Trump Warns ‘Cognitively Impaired’ Biden May Cause ‘World War II’ to Not The – 296 points –
Trump Warns ‘Cognitively Impaired’ Biden May Cause ‘World War II’

If Joe Biden is reelected in 2024 he will be 86 at the end of his second term.

Last week Trump, who is 77, was mentioned in [...]

Curious that the author can't use the same scale to talk about their ages. They're only 3.5 years apart in age, but phrasing it this way makes it feel like a lot more.

Yeah someone is cognitively impaired alright but it isnt Biden.

Lets be real, Biden is showing signs of decline as well, I mean the man is in his 80s. I'd be surprised if he wasn't. I think he's doing better just by virtue of living an overall healthier lifestyle than trump.

But the biggest difference is that biden doesn't have to double down on every ridiculous, nonsensical, half thought that tumbles, unbidden, from his mouth because the only brain cells left are directly associated with self-aggrandizement and sexual assault.

I can't believe a scrawny clown snatch is the voice of reason around here.

The King in Orange. who reigns in Maracosa, shall not be maligned. You have been warned, peasant.

To be fair, I think you'd have a hard time proving he's declined significantly in the last few years. You can't unflush a turd.

The fact that Trump is old is no where near as serious as the fact that he's a complete fucking idiot. The smartest thing that guy has ever done was marry Ivana, because she was probably the only person in that entire family who actually knew how to use her brain. And he couldn't even manage that for more than about two minutes.

He's not an idiot entirely; he has skills - they're just not intellectual. They are decaying with age though. Worse than his relative intelligence (I put it at no better than average) though, he's a narcissist. Peak narcissist, in fact, and he's bought into his own cult. He's also desperately trying to stay ahead of the speeding train of consequences, and if he has to destroy what's left of the country to do it, he absolutely will.

“We have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst president in the history of our country, who is cognitively impaired, in no condition to lead, and who is now in charge of dealing with Russia and possible nuclear war,” Trump said. “Just think of it. We would be in World War II very quickly if we’re going to be relying on this man.”

Does…does he bomb Pear Harbor or something?

I knew that son of a bitch could time travel...

I'm onto you Joe! Get me one of those sports almanacs from the future and I'll keep my mouth shut.

Trumps already got it, how do you think Biff became president.

Time travel hijinks that must be resolved by Joe Biden giving me an almanac from the future so that I can secure a financial future for my family?

The irony of him being Putin's discarded bitch is the cherry on top.

I mean, the US economy has never been stronger than the post-war era...

Yeah ok, still probably not worth it.

/Trump is a jackass