Nigeria: 76 people arrested for organising a "gay wedding to World – 402 points –
Nigeria: 76 people arrested for organising a "gay wedding  | Africanews

Religion did this.

“With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.” ―Steven Weinberg

So then according to Steven only religion can make evil people do good, inverse law. Thoughts?

"Inverse Law"? You do realize there's no such thing, right?

If a man can eat a hamburger, does the "inverse law" mean a hamburger can eat a man?

Lemmy is wild sometimes....

Okay so you don’t think religion can make evil things good, you coulda just said that.

Was just trying to spark some conversation around the context of the statement, which itself seems silly to me on the surface.

Cause I dunno, I’m an atheist, but I wonder if there’s ever any edge cases of religion helping people, or if you’d all rather just shit over it like we always do.

I mean, religion likely was successful because in early agrarian societies having arbitrary reasons to bury the dead and burn the leftovers of butchered animals had hygiene benefits, so it brought some benefits to humanity in a given time and place.

But maybe not the best idea to cling to obsolete ideas past the point they are beneficial, particularly when other piggybacking ideas are actively harmful.

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Worse: religion on the other side of the world did this. It was US Evangelicals who spent decades and tons of money to make this happen.

Didn’t know US Christo fundies brought Islam to north Nigeria. Read the article. It happened in a place that has Sharia law.

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Nigeria has been screwed over by unstable religious zealots inculcating their heads with pernicious misinformed bullcrap for decades. This is the primary example I use when explaining why I equate missionary work with slavery and abuse in every possible way. It's far more corrupt and perverse to brainwash ignorant people into sick and unjustifiable bigotry against other better human beings than it is to perform any other act of malicious intent possible. Nigeria has been lead into the deepest darkness of all - ignorance and hate and the pernicious filth of bigotry. And that's why they totally fail as a nation.

They fail as a nation because it was pieced together by British crooks for the benefit of theft, which required ethnic/political instability for it to work. The most popular religion in the south of the country was also introduced by Brits (alongside other European capitalists) for the benefit of the European capitalists. Nigeria is a completely artificial nation, nothing about it makes sense or was done for the benefit of its inhabitants.

Religion: condemning love between adults and approving of marriage between adults and minors.

Straight up. A while back Nazi incel Nick Fuentes defended child marriage and grooming, and most people in the replies agreed with him.

The relationship between pedophilia and religiosity/conservatism is as clear as day. Pedocon is as much of a theory as the theory of gravity.

I see a lot of comments that seem not to have read this relevant part of the article:

Gombe State, where the arrests took place on Saturday, is also one of the northern states with a Muslim majority where Islamic Sharia law is applied alongside the federal and state judicial systems.

Under Sharia law, homosexual relations are punishable by death. However, this sentence has never been applied in northern Nigeria. The NSCDC spokesman refused to say whether the suspects arrested on Saturday would be charged under Sharia law or ordinary law.

Does it bother anyone else that the camera isn't centered between the yellow and green or is it just me?

It bothers me that it takes 76 people to organise a wedding.

So, is Nigeria just that fucked up, or is it a specific city/region/administration?

it's everywhere american conservatives have a relationship and right now it's strongest in africa

Asshole conservatives export their bigoted assholery to what they see as the weakest, most impressionable people they can corrupt. It's why so many otherwise once good and proud Tongans, for example, now subscribe to the idiotic inhumanity that is Mormonism and all the horror that it has created and continues to create in the world, and all the misery it continues to spread. That's what they've done to Nigeria. Africa is no longer a proud continent - and no longer can we look at is as the "cradle" of any civilized nation.