Modder Behind Oblivion Fan Remake Vows to See It Through Whether Bethesda Releases a Remaster or Not

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 177 points –
Modder Behind Oblivion Fan Remake Vows to See It Through Whether Bethesda Releases a Remaster or Not - IGN

Bethesdas remaster would probably be nothing more than a version with updated graphics and lighting and support for modern software. This guy is rebuilding the game from scratch in a modern engine.

in a modern engine.

Well, at least more modern than oblivion, Skyrim's is 12 years old...

Fun fact there were olny six years between Oblivion and Skyrims release. Thats right skyrim has been out longer than the release time between oblivion and skyrim.

You can add Morrowind to that timeline too, which came out in 2002, so 9 years between Morrowind and Skyrim. Crazy...

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These people are rebuilding the game from "scratch" in Skyrim's Creation Engine version, but it's still nothing more than a version with updated graphics and lightning. Bethesda's probably going to be using FO4 or Starfield's CE version, which will have the same result albeit shinier.

updated graphics and lighting and support for modern software

even that would be expecting too much, I'll be shocked if that "graphics update" is anything more than only slightly better texture replacements

Oblivion already is 4K/60fps on XSX thanks to FPSBoost and resolution enhanced. They're gonna have to justify if just a bit more than that.

Fix potato faces and leveling system would be a good start. Add real beards for Nords.

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Keep at it! Been stoked for Skyblivion. And there's no way the remaster will even match it. They'll likely just upgrade the graphics a bit and call it a day

Why do a remake of the worst ES? Lazyness?

Bethesda, do a (good!) rework of morrowind, you cowards!

At least Oblivion, unlike Skyrim, had actual classes (let's not talk about the leveling system, shall we?) and spell making. Plus some really, really good questlines (including the main quest, and the whole Shivering Isles expansion was rad AF). The cities also felt larger than in Skyrim and the Arcane University was an actual university, not a random village school with 3 students. Role-play wise Skyrim was the weakest of the three modern ES games.

Oblivion is pure comfort food to me. Sure it's a broken mess to the point where it's best not level up, but it just has this serene vibe to it.

A few years ago I replayed Oblivion for the first time since it came out. I played a pure spellcaster with no weapons or armor and it was a goddamn blast.

I would just sprint and jump around like a moron while invisible and ignore most threats. Threats I had to deal with got vaporized.

So much fun.

Delete your account.

That's a little extreme, here at the fediverse we should strive to do better than reddit, so instead of asking them to delete their account, ask them to defederate. ( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°)

It can't be remaked for many reasons. The best they can do is fund OpenMW or give up their assets. Actually making anything from it is not only rebuilding it, but solving many ways Morrowind is fucking broken.

And I love it for how disfunctional it is.

Since 2012 πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ bros are slower than scrolls 6 LMFAO

edit what does a fucking oblivion mod website with only some screenshots request cookies for

They are working with a unpaid team of volunteers vs a billion dollar company owned by a trillion dollar company with 100's of employee's.

Skyrim team was roughly 100 people idk why you include microsoft numbers from 2023 for, big numbers will make me look smart or what? πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


Skyblivion discord found meπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

100 full time dedicated engineers and artists which probably the majority of them are veterans vs a mod teams team of part time students and professionals. I don't know do the skull make you look more edgey?

They're also just a total of 77 people doing this in their spare time instead of a team of at least 300 full time devs.

Skyrim team was roughly 100, were you too lazy to google it and replied to me with a random number or what πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

And Skyrim took 6 years to make for a 100 people working a full time job?

How long did you expect 77 people working in their spare time to take? 2 months?

Skyrim = skyrim mod πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

Developing a full length game in Skyrim's engine = developing a full length game in Skyrim's engine

And Oblivion was a big fucking game, and it takes a lot of work to get it into Skyrim's engine and modifying it so that it looks like it fits.

Do you understand how long that is πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ Imagine starting a mario kart mod for the gba when it came out and mario kart 8 for the switch is ready before it, this is how long it took πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

I get that, but the Oblivion and Skyrim engines are not compatible with one another. Meaning that every single little event in Oblivion has to be manually reimplemented in Skyrim's engine.

When you're talking about a game the size of Oblivion, that's a big fucking task. And they're relying on volunteers to get this done.

Obvious rage bait is obvious. Don't feed the trolls

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The Black Mesa HL remake took 16 years to release (2004-2020).

And even then, did not release in a completed state until later (some of the alien world levels were missing)

I mean to be fair to them, they actually made Xen good instead of a chore.

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, it was everything a faithful remake should be!

You should read this post by Arnold Schwarzenegger. I think it applies to you very well.

I'm not sure how an adulterous bodybuilder can contribute to a post about skyrim mods, that link stays blue

Thanks for proving his point! Ignorant troll gonna stay ignorant. Job done here

Sure, enjoy the wisdom of an adulterer

I certainly did, he made a very eloquent point.

A great husband he isn't, but why should that mean you assume everything he says is bs?

Very closed minded way to live.... It's very possible to agree with someone on one point and still think they're a pos when it comes to other points.

I'll keep it in mind if I stumble upon his skyrim mod opinions

Yes I thought you might say something along those lines, have you ever heard of an analogy...?

I know you think you're making a relevant point, but really you just look like a 10 year old who struggles putting 2 and 2 together.

This has nothing to do with skyrim modding, and everything to do with your perception of a group of people who don't deserve your hate.

Let me know when you turn 11 and we can try again :) x

Guy who replies to me just to insult me calls me 11 year old, the ironyπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ and there was no analogy here, I was asked to read something " relevant " from Arnold, you have the english skills of an 11 year old as well, bro was projecting all along πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

No insults, just a guess :) x

The insult was your OP, and Arnold does a good job of illustrating why it makes you a cunt (there's the insult!)

Do you understand irony? Irony is including 8 emojis in a post defending yourself from being called a 10 year old.

Someone insulting you in a response which (by your definition) was only posted to insult you is just logical. Where's the irony?

The analogy is the post mate, but how would you know if it stayed blue...?

"Adult" triggered by literal emojis πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ "youre 11 if youre using emojis" πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ 5th period starting soon buddy, time for your literature class, today youre learning about analogies, next week, ironyπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

Ahhhh it's weirdly beautiful mate. This whole exchange is like one big illustration on irony and (ironically) you end your point by illustrating just how little you understood my posts.

It really is satisfying. But if you want to teach me something and show me why it would be ironic to insult you in a post which was designed specifically to insult you then I'm all ears :) x

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You know, it's unhealthy to be so negative all the time. Not saying you should only post positive comments all the time, just keep it in check so Lemmy aren't full of negative vibe.

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