ACAB but with an Italian accent rule to – 745 points –

Look, nobody ever said fascists didn't understand fascion.

“Make the pants tighter.”
…they’re already pretty tight-

Ironically, there's a song called "Ich bin Adolf Hitler" (I'm Adolf Hitler) by KIZ that has the line "the jeans are so tight, you can see what I'm thinking ".

Well, you're not wrong

I mean if one of these guys started talking to me about the good parts of Mussolini’s regime. I’d stop and “listen”

Watching respectfully while listening to Rage Against the Machine on my in ears.

In fact they're just present day gay Nazis.

Nobody who speaks Italian can be an evil man

These two criteria - language and a dichotomy like good or evil - are so disjointed and unrelated, I assume you are joking.

I think the historically correct term is "fascist", unless they decide to specifically eschew Mussolini's heritage and model their new regime after the German one instead.

AFAIK Italian cops arrested Putin's yacht. Good work, Italy.

I tend to think a lot of Italians I meet are gay, lol. Am I gaycist?

Nah, you just need to get your gaydar adjusted