Israel Attack: Hamas Militants Parade Naked Body Of Israeli Woman In Open Truck; Disturbing Video Surfaces to World – 132 points –
Israel Attack: Hamas Militants Parade Naked Body Of Israeli Woman In Open Truck; Disturbing Video Surfaces

In a shocking incident, horrific visuals are surfacing on the internet in which it can be seen that the Hamas militants are taking a semi-naked dead body of an Israeli woman on an open truck and parading in the city. It is said that the militants after attacking Israel are killing and taking the civilians as hostage. The militants took the dead bodies of the innocent civilians who were killed during the attack in open trucks and paraded them.


It's stretch to call what is shown in the video "parading". The video shows the body facedown in the back of a pickup, partially covered with gear and the legs of the militants also riding in the back. The truck drives off quickly once the crowd allows. It seems more they they are just trying to move the body.

Does it just look like a regular funeral car, moving the body of a peaceful person to the graveyard for a kind goodbye with grieving family? Or, if you focus, could you see a group of people laughing oddly? Notice the armed passengers in the pick-up truck, surely feeling on top of the world because of what they're doing. Look at the man casually grabbing her by her dreadlocks. Spot the man who carelessly spat on her head at the end of the video. Check out her unnatural pose - could you please look at how her arm and leg are bent? Surprisingly, there's not any military gear on her.

I almost forgot - the person killed so hatefully seems to have been recognized. Check this: Notice the same boots, the identical tattoo on her leg, her dreadlocks, the victim's clothing looks the same as the woman in the link, and they were both near Gaza borders before the event.

To make matters worse, there's lots of viral videos showing these bad guys boldly kidnapping innocent women.

Put all these pieces together and the picture is really dark. Yet there they are, those "militants" who are "just moving the body" and the people watching, all making a great fun out of her dead body. It really makes you think that IS a parade?

Jesus fucking Christ simmer the fuck down, the guy didn't say "HAMAS IS DOING ALLAH'S WORK ALL PRAISE HIS NAME" he just took issue with the terminology.

I'm taking issue with the grasping of straws to build resentment to the Palestinians and their resistance. Certainly, I personally do not agree with all of Hamas's methods and ideology, but that is irrelevant. They are simply the good guys in this fight and we shouldn't be clutching our pearls about it.

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If you like I'm sure we can find some videos that actually show bodies being paraded through streets. That's just not what's happening in the video from the article. They are trying to move the body as quickly as they can, possibly even to prevent something really atrocious from happening. Like it or not, Hamas are the good guys in this fight, regardless of the actual provenance or treatment of the corpse.

Your literally arguing whether or not a dead body was being "paraded" or not, and saying - meh, they're fighting a fight I agree with, so it doesn't matter if atrocities are committed. Fuck. You.

Hey, for all I know maybe Hamas is just bad a parading. Regardless, any and all atrocities in this conflict are ultimately the fault of the Israeli occupiers. I'm sorry if that's the side with which you identify.

Hey, for all I know maybe Hamas is just bad a parading

Imagine being such a piece of garbage that this is your first thought...

And I don't care WHO is uLtImAtEly at fault. Atrocities are atrocities. And you're a piece of shit human being.

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This is almost as bad as the Palestinian settlement destruction and genocide by Israel. Not quite but almost.

What Israel does is as you described. But can we please not use whataboutism to try and justify barbaric behavior? This is grotesque. Things done to Palestine are grotesque. Let’s just call evil things evil and not try and say “hey cause someone else did an evil this evil is okay.”

I mean I can't say I support murdering civilians, but Israel had this coming for a long time. It's not whataboutism, more just the natural consequence of Israeli policy the last 80 years.

I never said what you're implying. This is not what aboutism in any sense.

Saying “this is almost as bad” establishes a comparison, and in the context establishes justification for this event because of the comparator. So your response to the barbarism here is a tacit justification by comparison, or taken in another view, a counter accusation. Which is definitive whataboutism: responding to an accusation with a counter accusation.

Comparing two acts isn't

If someone slaps you and you stab him back it's not whataboutism to point out the disproportionate use of force.

I made no attempt to downplay or excuse the actions of Palestine.

This is not a debate. I pointed out a fact and you got upset about it. Fallacies don't come into play here at all.

Comparing two acts is the textbook definition of whataboutism.

🤣. Oh look you're doing exactly what Wikipedia describes (parenthesis mine):

Whataboutism can provide necessary context into whether or not a particular line of critique is relevant or fair (this is what I did), and behavior that may be imperfect by international standards may be appropriate in a given geopolitical neighborhood (which is the circumstance here).[7]

(Here's where you come in): Accusing an interlocutor of whataboutism can also in itself be manipulative and serve the motive of discrediting, as critical talking points can be used selectively and purposefully even as the starting point of the conversation (cf. agenda setting, framing, framing effect, priming, cherry picking). The deviation from them can then be branded as whataboutism.[citation needed]

You look like a fool.

Whole lotta words just to say I'm right. Thanks for backing me up I guess...?

Only you're not, this is the exception like it clearly lays out.

You even admit it yourself: "Whataboutism can provide necessary context into whether or not a particular line of critique is relevant or fair (this is what I did)". I didn't say whether the whataboutism was fair or not, just that the definition was comparing two things. Which you've agreed with.

This is hilarious. The exception means that in this case it is completely valid and not a fallacy. Eg: whether or not it is relevant or fair.

You tried to call me out and then got hung by your own petard.

I never said it wasn't valid. Just that the definition of whataboutism was comparing two things. Someone else called you out and you seem to think it was me. Imagine going through life being so sensitive. Must be exhausting.

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Both are bad but can we work on our own issues, can't even make peace within our own Western nations between conservatives and liberals

How do you know the poster you responded to is Western? Maybe this IS his issue.

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Just saw Andor recently. Very interesting the parallel between Israel and the Empire. The issue is the overarching reach of Israel throughout the conflict that is only help breeding more radicals. And islamic martyrdom is just another factor that would serve as a cayalyst for more violence in the area. I'm impressed how long Israel defense held up.

OMG this is just like my Heckin Disney showerino!!!!

Lol, I pretty much react to this whenever I see people reference pop culture shit.

It just doesn't matter, and they're usually trying to tell people "I enjoyed this thing, you should watch it too! It's relevant I swear!"

Which is almost as bad as the people who inevitably pop up exclaiming how they're definitely way too cool to enjoy [thing that is currently popular]

Found the guy who feels called out.

That's okay, new season of mandalorian coming out soon!

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of how not like other kids you are.

Yeah... you would think having higher standards is just 'not being like other kids.'

Lol. Don't forget to pay your subscription.

All of the year 2020 was just like that movie "Outbreak" with Dustin Hoffman and Rene Russo

Tarkovski was able to make movies with overtly religious themes in the Soviet Union, because it was 'just science fiction'.

Andor is a tv show about more than just funny space aliens. So is Star Wars obviously, but Andor is properly good tv.

Thankfully people thinking it's 'just a Disney show' or 'it's just scifi' is how stuff like this slips under the radar. See also: trans metaphor The Matrix, Starship Troopers equating right-wing American militarism with Nazi Germany, and V for Vendetta's ambiguity on the ethics of terrorism.

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