body, both ru authorities and wagner says that prigozhin and utkin are dead

They say they found his body. Can't trust the Kremlin or Wagner.

kremlin and wagner are on opposite sides there, and they say the same thing

putin wanted to show very publicly what happens to traitors, and he did. this is the simplest explanation here; maybe it's delayed response for mutiny, in which case the only unusual thing is why it happened so late. or maybe it's gerasimov's decision, or someone else's in high command, in which case it's more of an happy accident for putin

if it's what you say, wagner and kremlin or army cooperated for what reason exactly? so that prigozhin can command what is effectively russian colonies in africa, while not allowed ever to get into limelight? putin wanted control over this and over pmc, he tried to get there before, and now it'll be much easier

#3 Prigozhin was not on board, Wagner command knows, so no uprising, and Putin looks like he had him assassinated. Optics preserved


I might need some sleep

I can't help but wonder if that whole thing was Putin using Prigozhin to flush out traitors and tempt Ukraine to attack before they were ready.

Im gonna go with #2. Whole story sounds too easy and too convenient to be anything else.

Give it a few months and you will find this guy eating ice cream in Florida like that Brazilian President

I’m sure it will be determined that it was Ukrainian ‘terrorists’ who were responsible and not at all the guy with a history of killing people who challenge his authority.

Oh, I'm sure the Russian apologists on Hexbear are already refining their script.

They are out in absolute force.

If the Russian army was half as aggressive as hexbears then no number of black f35s of Allah could save us.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the Wagner paramilitary chief who launched an armed mutiny in June, was on a private jet that crashed in the Tver region near Moscow, killing all 10 onboard, Russian officials have said.

Rosaviatsia, the Russian aviation authority, said Prigozhin was one of the passengers listed in the manifest as being onboard the Embraer business jet that crashed on Wednesday evening.

The cause of the crash was not immediately clear, but Prigozhin’s longstanding feud with the military and the armed uprising he led in June would give the Russian state ample motive for revenge.

Prigozhin, an ally of Vladimir Putin’s who amassed a fortune from state contracts, later went on to establish troll factories and a paramilitary army that became an important extension of Russian power abroad.

But a longstanding conflict with the top brass of the defence ministry only grew worse in Ukraine, where he feuded over ammunition and strategy, claiming his irregular fighters were being sacrificed to protect regular Russian troops.

Where’s the fucking ammo?” he screamed in one social media post, calling out defence minister Sergei Shoigu and chief of the general Staff Valery Gerasimov while lobbying for more shells to be delivered to his troops fighting near Bakhmut.

The original article contains 517 words, the summary contains 203 words. Saved 61%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

The problem was that all of the plane‘s windows, including the front ones, were welded shut to prevent defenestration.