GitLab plans support for ActivityPub to – 663 points –
Support ActivityPub for merge requests (&11247) · Epics · · GitLab

Several years in the making, GitLab is now very actively implementing ActivityPub! 🙌

The end-goal is to support AP for merge requests (aka pull requests), meaning can send a merge request to

In the most expansive version of this vision, anyone running an AP-enabled git instance (with one or more repos) can send MRs to another instance’s repo, without having to sign up there.

For starters this will be GitLab-specific, but that’s already huge for self-hosters of GitLab who currently don’t benefit from the internal interop of the network.

First bite-sized todo on the implementation path there is ‘subscribe to project releases’. And yes, they are aware of ForgeFed and will likely make use of that spec for the advanced features of this epic.

Smart move by GitLab; through ActivityPub they’re getting a distributed version of GitHub’s social layer.

Hugely impactful as a way around GitHub’s moat as the de-facto social network of open source development. I follow hundreds of developers on GitHub, though mainly just to keep track of who I’ve interacted with, effectively adding them to a dev-specific address book.

I have a much harder time keeping track of non-GitHub devs on alt platforms, but if I could follow them on the fediverse that’s actually preferable over GitHub’s proprietary follow list.

Cross-posted to Mastodon:


I'm so making an instance to hide my bad reputation from that 1 abandoned PR

AHAHAH 😂 You worry about one abandoned MR? Imagine who abandoned, say, 200 MR?

That's freaking rad!
I hope federation becomes the new standard for interoperability all over the Internet

There's lots of talk about "web 3" as regarding some crypto nonsense, but I think activitypub is the next step of the web, where different platforms communicate and you can have your home and you reach out to everywhere you want to be, and it's all integrated at your home.

There’s lots of talk about “web 3” as regarding some crypto nonsense, but I think activitypub is the next step of the web, where different platforms communicate and you can have your home and you reach out to everywhere you want to be, and it’s all integrated at your home.

Exactly. The real web 3 is decentralization, with the conveniences of web 2, but with the decentralization of web 1.

YES! We really need to change the mindset of "Web3 = Blockchain/Crypto/NFT" to "Web3 = decentralized"

To make it clearer we suggest a renaming of the crypto Web3 to Web3.0, and the decentralization version Web3.1.

No, wait, that's too confusing, let's make that Web3.0 gen 1 and Web3.0 gen 2, respectively.

Kind regards, the USB Implementers Forum.

Just pull a Capcom and name it World Wide Web 3 ~ Internet Federation ~ ActivityPub Edition Advanced Super ULTRA

No, pull a Sega and make it Web 3 & Knuckles and you have to snap your existing browser underneath it for the full experience.

1 more...
1 more...
1 more...
1 more...
1 more...

As soon as Forgejo and Gitlab are able to share issue tracking between them, Github is so doomed in the open-source community

MORE FEDERATION!!!! MORRRREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!1!1!1!1!1!!1!!!!1!!!!!

This is a great idea. Gitlab has too many features (bloated) for the average self hoster IMO. I hope forgero/gitea also follow the gitlab to enable activitypub

This feels like such a great step in the right direction. I Selfhost gitea, which also has this planned and is working on it, but it's taking a lot of time. I might consider switching to git lab if they are faster.

This is amazing! Honestly a no brainer feature. Having to create an account just to contribute on one project's instance is not a great experience currently and the reason I mainly stick to Github.

Looking at their epic and list of tickets, they look serious about it.

This is awesome.

Is there a clone of Lemmy on GitLab or Codeberg?

Isn't the official repo for Lemmy on GitHub?

Autocorrect got me 😭

Ah, well, I don't think there's any officially hosted versions on GitLab. I guess it depends on why they chose GitHub, but maybe some attempts can be made to have them migrate if given enough reason that they agree with. So any clones on those other sites would need to pull in from GitHub on their own accord. And unfortunately any MRs into them would need to be replicated on GitHub which I'm assuming is the reason you ask and therefore likely won't be happy with the answer.

I'm happy with your answer, just not the content of it 😂

You're spot on, but it would be nice to see all of the Fediverse software move over something that supports ActivityPub. Though, I prefer the UI of Codeberg over GitLab.

It's a great use case that they've defined. Super keen to see how it turns out for them.

Would've taken source control and social 'engineering' (sure I should be using a better term) to be disparate, why is this good ?

Kind of lame that they’re wasting time on gimmicky features like this rather than stuff people have been asking for (like Conan registry support)

I self host Gitlab because I want to be in control of my private repos. If I wanted to release open source projects and collaborate with people, I would use the SaaS version. Public instances that encourage contributions like Gnome have open registration, but activating federation seems like it would just add a new layer of moderation headaches for very little real benefit.

Am I missing something? Besides marketing for Gitlab, what real benefits could this bring to users?

its very much wanted, I dont want to have to create new accounts on every gitlab instance for all different projects like KDE, GNOME and others when I want to report a bug or something

If you can't be bothered to spend 1 minute to create an account, then you probably can't be bothered to create an actionable bug report or a merge-able PR.

I'm not against federation in general, but gitlab isn't twitter or reddit. It's a utility for doing work, and I don't see how it will do anything but grow the mountain of bloat on which gitlab is sitting.

its not me not being bothered, its just annoying having to create an account for 1 issue I'll probably never use again so its a waste of time

Disagree. I self host three gitlab instances, and use as well as another gitlab. I have bothered to create accounts on all of those, created meaningful bug reports and Mrs on all of them, and I'd like to see this.