A hard-right party gathers strength in Poland, pushing a new, less friendly course on Ukraine

HEISENBERG@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 164 points –
A hard-right party gathers strength in Poland, pushing a new, less friendly course on Ukraine

Of course, one is.

It's bankrolled and promoted by Putin via his troll farms online. They all are. It's his ace in the hole to stop helping Ukraine

That's overly simplistic and unhelpful. Economic stress has caused a lot of growth in right wing extremism... ignoring the role that neoliberal capitalism has played will just fuel their bullshit.

Also the polish state-run media, especially public tv has broadcast right wing talking points to every television in Poland for almost a decade now. Not to mention the social media campaigns.

Full of hate and fear against women, refugees and lgbtq people. It plays right into the messaging of this party, that pretends to be against PiS but is actually controlled opposition.

Why is the whole world pivoting hard right!? What the fuck is so attractive about these ideals? Because they're shit. Society is meant for Unity not complete Individualism.

Maybe because inequality is rising, making daily life harder and harder for the majority of the population. And some of these will buy into that it is because we are spending too much money helping people, and that their own lives would be easier if we didn't.

Edit: grammar

Together with misinformation spreading faster than light. During the rise of Internet I thought we could finally turn the world into a better place, spreading knowledge, educating the planet. Instead, the shittiest, most toxic ideas finally got a faster train to get on. Good luck dumping money into education to help people filter out shady sources. Especially when you actually got into power by spreading that shitty misinformation to begin with (this latter bit is not about Ukraine, more like other countries such as Hungary).

Usually because it's simple, straightforward, and familiar.

Or maybe it's people like you telling them their ideals are shit.

Yes, let's promote genocide because people on the internet are mean to me :(

Nice strawman. The left doesn't win because of elitism and them telling others "your ideas suck". Then they pull a surprise pikachu face because how could we have lost, our ideas don't suck! Meanwhile they keep alienating their voters more each day.

When politics fail on an epic scale, when politicians rather do nothing but drive off voters, the extremists rise.

The thing is that Russia for years has had their fingers on the scales to one degree or another in most of the countries it considers to be “adversaries” (read: any country in the EU or NATO) in various manners both illegal and technically legal, and we just haven’t done a fucking thing about it.

That's the thing with the image of an enemy: it's like a habit, apparently, and it's the easy way to control people: over fear. I want to believe that we all on this insignificant planet (on cosmic scale) will overcome that at one point and grow up a little bit. As humans, not as a member of that anachronistic idea of nations.

I'll never understand why, roughly once or twice a century, a bunch of absolute dumbfucks rise up, and we have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in men, materials, and time to fight them all back to the brink and shut them back down.

It's insane that this sort of thing happens with stunning regularity. It leaves us poorer, and entire generations of people are murdered because some jackass decided one day that some group of people are lesser than them. Fucking idiots.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Its convention in Katowice on Saturday, billed as its largest ahead of parliamentary elections on Oct. 15, was aimed at energizing more voters and at playing down antisemitism and other extreme views among some of its members.

No matter what happens on election day, Confederation has already altered the central European nation’s relationship with neighboring Ukraine, which is fighting for its survival against a brutal invasion from Russia.

Like other European hard-right parties, Confederation not only opposes vaccine mandates and mass migration, it is also hostile to LGBTQ+ people and skeptical on climate change.

It says it prefers tax cuts over cash handouts, a stance that appeals to some small business owners and adults with no children who are paying into the system but not seeing the money flow back to them.

Mentzen, who runs a brewery, also faced allegations of racism in 2021 by producing a beer called “White IPA Matters.” He said it was just a humorous reference to the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States.

Wojciech Przybylski, editor-in-chief of Visegrad Insight, a policy journal focused on Central Europe, said that extremist voters only make up a small fraction of Polish society.

The original article contains 1,198 words, the summary contains 196 words. Saved 84%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

What is the difference between this Party and PiS? Just their stance on Ukraine, the rest is the same?

Konfederosja is playing all possible cards. Liberals, nationalism, monarchy, capitalism. Anything that is not farmed by PiS, Konfederosja will try it. Anything and everything goes. You literally have to have zero self reflection to vote for them.

PiS is social nationalism for old people. They literally peddle Nazism to old people.

For added context - the party is called Konfederacja ("confederation") but some rightfully call it KonfedeROSJA. Rosja means russia in polish so it's a joke about how this is a party funded by the kremlin.