Mike Johnson's ties to Christian nationalism revealed

HLMenckenFan@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 394 points –
Mike Johnson's ties to Christian nationalism revealed

Pretty sure the "R" next to his name was enough to tie him to Christian nationalism.

Came here to say this. I have assumed for at least the last 20 years that any Republican politician is a christian nationalist, and though I don't have specific figures, I think I've probably been correct 99% of the time.

That 1% is just due to caution -- I don't have anyone in mind.

There's that whole "the family" thing.

They approach young first term republicans in DC, and shower them with attention and bribes/donations. To play ball, you almost have to deal with them. Because everyone else in your party already did, you'll never get preference over another member.

the Republican previously worked as an attorney for the [Alliance Defending Freedom, formerly Alliance Defense Fund or ADF], a Christian advocacy group Posner described as having ambitions to "eviscerate the separation of church and state."

Fuck this dude. The ADF is a horrible organization.

who the hell thought it was a good idea to have the speaker role not just be a neutral person who manages debate procedures in the house?

I think the bigger problem is that there are only two parties. Having the biggest party lead the house wouldn't be as big of an issue if they were still a minority of the total collection.

4 more...

Political Islam and Christianity, what could go wrong

We really are repeating the last century aren't we. Instead of jews it'll be gays and marijuana users. Canada sounds like a nice place.

Oh trust me, the Jews will be targeted as well. They always are, and the Christians only like the Jews in Israel because News holding Israël is a prerequisite for the end times

Oh trust me, the Jews will be targeted as well.

Of course! Who do you think is turning the frogs gay? It's the Jewish scientists with their 5g vaccines, rights-destroying mask mandates, and space lasers.

/s just in case...

Cadet bonespurs will be whining to oust this guy soon, before he steals the cult.

"Before arriving in Washington less than a decade ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a deeply religious Christian, was a legal crusader associated with a fringe evangelical movement called ‘young Earth creationism,’ based on a literal reading of the Bible’s Book of Genesis that posits the Earth is only several thousand years old,” the HuffPost reports.