Mike Lindell's $500 Wi-Fi monitoring devices are BANNED from polling stations in Kentucky after My Pillow CEO and election conspiracy theorist claimed signals were tampering with votes

Salamendacious@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 301 points –
  • The MyPillow CEO created the devices to be able to detect and identify Wi-Fi networks at polling stations

  • But Kentucky officials say they could violate state law and have banned their use

  • Lindell has been banned from X for spreading false claims about 2020 election fraud


Detecting WiFi, in a building where voting machines literally CANNOT connect to WiFi, proves ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Doing it in Kentucky is EVEN FUNNIER.


Donald Trump - 1,326,646 - 62.09%
Joe Biden - 772,474 - 36.15%


Mitch McConnell - 1,233,315 - 57.8%
Amy McGrath - 816,257 - 38.2%

Again, arguing about manipulation in an election Trump WON. Do they think the vote should have been 100%? Because that's not going to happen...

The wifi will activate the 5G nanocells in the "vaccinated" voters and control them to vote the wrong candidate.

It proves the presence of the unrelated thing, which they've convinced idiots that know nothing about Elections or WiFi is scary magic Vote changing beams, is present.

Too many of them believe that Wi-Fi causes cancer and that COVID was engineered to spare Jews. Our shitty public school system is intentional, keeps us dumb and scared

I really thought it was odd that, of all the states, Kentucky is the one pushing back on this

What a ridiculous idea. Proving that wifi exists in a polling station means nothing, and gathering the info from people’s phones is definitely a privacy violation in a vote setting. This psycho and his devices should not be allowed anywhere near where people vote in any state.

The best news from that article is how it recounts that his business is crumbling.

Did you watch the excerpts from his insane deposition? The best parts are when he laments the downfall of his stupid pillow company.

Well I know what I'm watching tonight now

Haha, well... just so you know, it's 40 minutes of Lindell freaking out and insulting the questioning lawyer mixed with whining. It was horrible but also the kind of spectacle from which it is difficult to look away. The court reporter refused to return for the second day.

It's not really about voter fraud, it's about sowing seeds of doubt about elections. Hopefully it just discourages his fan from showing up to vote in the first place.

This is the stupidest idea. Do people not realize how many people walk around with hotspot enabled on their phones? It’s so easy to forget it’s still on.

And how many People don't even know a WiFi Hotspot is a thing.

Does your phone not turn off hotspot automatically when nothing is connected for a period of time?

Imagine your normal day of using hotspot coupled with needing to vote that day. It would be enabled while voting.

I don't use hotspot on my phone on a daily basis, I use it if I'm out in the field somewhere and my work laptop needs Wi-Fi and then the hotspot feature turns itself off automatically when my laptop is no longer connected to my phone for a period of time.

I'll occasionally use hotspot for my Wi-Fi only personal tablet as well while I'm traveling. But that's about the extent of my use for it.

Same for me but one other use I've found is to allow ancient devices to connect to the internet, such as an old gaming console or laptop that can't be updated to meet modern specs, usually my phone is like, "sure, no problem, outdated and unsecured device, I'm happy to share my secrets with you."

This crackhead won't give up. How does he have any money to develop anything with all his legal expenses?

Well the maga base seem very willing to donate "for the cause" but I'm just guessing

The entire MAGA ideology is based around the adage about fools and their money.

So, he reinvented wardriving as part of his election conspiracy? $500 is expensive when you can just use WiGLE on your phone and accomplish the same thing. Many people were already doing this for a hobby or to help cybersecurity analysts anyway.

How can conservatives manage being both the joke, and the punchline while thinking anyone is going to take them seriously ever again?

That entire political party is forever ruined. And it’s god damned hilarious how they did it.

How can conservatives manage being both the joke, and the punchline

Denial is more than just a river

some hand gesture

Does it matter if they start a civil war? Being on the outside looking in, it seems to be a possible reality.

At this point? As far as I’m concerned… no. It doesn’t matter. Fuck this place. They’re hell-bent on destroying their own country, who am I to stop them? We’ve learned that votes don’t matter- so I say fuck it- let them have their way and let reality show them what reason and logic couldn’t.

If you have an Android phone, Wifiman or WifiAnalyzer (both free apps without ads) can tell you all the specs you could ever need about nearby Wifi access points. I can tell you this, they are usually really boring.

This is another attempt by a right wing conspiracy theorists to scam 500 dollars out from his supporters.

If anyone wants a real and fully functional version of this, check out the pwnagotchi. You can build it yourself or you can buy a prebuilt one. Good for on-the-go network analysis.

If I set my phone to serve as a hotspot while I vote, what are the best wifi names I could use to get a laugh or scare people?

I'm thinking something like:

  • vote count adjuster

  • ballot changer

  • vote improvement machine

I'm not terribly creative, let's see what you all can come up with.

What do these Wi-Fi monitoring devices even look like? I can't find a picture of one anywhere or any information about it. Mind you, I do not want to purchase one but I'm just curious about it.

What are you talking about? The article includes a photo of the device.


I'll forgive someone who can't pick out that picture among all the ads on the site. I also didn't spot it until you pointed it out.

The part that got me was that he or she couldn't find a picture anywhere. It was also easy to find by just doing an image search.