Ron DeSantis Is Afraid of Questions From a 15-Year-Old

Flying to politics – 361 points –

He isn't afraid. He is sending a message. That message is, in the words of Eric Cartman: "Respect my authority!"

I.e. it was meant to dissuade people from questions or comments that reveal his fascist beliefs.

The kid shouldn't have apologized, as he was just asking questions, and not in the dishonest way.

I would say his initial non-answer shows he is afraid. He's afraid and lashing out because his authority isn't being respected and he knows it. He can't answer a simple question from a teenager about January 6th.

I saw the kid's apology as kind of a troll honestly. "Sorry for getting you in trouble with your boss"

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Making it more apparent the reason why they’re banning books, attacking librarians and destroying education. They’re scared. DeSantis, just like Trump and the rest of the Republican Party are just pussys masquerading as tough guys.

I like pussies. I don't like those people. We need to find a better word for them.

Scrotum warts. No one likes those, no one reasonable likes DeSantis.

Pussy is actually short for pusillanimous:


Lacking courage; cowardly.

Destitute of a manly or courageous strength and firmness of mind; of weak spirit; mean-spirited; spiritless; cowardly; -- said of persons, .

Evincing, or characterized by, weakness of mind, and want of courage; feeble.

Patriot or something. The goal is to appropriate a word they use as a positive term and make it derogatory like they did to woke. For bonus points incorporate an arm or hand gesture to mock them they've done with gay men for almost a century.

I say a specific type of salute while uttering "patriot" or "he's a patriot". Only problem is having to make that disgusting gesture to get a point across.

Do you like peices of shit? No? Let's use that then.

Technically not a word, but I think pussy ass bitch works

No need to use "pussy" as an insult, that's sexist. Just call them cowards.

If we’re trying to list the things Meatball Ron is afraid of, we’ll be here all day.

It's more about how his security treated this kid. They manhandled a 15-year-old. A kid who wants to be a political reporter one day. They almost ruined that ambition. And the most ridiculous part is that it was basically a softball.

Correction: he’s afraid of everything.

Ron doesn't want these questions most likely. That is why he overreacted so much.

'As astute an observer of the state’s politics as any, Mitchell had a blunt assessment of the fiasco over DeSantis’ treatment of him. “Really stupid,” he said, “in a small state like New Hampshire.” '

More mature, intelligent, and knowledgeable than DeSantis.