Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, a Democrat, has won reelection to politics – 262 points –

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear has beaten his Republican challenger. Beshear is a blue governor in a red state, and the race saw national politics as a primary issue.


Now please, Kentucky, PLEASE STOP voting for Putin's Puppet Rand Paul, the actual literal traitor, for U.S. Senate. Kthx

Republicans would still vote for him even if he admitted it.

Wow, Kentucky racists accidentally did something good for once. Everyone gets a much better governor for the next 4 years because a bunch of hicks couldn’t bring themselves to vote for a black man.

A win is a win, I guess.

Kentuckians overwhelmingly choose democratic governors.

I mean..

This is Kentucky. Not Vermont or Oregon..

This should tell you some things..

It means republicans are going to completely give up on democracy.

Qult45 has already given up on democracy and the US Constitution.

In their words and their actions, many many times now.

Coup 2: Electric Boogaloos, comming soon to a town near you.

This implies that they ever cared about it in the first place

Implication being that if Republicans are losing in states they think they should win, they’re not going to change their positions, candidates, or arguments, but instead try to rig the system so they still win.

There might be 4 or 5 examples, but can you name 6? If you can, I’m going to need 7! If 7 then 8! If 8 then…

And you could, the Conservative Party of the US really, really likes this move.

Look at the other statewide races in KY though. Beshear is just popular enough as governor. This single race means nothing for the state on a national level. National Democratic politics will not swing KY in 2024.

For one, it shows that the centrist line about progressives not being able to win in red states is self-serving hogwash.

we need to leave it to the states, they said. vote for us and we’ll overturn Roe, they said.

It's hard to determine if you are talking about Republicans and states rights, or Biden calling RvW a states rights issue that belongs to the purview of the states.

Republicans since HW Bush have been saying that it should be a state issue, which is ridiculous. They've also said they would overturn Roe. They achieved it and now they reap the whirlwind. The states are turning against them.

Biden has said RvW is a states rights issue his entire career

I'll let him defend a vote he made in 1981, but what I'm talking about is the promises Republicans made to evangelicals to get their votes.

Which is nothing like the DNC promising to codify for 50 years to get their votes. Abortion is a windfall for red and blue fascists alike.

I guarantee that it takes money to gain office. News to you?

The point is Dems have never had any intention of codifying Roe, only to sell fear porn and make money. They fucked around and we found out.

There was never a reason to codify Roe. It's not everyday the Supreme Court reverses itself after 50 years.

Congress thought it needed to be codified.

Per Jerry Nadler, co-sponcer of the Freedom of Choice Act in 2000, 2004, 2006, and 2009

Congressman Jerrold Nadler today announced the re-introduction the Freedom of Choice Act, H.R. 5151. The legislation would codify the Roe v. Wade decision. His statement on the legislation follows:

“I am pleased to join so many leaders in the pro-choice movement, and my colleagues, and Senator Barbara Boxer, to introduce the Freedom of Choice Act.

“This legislation would, for the first time, codify the rights guaranteed under the Constitution by Roe v. Wade. It would bar government – at any level – from interfering with a woman’s fundamental right to choose to bear a child, or to terminate a pregnancy. I want to thank Senator Barbara Boxer for introducing this legislation in the Senate and for her tireless efforts in defending a woman's right to choose.


That’s why the pro-choice community supports the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) – a measure that would codify Roe v. Wade’s protections and guarantee the right to choose for future generations of women.

Per Barbara Boxer 2013

“We codify Roe v. Wade … so that we don’t have to fight these battles state by state by state by state,” Boxer said about the new bill.

In the Congressional Tribute to Senator Alan Cranston

He consistently championed women's access to health care and reproductive health services. He was the Senate author of the Freedom of Choice Act to codify into federal law the Roe v. Wade court decision.

The DNC saw a need to codify, but every attempt at bringing the various bills to the floor were referred, by Democrats, to committee where they went to die.

So all those people that could codify didn't even submit a bill....

Oh no, it was submitted and then referred to committee where it went to die every single time. In three times that it was presented to the House, it was referred to committee by Nancy Pelosi. Since Roe versus Wade was originally ruled by scotus, there have been about 10 bills presented to codify RvW, and they've all been killed by Democrats and Republicans alike.

In 2008, while campaigning, Senator Obama promised he would sign the freedom of choice act day one of his presidency in a speech to planned Parenthood. 6 months later in April after he was sworn in, he said it was no longer a legislative priority despite still having democrat control of the senate and house

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This is the best summary I could come up with:

Andy Beshear received attention and praise from voters for his leadership through the COVID-19 pandemic, deadly tornadoes, record flooding and ice storms.

Beshear, who won the governor's race in 2019, made increasing abortion access a focal point of his campaign, an unexpected move for a Democrat in the socially conservative state.

Last year, Kentuckians rejected adding language to the state constitution that would make it harder to challenge abortion restrictions.

Beshear specifically focused on adding exceptions for rape and incest to Kentucky's law, which currently only allows abortion if the mother is at immediate risk of death or permanent injury.

Jaime Harrison, who chairs the DNC, called the election result a "major blow to the MAGA agenda and awful news to Republicans running in 2024."

"As we've seen time and again following the overturning of Roe v. Wade – no matter how red the state – voters across the political spectrum oppose GOP attempts to rip away their freedom," he said in a statement.

The original article contains 533 words, the summary contains 164 words. Saved 69%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!