The War Thunder forum has once again been used to share restricted plane documentation - this time about the F-117 Nighthawk

gabe [he/him] to – 482 points –
The War Thunder forum has once again been used to share restricted plane documentation - this time about the F-117 Nighthawk

How many times even has this happened?!?!


At least get a picture of a F-117. Putting up an image from the game with a random aircraft is just lazy.

Actually that F-14 in the picutre is missing the highly classified [REDACTED] pod which is capable of [REDACTED] up to a distance of [REDACTED] for IR and [REDACTED] for visual targets. /s

It's too fucking funny that people are willing to post classified military specs on aircraft just to bitch about a game.

5 more...

At this point we should start tracking what wasn't leaked yet.

Anything to win an Internet argument and to get a buff/nerf going. xD

It’s thought that this is the 12th time that either restricted or classified information has been shared on the War Thunder forum.

12 times?!??

Probably not alot of secrets about that aircraft left . The Russians probably got a good look at the one that was shot down in 1999.

There are a few things left. They still use Luneburg lenses for opfor and non-us exercises.

That pretty little triangle hasn’t flown a mission in about 15 years but yeah, we still use Luneberg reflectors on 35s. That’s not secret science though