Donald Trump turns up at New York fraud trial, complains it distracts from campaign to Not The – 421 points –
Donald Trump turns up at New York fraud trial, complains it distracts from campaign

Good. Breaking the law should inconvenience you.

Has he tried … not doing fraud?

Have some compassion.

Fraud is highly addictive. He needs to be in a fraud rehab center where trained professionals can step him down from treason to committing misdemeanors in a safe, controlled environment.

That's like asking him to stop breathing, he has been doing it all his life.

Bro you literally don’t have to be there lmfao

He's lying about having to be there. He's also lying about it distracting from the campaign. Him being at the trial is part of the campaign. Him saying it's distracting from the campaign, is also part of the campaign.

He’s insufferable

Also, part of the campaign

It is interesting to see what he’s really like, is his outward personality part of being the perfect candidate or is it an act that he has spent a career practicing

Where does Trump the god of the inbreds end and where does Trump the pathetic begin

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He should punch himself in the face and wear handcuffs and a gag. Really sell it.

“I’m kicking my own ass here, do you mind?”

My god, who did this to you?

"A mad man your honor! A desperate fool at the end of his pitiful ropes!"

What did he look like?

"Uh...about 6'2", 210lbs, big face, kinda orange"

210 pounds, yea in your bra!

I mean your boobs are huge. I mean uh I wanna squeeze em. Uh uh 😗😙😗😙 momma

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He's a horrible person but as of yet nobody has really introduced him to consequences, so his delusions remain intact.

He cares more about being rich than being president, hence this trial takes president over becoming president.