carrot rule to – 345 points –

Good thing there is a drawing for when you give up reading.

So shaved dick is bigger?

I think this is one of those "you vs. the guy she told you not to worry about" memes.

You're too small, but the other guy is too big. You'll be fine.

The amount of people that need psychological medication posting things is a lot now. Maybe reddit turning to shit was a good thing and I should just quit all of these social networks for my mental health.

Maybe should quit you when the has need post thing social lot bad bad all them.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

If you don't like the content on this community, feel free to block it

I think it's more that crazy people post more on social media more than social media causes crazy.

That said this is clearly a joke and quite funny to me. But otoh here I am posting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

but happens when carrot big size big leaf is big and carrot leaf small not big small carrot? hmmm 🤔