An Australian journalist has called her baby Methamphetamine Rules

∟⊔⊤∦∣≶ to World – 119 points –
An Australian journalist has called her baby Methamphetamine Rules

Just some lighter news to break up the doom a bit


She was hoping the nanny state would prevent this and she'd waste someone's time. Instead she just wasted her own.

and showed that there is an issue with overseeing this particular area by the government and that is also part of the job of a journalist to point out problems like that.

Also they can easily change the name because the government agreed to the oversight and will try to improve. So win/win

"What we were trying to find out was what the registrar names a baby if the parents don't come up with an acceptable name, because that's what actually happens if parents don't lodge a name that's acceptable,” she told Langdon.
"So we thought, well, we're in the perfect position to find out ... we'll lodge a name that's so outrageous that it couldn't possibly be accepted.”
Drysdale said she had been assured all applications were screened by humans and the chance the name would make it through would be incredibly low.

we're going through the process of getting a correction done, so it won't follow him around forever.

This got published on the web. This will follow him. Someone will dig it up eventually. Oh, so your mom is Kirsten Drysdale? Ha ha.

I mean Joe Lycett was briefly known as Hugo Boss, name didn't stick after he changed it back.

is she implying that elon is the father?

That's her other child, 🏋️xx🙈ul🪥

Techno methanicus

What is your email address? I need to send you a bill for a new keyboard because I ruined mine by spitting up tea.

Coward, she should have let that be his name.

We could have called him Methy and his son could have been called Methy Jr. or Meju for short.

She should have left it that way, see if thry want to go by methy, rules (like Jules?) Or just amphetamine for short.

He's going to be called Meth (Metho if NZ follows Aus nickname rules) by his mates as soon as they find out about this.

It's too good a story not to.

What a asshole.

Read the article


Then stay happily ignorant, but if there’s an asshole, it’s not her.