Rule to – 140 points –

this truck clearly needs more/better adjusted mirrors

My first thought "how can right outside his window be a blind spot?" Can't he just look out the window?

When I did driver's ed they actually got a semi cab and had us all sit in it so we could see exactly how the blind spots work, even with fish eye mirrors. The cab is so high up you'd have to crane your neck to see most cars down there.

Is't there an overhead mirror for that blind spot?

They certainly help but not all trucks have them, at that point you're dealing with 3 different mirrors on each side between the fisheye, regular, and separate overhead mirror, and there are still little spots that are hard to keep an eye on. Stack that on top of drivers doing the same monotonous task for 10+ hours a day and you're really better off just staying out of their blind spots as best you can

you've been hit by

you've been struck by

truck.... d'OW!

Stupid driver bought a truck with steering wheel on wrong side

But it's on the right-hand side, like the vast majority of cars and trucks?

Are you British, Australian, or Japanese? (Or another place I don't know about?)

Because I am like 70% sure the rest of the world has left-side steering wheels

South africa and New zealand also drive on the left afaik. After having examinated their profile I think they come from new zealand

There are more blind spots than this btw

Is it because of vehicle/height differences that there is a blindspot where one could easily see out the side window?

Curious, not sarcastic.

Proper mirrors would allow the driver to see most of those side blind spots, or at least tell something is there. A fish eye mirror at the bottom would catch anything missed by a flat mirror. The important thing is to not hang out in those areas when you can go ahead and pass. And don't try to squeeze through when a truck is swinging out to make a wide turn, because at some point he definitely can't see you, and may not even feel you get run over.

Generally the rule of thumb is that if you can see their mirrors they can see you.

The AI in Euro Truck Simulator REALLY needs to see this post

No relaxing drive under the speed limit in the slow lane is complete without "Damage penalty €400" out of nowhere

Sometimes I binge bad driving people, and the amount of people who don't understand that lorries have blind spots astounds me.

I'm sorry but I refuse to accept the right side blindspot.

Turn your fucking head.

Do you mean the driver side blind spot? The one on the passenger side is real depending on the size of your vehicle. I drive trucks and while it's not quite as big as this shows there definitely is a blind spot where I cannot see the car that's level with my door. A pickup can generally be seen

Edit: I looked closer and just realized he is driving on the wrong side this isn't OK

So ya you are mostly correct there is a small blind spot drivers side but not that big

Considering the front blind spot I just assumed the driver is sitting on the right side (the correct side btw)

Lately, I've been seeing a lot of trucks in my country have a "dead angles" sticker that shows something similar.

That's shouldn't be right 🥁

Explaining my own joke ... the driver is driving on the wrong side