rule to – 209 points –

the hairs start growing and they don’t stop growing

fed to the rules and I hit the ground running

didn't make sense not to shave on sun

your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb

So much to shave, so much to wax

So whats wrong with growing it all back?

I just shaved my legs and it feels pretty great :3 kinda sucks to keep finding areas I missed after but damn this is comfy

Honestly to me face shaving is much more important tho. Shaved legs feel great, shaved face is a necessity (I have the worst combo of super light skin + dark hair, even if I literally just shaved the roots are still visible on the chin. It makes that area automatically more masc I think, which sucks)

Try a concealer with a lot of yellow, or just yellow color corrector if you choose to wear make up. Yellow will cancel out the blueish tint from the hair roots. Put your regular foundation over the top.

Sorry if you already know this, but as a ciswoman with a lot facial redness (green for that!) I didn't learn about color correction until I was well into adulthood. And if it gives anyone a shortcut in their journey I'm happy.

Thanks! I don't own any makeup, but when I do I'll have to keep this in mind. As an extra, for some reason some skin around my mouth (under and sides) has a weird yellowish tint. Any ideas about that?

(Tiny aside: to be clear, I'm a guy that likes to look fem/andro)

So, I know for blueish pigment, like beard shadow, you counter it with orange/red, and red skin/irritation with green, but I'm not sure about yellow. It's typically the opposite end of the color spectrum to counter, so maybe blue?

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What if I told you that you don't HAVE to

Checks out

Can someone act like I don’t know why it checks out?

Germans are known for not shaving their legs/armpits. OP is on a German instance.

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