Toronto restaurant issues disclaimer after customer requests ketchup on schwarma. to Not The – 179 points –
Toronto restaurant issues disclaimer after customer asks for ketchup on shawarma

Crazy they even have ketchup in the restaurant to begin with

Fries but also the place desecrates poutine and probably shawarma too (who cares, fast food) so it's all for the memes.

They have a channel with a bunch of skits too the guy who does them is pretty funny

Desecrates is the good term, reading the ketchup thing made me remember when I was in montreal at a fast food shawarma and pizza place, they also had poutine but with GRATED CHEESE, I was hurt

Probably they sell fries with the schwarma, I've seen places that do.

I actually don’t know if I’ve ever seen a shawarma, gyro, doner kebab place that DOESNT have fries

Let me introduce you to a fine piece of 'Dutch' quisine, the kapsalon.

Imagine a dish with the following ingredients all on top of each other in a metal tray, from top to bottom:

  • cheese
  • garlic- and hot sauce
  • veggies (raw onions, lettuce, pepper, cucumber)
  • döner kebab
  • french fries

Sounds like something akin to the halal snack pack. I’d crush either one of those if I could get one here in NEOhio

It looks great., I've never had a halal snack pack either. I think I'd like to crush either one of them tbh. It's like poutines foreign friend, potato base with various proteins and toppings. I 100% approve and need to find a place that serves them at some point in my life.

These guys have such a crazy social media presence for a shawarma shop. First the toktiks and yt shorts, now this.

They're great at marketing it seems. I realized this was an ad too when I saw the name there

Food purists are some of the weirdest people.

Never understood why people care so much about how other people eat their food.

The dude who runs Shelby's makes funny tok tok shorts about ketchup on shawarma. He even has a set of recurring characters and includes customers in his sketches sometimes. This is an elaborate inside joke.

I don't get people who are bothered by others eating things how they want, but idk if my personal peeve puts me in the food purist category or a language prescrivist (I'm usually the opposite of it). I think food items should be called what they're and names should not be interchanged because the idea seems similar, like a crunchwrap isn't a calzone (the comparison I could recall from the top of my head)

Worst offenders are meat eaters. If the meat isn't mooing, you might as well eat shit and die.

Like who cares? If someone wants a raw piece of meat or a burned to fuck piece of charcoal? They're the ones eating it. Let them.

The only reason to care is if there are innocent victims involved

Sign:___________ Date:_________

(The date is already printed elsewhere on the receipt)

Well here is where my PhD in tracking stuff on paper, which gets handed out in triplicate to every German child at birth, comes in handy. The signature line customarily includes the date again because printing date and signing date (and thus validity) might differ. And yes, I know this is not applicable in a restaurant (hopefully), but that's generally the reason when it occurs.

I mean, it should not be hard to program the printer to put the date on the signature line as well, the date does not need to be handwritten.