Lidl recalls Paw Patrol snacks after website on packaging displayed porn to – 158 points –
Lidl recalls Paw Patrol snacks after website on packaging displayed porn | TechCrunch

"huh, ad revenue is up a bit this month"

-- some guy in China

"oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck I'm so fired"

-- some IT guy at paw patrol hq

If you'd read the article, you'd know the company was already dissolved.

!NotTheOnion - was the site. No porn sadly. Just a chinese landing page.

It's a lot of Chinese writing and porn gifs. I had to close it immediately because there were about 30 gifs all over my screen.

1 more...

Apparently it was a holding page, could they just not have bought the domain?

What kinda porn 🤨

That was my first thought, too - that they'd used Paw Patrol "fan art" as marketing materials, but no... it sounds like it was just improperly vetted adult ads displaying on their site. I am more than a little disappointed.

not even that exciting. the company that made the snacks apparently went out of business a year ago, so the domain lapsed.. and this is what can happen.

When they went out a year ago, why do they recall something now?

Supermarket is recalling it, not the manufacturer

Mmm, year old stale snacks, just what every kid wants.

At least a year old. Seems like this is blown way out of proportion.

It's ridiculous that they would rather throw out all this product instead of just buying the domain back and serve a simple website. Goes to show how little the brand controls about their business.

Wrong community

Somebody let their domain expire and this happened.. I mean, it is at least somewhat tech related

I agree that it's more cybersecruity related but given that this incident led to a food product recall there is a bit of a more broad appeal so I think fits this community.